
Transported to One Piece

A Person was transported to One Piece... What Could Happen Grammar is very bad... I think... Just bear with it... Thanks. Copyright Disclaimer: I do NOT own any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. No copyright infringement intended.

inverted · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs


I was transported in the world of people with have abilities. But luckily to survive in this place I have a system that can help me. Wooo.

[System Iniatialization]




Host: Cero

Age: 15

Status: Very Weak

Cero just woke up in this world. Confused about what happened to him, because the last thing he remembers was a website that can transport you to the world of One Piece. The content of the website was the what year, month and the location will you will be teleported to and last if you want to include a system.

He wrote the Year of 1522, the month of July, location is Fishman Island at the Sea Forest, the northeast of Fish-Man Island. Also, include a system with him.

As he completed filling it. He pressed enter and what followed is a blinding light that lasted for a minute. Cero then opened his eyes looking up to the sky, stood up, and was shocked looking at his surrounding. There was a lot of coral growing around it, populated by all kinds of sea fauna, including schools of fish and pods of whales. There are also several shipwrecks there because of the sunken ships are dragged by the sea currents.

After seeing the surroundings. He starts to look at his body. He was wearing a white t-shirt and black pants. He looks like Basara Toujou of Shinmai Maou no Testament, is tall, handsome, and slim with unkempt brown hair jutting in all directions and light green eyes.

Satisfied at his body, he then opened the system.

"Welcome user to the world of One Piece. Today you will start to train your body to the fullest and become the top of this world." the system said."New Task 100 Sit-ups, 100 Push-ups, 100 Squats, and 10km run. Reward: Food and Water (for one day), Clothes, Tent."

As the system said. Cero was a bit pissed just because he just to see what was the features in the system, not expecting a task as he opened it. Nevertheless, he did what the system asked him for, just because of the reward the system provided.

He started to train after doing that his body was sore and sweating all over his over the body.

"Task complete, Reward: Food and Water (for one day), Clothes, Tent." system said.

He then opened the system, and the features inside it were Status, Inventory, and Store. Cero then opened Inventory, pulled out Clothes, and Tent. The tent was small, can only fit one person and the clothes looks the same as he currently wearing.

"Haaa, at least the system is generous enough to provide his needs." Cero thought. he then lit a fire and pulled from his inventory Food and Water, after eating he started to rest a bit.

After a few minutes, he started to open the system and pressed the Store. the content inside was three tabs named. "One Piece, Naruto and Bleach." Inside One Piece has Devils Fruits, Three Types of Haki, and Six Powers. Naruto has Dojutsu. Lastly, Bleach has only Hohō, Zanpakuto Spirit(Hyōrinmaru)

When Cero saw this, he was very excited because if he completed buying them, the dream of being the top will be the reality but that will happen in the future.

"How can buy something on the store system?" Cero said. "You can get them when you finish a task given by the system. One item is equal to one task completed. Currently, some items can't be bought as the user is weak. You can get one item now." System replied.

"Hmm... What will I get now." Cero thought to himself then bought Get your Zanpakuto. What happened next was a light slowly forming a sword. When it finished forming the outcome was ordinary looking katana, but when Cero holds it, he can feel the power of the Zanpakuto. And when he slashed downwards, The Zanpakuto releases similar to Getsuga Tenshou but a small portion of it. The result is the ground has a straight line where he slashed downwards. It was a bit destructive

Cero then felt weak after releasing that, he summoned back his Zanpakuto and slowly went back to his tent to rest. When he was resting a shadow was slowly lurking at Cero's tent.

"So he was one that did that... A human huh... but why is he here..." then the shadow slowly dissipates.

Cero woke up in the morning and the system gave him the same task as yesterday. After doing the task, Cero ventured around the Sea Forest. As he went found the Poneglyph but did not think much of it as he can't read it. Few minutes after finding the Poneglyph, he went up to the hill at the Sea Forest. Only to find a large grave marker.

"If I am right then this is the grave of the former queen of Ryugu Kingdom, Otohime." Cero thought and pay respect to the deceased. He then went back to where his tent is and trained his Zanpakuto and his future to be called Getsuga Tenshou.

Three days have passed without nothing serious happened but what happened today was that the system stopped giving the task to Cero. He asked the system why.

"It is for the user to not get everything in the Store. Do not be dependent on the system user. Be a good boy and continue training. I will give a task IF needed ^^" System said. I can understand why the system did that. I can not always rely on the system.

Currently, I can get 4 items on the Store now. After thinking about what to get, Cero finally bought Shunpo from Bleach, Observation Haki from One Piece, and Directly bought Two Tomoe Sharingan from Naruto.

Cero felt someone afar as soon as he got Observation Haki, turned around, and looked at it, but did not go to it as the person was just observing him. Cero just activated his Sharingan changing his Light green eyes to Red with two tomoe on it. He can feel an incredible clarity of perception and with the help of Observation Haki enchanting it.

He then practiced Shunpo, Cero can do it a few times then became tired as Shunpo was taking a toll on his stamina.

Cero took a rest and opened the System, went to Status.


Host: Cero

Age: 15

Status: Healthy (No Combat Experience)


Zanpakuto Spirit (Hyōrinmaru)

Observation Haki

Two Tomoe Sharingan



Cero just sighed when saw his status but can't refute as the system was right that he has no combat experience what so ever. Even before he was transported to One Piece. He was a loner, average teenager, with no friends. Only anime and mangas can fill his loneliness. Cero could now rely on himself as his plot armor is non-existent, unlike Luffy or the Straw Hat Pirates.

One week has passed, Cero was thankful that the system can provide his food and water every day. His abilities are now showing improvement. As his body showing a bit of muscle. His shunpo can now be used multiple times, its speed and distance increased. His Observation Haki now can reach further now. He can now see a short period into the future with his Sharingan. He now uses Zanpakuto like a master swordsman and now his Getsuga Tenshou can be once to its original destructive power. As it is very powerful but also consumes 80% of his Power.

Now panting after releasing Getsuga Tenshou, looking at the hill almost cut in half, causing a commotion in Fish-Man Island. He quickly left after catching his breath. As always the shadow looked at him leaving.

"What power is that... A devil fruit? And why every day I see him, he gets stronger... hmm... Interesting human." the shadow then left.

The next day after blasting the hill Cero received a task from the system.

"New Task: Work at the Mermaid Cafe in Coral Hill. Reward: Get 1 Item from the Store." system said.

Please be gentle

invertedcreators' thoughts