
Sabrina and Karate

Beatrice - Kirlia

Corvus - Murkrow

Escorpius - Gligar

Fulgrim - Porygon

Hirund - Swellow

Magnemite - Not yet introduced

Ferroseed Egg


Two weeks have passed since Sabrina's introduction, and since then, we haven't stopped training.

We were at the Team Rocket base in Saffron City, an underground base near Route 8.

It was a surprise, a gym leader of Psychic-type in Kanto and an actress in Unova, now an executive of Team Rocket. This girl is very versatile.

So, there are also elements from the manga...

Are Surge and Koga also executives?

Is Blaine an accomplice in creating Mewtwo?

Sabrina was a woman of few words with her cold and serious appearance; none of us five dared to challenge her words.

Since then, she has been making us battle her Alakazam.

Not even the five of us together could stand against her.

Sabrina didn't use any words to command her Pokémon; if I had to guess, she was ordering them telepathically.

The battles always started and ended the same way.

A Psychic against Golbat.

An Energy Ball against Mightyena.

Two Shadow Balls against Haunter and Konrad.

And another Psychic against Raticate.

Sometimes she changed the order of the attacks, but the order of the factors didn't alter the product; she always defeated us in a minute or less.

Such was the power of a level 60 Pokémon.

I began to question this training method; she was only beating us up.

She wasn't teaching us anything; my Shuppet had only gained 3 levels this month, and it definitely wasn't because of these one-sided battles.

"Aren't you going to give us any advice?!" Finally, someone dared to say it; I was surprised that it was Jackson and not Garfield who finally exploded.

Sabrina ignored Jackson's question and delivered her own 'motivational' comments.

"You were pathetic; the only one who has adapted somewhat is the Shuppet," Sabrina said in a monotone tone.

It was true; the only one who had leveled up in a month was my Shuppet; the other starters were stuck before level 30.

I activated the analysis.

Shuppet lvl 35

Raticate lvl 27

Haunter lvl 28

Mightyena lvl 29

Golbat lvl 24

Sabrina looked at us as if we were insects and began to leave without saying anything.

"That witch," Jackson muttered frustratedly as he left.

I shared the feeling by this point, but I said nothing.

I was as subdued as possible in this place, knowing that if Sabrina could read minds, I would be dead for being a mole.

But fortunately, she apparently couldn't, since I haven't been discovered yet.

Sabrina turned to look at Jackson; she had heard him or seemed to judging by her terrifying look.

Someone is in trouble.

But the surprise was that instead of calling Jackson for his derogatory insult, she called me and Julius.

"Mello, come with me; the rest of you can go."

Resigned, I went with the psychic trainer, who was waiting for me patiently.

When I was in front of Sabrina, she looked at me intently.

She's trying to read my mind! I know it!

I quickly started thinking of the most obscene thing that came to my mind to see if it changed Sabrina's expression.

She continued with her apparently annoyed expression, with a ball hanging from a chain.

She's going to do some trick with that chain.



"Were you loyal to Team Rocket?"

Oh, I know this one from Kurapika in HxH; the chain moves if I lie.

Currently, I had Porygon in my Pokédex, Konrad was weakened so he couldn't be my shadow; I hope he has time to knock her out despite not receiving training.

"Yes," I said without another option.

The chain didn't move.

Does that mean I'm screwed?

Sabrina stared at the chain intently.

"You can go," she finally said.

"What was that all about?" I said, suspecting.

"You can go," she repeated.

With that, I left the room, but before that, Sabrina had another question.

"Did you recommend Ledger, right?"

This was an opportunity to see how the chain works, so I answered her truthfully this time.

"Yes, he's my friend."

Sabrina looked at the chain again, which again didn't move.

Sabrina nodded, and with that, I left.

What was that about?

Why didn't the chain do anything when I blatantly lied?

Am I in danger?

With these thoughts, I left the Rocket hideout through Route 8 and headed to Saffron City.

I already knew where to go; in Saffron City, there is a dojo right next to the gym.

In it, if you win, you can get a Hitmonlee or a Hitmonchan, at least in the games.

I wasn't interested in those Pokémon, but before going to the Saffron City gym, it's good to do the side missions as in the games.

I found the gym.

I talked to the people in the city; the fighting dojo was previously an official gym, but the karatekas were defeated by a girl of abysmal power (Sabrina) in a challenge, and since then, she has been the official gym leader of the city.

The Karate King swore revenge, but it has been 10 years, and he hasn't presented the challenge yet.

Today, I was going to see who that king was.

I entered and saw a martial arts demonstration.

The people in the dojo were throwing punches into the air with coordination.

While the more experienced ones, I know because they were wearing black belts, were in the center breaking cement.

