
Transmigrated into Pokémon as a Team Rocket recruit.

The world of Pokémon is realistically dangerous, full of monsters of all sizes and colors. Full of trainers that can casually destroy the infrastructure of a town or even a city, where terrorist organizations reside in each region. For our mc these monsters and organizations were simple npc on his PC, now he lives with them. WARNING, THIS IS TRANSLATED The cover and the Pokemon characters do not belong to me The cover belongs to MidniteBlues ——> https://www.reddit.com/u/MidniteBlues/s/aXHX3JekZO

Sr_Angel · Video Games
Not enough ratings
25 Chs


"What name do you want to give to your company?" My advisor asked me.

That's right, I had hired an advisor to create my company.

"It will cost you 800 dollars initially. The first thing we have to do is request a negative notice of social denomination from the central mercantile registry with the name you want for your company. This order certifies that there is no other company with the same name," he explained to me.

"Fulgrim Company," I said in honor of the Pokémon that made this event possible.

"Alright, then we'll have to open a bank account in the name of the company, where we'll deposit the share capital. The bank will issue us a certificate confirming that we have made the deposit. You want to contribute it in cash, right?"


"Alright, your company is online, so you won't need any premises, nor will you need documentation requested by the city council besides—"

The advisor continued explaining the procedures I needed to do. It was very similar to my previous world, so I had no problem understanding it.

"Alright, thank you very much. I'll call you later," I inclined in a Kantian style.

"You're welcome. Until next time."


I signed before a notary; the signature cost me a fortune but it had to be done.

After signing the company's constitution, I registered with the mercantile registry.

Later, they asked me for a digital certificate; it took a week, but I got it.

Then I got the registration as the start of business activity.

I filled out more documents of the damn bureaucracy until I finally achieved it; I created a company.

"Congratulations, with this, your video game company is created," my advisor said. "I hope it brings you results. Not many people undertake in Kanto nowadays; they usually go to another region."

It had been 4 months in this world; I was surprised by how little time I spent for all I had achieved. I captured 7 Pokémon and a Pokémon egg, raided a train, defeated two Rocket executives, found some fossils, and defeated three gym leaders.

Quite an adventure.

"Thank you for your help. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm a trainer, and I have to go buy food for my Pokémon."

"Oh, of course. Goodbye."

I went to the Poké Mart when suddenly the Pokédex beeped.

Bip bip bup.

Fulgrim was calling me.

I went to an alley to talk to him, trying to blend in with the crowd.

Porygon came out of the Pokédex.

"Is everything related to the company ready yet?" he spoke as glitchy as always.

"Yes, except for advertising. With 100k, it will be enough. I'll still have around 150k left."

"No, no, no, leave it to me," said the duck. "I can't wait any longer to see my creations triumph."

"Alright, less work for me."

The next thing I did was to continue my way to the Poké Mart.

There, I asked for food for electric Pokémon.

"A Magnemite, huh? Not many choose to train that electric Pokémon; they consume a lot of energy. There are better options like Jolteon or Raichu."

Don't tell me the obvious, sir, I wanted to say.

After getting a Magnemite, I realized what it meant to feed an Electric-type Pokémon. Magnemite was a Pokémon that needed electricity constantly, which is why they normally lived in abandoned power plants.

"Alright, that will be 5000 Pokédollars. With this, you'll feed your Magnemite for a month."

With pain, I paid and prayed for my games to do well in the market.

It was a square box with electricity with a plug on one of its sides.

Next stop: the fighting dojo.

I had to go pick up my Kirlia.

Beatrice had been training at the dojo with Kiyo's Pokémon for two weeks.

Today I was going to see her progress.

"Master!" Beatrice hugged me as soon as she saw me.

Kirlia level 29.

She's missing one level to evolve. Mmmmm.

"Hello, Kiyo, how's my Kirlia doing?"

I declined the invitation from the Karate King to train with him, claiming that I would be busy doing paperwork to create my company. The martial arts master understood and wished me luck, agreeing to train my Kirlia.

"Your Kirlia is making enviable progress on the path of the Karateka. Kirlia, show it to your trainer. Adrian, put the bricks."

Adrian placed the bricks in front of Kirlia, and she assumed a fighting stance.

"Do it."

"Kyaaa!" Beatrice's arm ignited, and she hit the three bricks in front of her, breaking them.

Impressed, I whistled; my Kirlia had learned a new move in two weeks.

"You haven't seen everything yet; now use Ice Punch."

Beatrice did the same but with ice, breaking more bricks.

"Wow, you mastered the elemental punches quickly."

Beatrice looked at me with a proud smile. "Congratulate me more, Master."

I obeyed and stroked her head, as I knew she liked.

"She learns moves quickly, but she hasn't earned the belt yet. However, I'll say her discipline is admirable."

"Of course, she's my Pokémon."

Beatrice nudged her head against my arm.

So cute.

"Do you think I'm ready for my fourth badge?"

Kiyo's expression hardened.

"For any other Gym Leader, maybe, but we're talking about Sabrina; she's famous for being the toughest Gym Leader."

I accepted the martial arts master's opinion and continued with my life.

It was time to train my Pokémon and myself, so I went to the forest on Route 7.

There, I released all my Pokémon.

"Howdy~~" Rogal.

"Mmm" Corvus.

"Who do I have to defeat?" Hirund.

"Hahaha, we're all here." Konrad.

"Time to train, I suppose." Beatrice.

"Gligar thinks he should practice Bulldoze." Escorpius.

"That's the spirit, Escorpius, but no, today you'll learn Toxic."

"Corvus, I want you to teach Tailwind for tomorrow. How's the air condensation going?"

"I'm almost mastering the technique."

I nodded satisfactorily.

"Konrad, you'll face psychics; I trust your Shadow Claw is ready."

"And you?" the ghost asked slyly.

"I'll double my training, 200 sit-ups, 200 squats, and 200 push-ups."

I continued with Hirund.

"Hirund, do you understand the concept behind Facade?"

"Yes, I'm ready to be the strongest. Banette, burn me."

The past week, Hirund and I had been trying to recreate the Facade move, and through trial and error, we succeeded. Swellow learned the Normal-type move Facade.

Konrad burned Hirund, and she used her move on a tree.


The tree detached from the ground; where the tree roots had been, there was now a crater.

"Kukukuku," Hirund laughed after her attack.

"Stop laughing like a maniac and meditate; focus your normal energy."

Lastly, I commanded Rogal and Beako.

"Beako, you'll be tired after so much training; try to teach Rogal."


"Beako, don't contradict me."


"Beako," I said to her like a strict father.

"Alright, I suppose."

"Yesssss!" Magnemite celebrated for some reason.

Sometimes it feels like I'm raising preschoolers.

I looked at the Ferroseed egg in my backpack.

"I hope you're not too much of a troublemaker."

I could swear when I said that, the egg trembled.


This chapter was more to introduce all the Pokémon in one chapter just in case I had forgotten any.

In addition, Fulgrim company is created, which will ensure that the protagonist doesn't have to worry about money, and I don't have to calculate how much money he has to spend xD.