
Transmigration in a Hentai and Fantasy world

Set in a time where everything is set in a time where there isn't any rules only thing is who is conquered

Dracoking · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 02 Awoken In A New World Pt.2

Elizabeth Hyoudou was known as a closet prevert and had a close friend name Aika Kiriyuu and even though they were both prevs they were both virgins. Back with Elizabeth but deep inside her subconscious a black serperaten dragon eyes slowly started to open due to the presence it felt due to the extreme pressure it felt from William Drako's awakening.

In another location in a particular forest two female dragons who was in middle of a battle and these two women were Tiamat the Choas Karma Dragon and Irene Belserion the Crisim Dragon stopped and looked at one another Tiamat (that aura it couldn't be)? Irene Belserion ( how is he alive after all this time)? They couldn't help but ask theirselves. In a location we could see a colossal red dragon which is known as the dragon of dragon great red but goes by another name stopped doing flips. Everyone who was part of the supernatural world had felt the power surge to some extent.

Back with William Drako

As I was in the middle of my transformation from being human to a dragon while trying to survive my metamorphosis that will shake the entire world. The next morning I could be found laying down on my bedroom floor drenched in cold sweat Bahamut ( Will are you awake)? He asked me out of concern because of the metamorphosis I went through didn't have a high successful rate of me surviving changing my entire being of a dragon.

There was a moment of silence as tension was high until I finally spoke William ( yea I'm with you Bahamut) I answered back while breathing heavily. Bahamut ( hahaha well done host you are remarkable surviving something like this your the first one to turn every body part of one of a dragon but I most warn you to avoid dragon slaying weapons and that you will live longer and that you will have a high Libido as well a mating season. You can also mark your mates as well have your own Servants due to your new status) as I was listening to what he was saying something had stand out to me .

William ( what do you mean by my new status)? I asked him with curiosity Bahamut ( well the time I was alive I was considered as a True Dragon God due to the fact I was part devil as well and due to me using my own powers to turn you into a dragon you're still 90% part dragon but 5% part human & 5% part devil so holy weapons can affect you but not as much so you still have a little of your humanity left). After listening to his explanation I was left in shock Bahamut ( so now we need to get you train on how to use my powers and ability to help you unlock your sacred gear and help find you someone to train you to be a dragon as well as a devil to help you with your devil trait). As I was listening to his explanation I was standing in the mirror looking at my reflection I had a physic of a Chad well tone abs and chest a chizzled chin long flowing blackish hair with gray in it as well having a 12" cock dangling in between my legs.

William ( I would like to start training but I think I need to get something to eat as well find some pants that will fit cause I feel like I'm going to burst) when Bahamut heard that I swear he gave me a deadpan stare.