
Transmigration in a Hentai and Fantasy world

Set in a time where everything is set in a time where there isn't any rules only thing is who is conquered

Dracoking · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter 01 Awoken In A New World Pt.1

As I started to open my eyes in a strange room in a decent size bed room which I started to realize exactly where I am. But I could tell something was a little off. William's thoughts ( how can I be in the Hyoudou's household)? While being lost in thought I could feel a burning sensation in my right hand and forearm soon I found myself in a dark space.

Deep voice ( So you're my host I can sense great potential in you) while standing in disbelief knowing what Issei Hyoudou had felt when he first met Ddrage the Welsh Dragon but what stood in front of me is on the Titan proportion which was a dark Grey Dragon William ( who are you and where am I)? I asked the towering Dragon in front of me with curiosity.

Deep voice ( Impressive you're standing there without a ting of fear inside you and to answer your question my name is Bahamut the Titan Dragon and you'll be my first host). When I heard what Bahamut had said I had a small shiver go down my spine due the intense stare with his piercing purple slit eyes. Then I had a sudden thought because I knew that I needed power to survive in this world and a whole lot of training.

William Drako ( Um excuse me Bahamut is there anyway you could turn me into a dragon)? After the dragon had heard my question I could see the shock expression in his face then he burst into laughter Bahamut ( Hahaha ha what a interesting host I have indeed you want to become a dragon with my sacred gear which I don't know what it would be). William ( but is there away though)? I asked him with determination in my voice.

Bahamut ( Well there are several ways that you could turn into an dragon but the most effective way and also dangerous way to do it is by changing your human heart into one of a dragon). Listening to his opinion and explanation I already done made up my mind on what I wanted to give William ( I choose to give you everything that I am).

Bahamut ( WHATTTTTTTTTTT)!!!!!! He roared out in shock as our eyes locked onto one another Bahamut ( there's no turning back I'll turn you into a full fledged dragon but you will have 10% of your humanity while 90% will be full dragon but be warned this process will be extremely painful) William ( No pain No gain let's do this partner) when Bahamut had heard the conviction in my voice he couldn't help but smirk Bahamut ( very well than partner) and with that my metamorphosis had started for the entire night my screams filled my whole room and entire which didn't wake up anyone since I stayed alone but my transformation didn't go unnoticed by other supernatural beings that are in this world and one in particular girl in a particular household. Elizabeth Hyoudou the only daughter of Miki Hyoudou.

I'll be updating the Mc's Harem members as the story progress

Dracokingcreators' thoughts