That's right, they were breaking cement with their hands so that the spectators could see and applaud.

"Who is the Karate King? I'm looking for him," I said.

He's the one who's going to perform right now.

I watched the martial arts performance; it was a man who seemed lively, with black hair, a beard, and sideburns.

He was even stronger than Brock...

I wonder when I'll reach that level of strength.

My daily exercises had paid off, but I didn't reach the level of having as much muscle as Brock or this Karate King.

I should double my routine.

When the performance ended, I clapped and approached the leader.

"What do you want, boy? If you want to join our dojo, you must pay a fee first."

"I don't want to join at the moment; I want to challenge the leader."

"This is not a normal gym; you must prove yourself first. You'll fight against the Pokémon of 4 of my pupils; one of them is collecting badges, then you'll face me. I'm Kiyo."

Great, more challenges.


At this, a wave of applause came; I sweated, I didn't want to make this a show.

"Alright Leo, you're the most inexperienced, you go first; Challenger, Leo will use a Tyrogue, get ready."

Tyrogue lvl 19

Easy, I hope they're all like this.

"Do your best, Konrad."

Shuppet lvl 35

The fight was one-sided; just one Shadow Claw was enough to weaken Tyrogue.

"It seems we underestimated you, Adrian, it's your turn, eliminate him and finish this."

Adrian was a boy with bushy eyebrows and brown hair.

Adrian was more of the same even though he had a Pokémon with a good level.



As I said, the Pokémon was at a good level but had a problem.

It only had Fighting-type moves.

Primeape lvl 40 Moves: Karate Chop, Close Combat, Focus Energy, Cross Chop, Low Kick.

Shuppet won to the impotence of the karate student because his attacks had no effect on ghosts.

But the best part is that Shuppet only needs one more level to evolve.

Shuppet lvl 36

"It feels good to win," Konrad said with a smile. Just a little more.

"Enough already, Adrian, you won't be able to win the league if you only practice moves of a single type."

"Yes, sensei," he said, embarrassed.

"The others won't do any better... what a mess... Mello, you'll face me directly. I'll restore the honor of these fools."

And with that, I'll face the Karate King, Kiyo.

"I haven't said it, but I have 3 badges, so it would be like a level of 4 badges."

This left the king perplexed for some reason.

"Hahahaha, boy, this is not an official gym."

"Then it means you'll go all out."

"That's right," he said with a wicked smile.

Should I give up? I know from the scolding he gave Adrian that this guy doesn't just have Fighting-type moves.

Still, with Shuppet about to evolve and so many people watching me.

Besides, losing was okay; you could learn from defeat as well as give some humility to my Pokémon.

I noticed that Escorpius was becoming arrogant.

Konrad too, but the beatings he received from Sabrina calmed him down a bit.

"How many rounds do you want the battle to be?"


If I'm going to lose, let all my Pokémon lose.

"Alright, Adrian, you'll be the referee. I'll show you how it's done, and you all will learn," he said to his students.

"Yes, sensei."

With everyone in their positions, I prepared for the battle.

"I'll use Hitmonchan."

I nodded.

"Go, Hitmonchan."

"Come on, Hirund."

I had gained Hirund's confidence these weeks; I just had to feed him delicious food and feed his ego by facing him against weaklings, and the swallow adapted quickly to his new lifestyle.

Well, my first 6 vs. 6 battle starts now!

"Who's the next one the great me has to defeat?"

Another one who needs humility...

"It's the Karate King, get ready, Hirund," I warned my Pokémon.

"Ha, another weakling."

"You'll see who the weakling is," said the boxing Pokémon.

The weakling was Hirund.

"Hitmonchan, Thunder Punch."

Hirund fell to the ground unconscious.

Hitmonchan lvl 58

This was impossible.

I sent out Murkrow.


Corvus used Thunder Wave and paralyzed the boxer.

Who didn't expect the attack.

"Now Toxic."

The Toxic hit the paralyzed Pokémon.

"So you're that kind of trainer."

"Jump and Thunder Punch."

Hitmonchan recovered, jumped to the ceiling, and launched another Thunder Punch.

Hitting Corvus.

It was the same result as with Hirund.

"Gligar, your turn."

Hitmonchan lvl 58 HP: 72%

"This one isn't affected by your Thunder Punch."

"Ha, Ice Punch."

Escorpius dodged it the first time but not the second.

Another one down.

"Go, Rogal."

Rogal was my Magnemite, given by Marcus.

Magnemite lvl 18 It's going to get a beating.

"Howdy~~" Rogal said.

"It's my turn to fight, but he seems very strong~~ tsu."

"I don't want to fight tsu~~"

My Magnemite left the ring.

"Magnemite broke the rules; please return it and send out your next Pokémon."

I returned Magnemite; I didn't know if I should scold him or reward him for his intelligence.

"Hahaha, you're not even trying."

Hitmonchan lvl 58 HP: 38% Ability: Keen Eye

I ignored it and sent out my fifth Pokémon.

"Come on, Beako, you can do it."

"Mmm, a Psychic," he said with hatred, "but I've been training for a decade for this."

Beako hadn't mastered Shadow Ball yet, so I had her use her reliable Thunderbolt to see if she could paralyze him more.

Now that I analyze it, a poisoned and paralyzed Pokémon defeated almost all of my team...

Was this the power of a gym leader?

"Alright, don't think that just because you have a Psychic it will change anything," he said more sternly than usual.

I didn't think so, honestly.

Kirlia lvl 27

Hitmonchan lvl 58 HP: 30 - 14 = 16%

30 level difference.

"Beako, try to last, Thunderbolt."

"Ice Punch on the Thunderbolt."

Hitmonchan's fist absorbed the Thunderbolt and hit Beatrice.


"Well, the challenger can release his last Pokémon."

"I know you're close to evolving, I trust you."

I released Shuppet.

Shuppet lvl 36

"Double Shadow Claw."

"Ice Punch."

The attacks collided, and to my surprise, Shuppet won.

"I lost?" said the Hitmonchan as he fell.

Shuppet remained frozen; I noticed that part of his costume was stained with ice.

And it's because in the games, Ice Punch has a 20% chance of freezing the target.

And then a beam of light occurred.

"Konrad is evolving!" Someone from the audience said, coinciding with my thoughts.

The beam ended, and Konrad ended up becoming a Banette.

"Congratulations, you still have 5 Pokémon left, go Primeape."

The newly evolved Banette lost to a Knock Off.

"It was a good fight, even though you used a Psychic."

That 'even though' was unnecessary.

"Here, it's worthless, but this shows that I recognize you. Come to the dojo to train if you want; congratulations on your Banette."

I bowed and thanked him.

"Thank you, Karate King."

"Hahahaha, that's a portentous title; call me Kiyo."

"You want to train with Kiyo?"

"I guess I need to, please."

My head was pounding. Gardevoir was a ranged fighter; she didn't attack up close.

"Let's see, why do you want to train with him? He hates Psychics."

"Because I can't use Psychic moves, and I thought maybe he could teach me. I have to try, please. I want to learn Karate, I suppose."

"It seems you liked watching us get beaten up," Garfield teased.

Alright, we can try.

"Yes, thank you, Master," Kirlia celebrated and hugged me.

And when we went to ask him...

"No," Kiyo replied firmly.


"She's a Psychic, they're physically weak; don't create false expectations. A Psychic can't be strong; they only use Psychic moves."

That's clearly psychic racism, I wanted to say.

"Master, could you step aside with us, please?"

"Kiyo, could you come with us for a moment?"

"Fine, but don't mind if I have my own Pokémon for my safety."

"Not at all."

He brought out Hitmonchan.

The four of us went to an empty area outside the dojo.

"And here is where I translate, I suppose," said Beatrice.

"And here is where I translate."

Beako knelt. "Please teach me, I suppose."

"He says please teach her."

"My answer will be the same."

"Let's go, it's not worth having this conversation," Hitmonchan said something in his language that apparently his trainer understood because he turned around.

But Kirlia doesn't give up.

"Karate is an absolutely fascinating martial art! I deeply admire the skill, mental strength, and discipline that practitioners of karate incorporate into every move. If someone had the passion and generosity to train me in this martial art, it would be an immense privilege to learn from their experience and dedication to karate."

I translated.

Kiyo stopped, deigning at least to listen from behind.

I couldn't see his face, but it seemed like the words had an effect on him.

I noticed my Kirlia smiled for some reason.

"Besides, if a Psychic were to use your martial art, wouldn't that prove your point?"

That killed Kiyo; I didn't have to see him face-to-face to see that it left him in shock, also his Hitmonchan.

"I would even be satisfied just watching it."

"I would even be satisfied just wa-"



"Come to my dojo tomorrow; you'll become my disciples."

"Thank you," Beako bowed, and I followed suit.

"Thanks, Karate King."

"Hahahaha, that's a grandiose title; call me Kiyo."


And with that, the second volume begins. I hope you liked it.

Give me some Pokémon that are good with the Eviolite item; I want to add one to the list because I like that mechanic.

If you liked the fic so far, leave me a review xD.

And comment on what I should improve or what you want to happen; this is a dynamic fanfic, show me your ideas, correct me, it's okay.