
Transformers Prime: New Missions, Threats and Fights

Sequel to Transformers Prime: New bots. It has been over a month since Team Prime's Human allies have been transformed into Cybertronians/transformers and have Join the Autobot cause to help the Autobot's in the Cybertronian Civil War. Meanwhile M.E.C.H. has developed New Technology becoming an increasingly threat on Earth.

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Epilogue: Infiltration of MECH

Previously on Transformers Prime: New Missions, Threats and Fights with the discovery of another MECH* Victim from their Technology transforming them into another Cybertronian/Transformers; As well with them discovering New Revolutionary computer systems technology they returned to their Base with a new team player.

Date: July 16, 2012, Time: 12:35 P.M., Location: Autobot Base just outside Jasper, Nevada

It has been roughly 2 weeks sense the Autobot's Rescued and recruited their Newest Member: Lighting-Spear*. Sense his recruitment Optimus Prime decided to have Nova-Strike Prime* Team in giving Lighting-Spear a crash course learning how to handle his New Cybertronian/Transformer Body; As well on how to transform from his huge robotic form into his vehicle form and learning on to control his transformation. Over the last 2 weeks Ratchet was able to repair the damaged 2nd Prototype Cloaking-stealth Portable armor generator for Serenity to use for stealth recon missions. The Autobots Shadow-Hunter* and Serenity* had been working every day to help Lighting-Spear learn how to transform from his Huge Robotic form to his Vehicle form. As the time went out, they were pleased at Lighting-Spear's rapid progress. Lighting-Spear was able thanks from his teachers how focus his mind to transform from his default Cybertronian to his Vehicle form and learning the basics on how to fly as a Helicopter.

During his training Both Optimus Prime and Nova-Strike Prime asked Both Hardwire* using his hacking skills and Ryu Senshi* using her communications skills to try to grant access to MECH commissions frequencies and security cameras to find a MECH outpost. Nova-Strike Prime wanted to target a MECH outpost because he hoped a MECH outpost was less defended hopeful would have a few MECH cons with their human counterparts. He wanted for them capture a life MECHcon Trooper and download their Information of their name, security codes and if their were assigned to a Mission download it for Lighting-Spear to continue their mission as well to have all the information he needed to infiltrate MECH without MECH noticing him infiltrating. Finally, after 2 weeks on constant search both Hardwire and Ryu Senshi where able to find a MECH Base in Seattle, Washington. Ryu Senshi in an excited tone to Nova-strike Prime "Nova-Strike We have found a MECH Base in Seattle, Washington."

Nova-strike Prime in a calm and somewhat curious tone, Nova-Strike Prime "Do they know that they are being watched?"

Hardwire in a calm tone "It appears not Nova-Strike."

Nova-Strike Prime "Very well Hardwire keep an eye on them for a few hours I want to know if there any MECHcon troops with an Ariel form for us to very covertly and quickly knockout for us to download their Information of their name, security codes to MECH."

Hardwire "Yes Sir."

Time: 3:35 P.M.

Over the past few hours Hard-wire was bore out of his mind in watching security cameras footage at the MECH outpost until he saw a MECH Ariel Helicopter approached the MECH outpost and landed on their aircraft landing pad with a small aircraft hangar behind their building. Hard-wire very quickly paused the security camera footage and type of the Autobot computer to freeze Helicopter image and copy it. After he did that Un-paused the security camera footage to see what's happening. He saw from the security cameras the Helicopter transformed into a MECHcon trooper with an exact match to Lighting-Spear's Robotic form color scheme wise and the saw MECH open the massive small aircraft hangar doors and the MECHcon trooper walked into the aircraft hangar with the massive hanger doors closing behind the MECHcon trooper. After that Hard-wire turned to the MECH Helicopter image he copied to see if the MECH Helicopter was an exact match or close enough match to Lighting-Spear's Ariel Helicopter mode. After few seconds Hard-wire saw that this MECHcon trooper's Ariel Helicopter mode is a close enough match to Lighting-Spear's Ariel Helicopter mode.

After seeing that Hard-wire heard feet steps from behind him turned around to see both Nova-strike Prime and Optimus Prime looking up are his computer station's screen. Hardwire in a calm tone to both Nova-Strike Prime and Optimus Prime, Hardwire "As you both could see I have found after over 2 hours of watching MECH outpost security camera footage I have found a MECHcon trooper with a close enough Ariel Helicopter mode match to Lighting-Spear's Ariel Helicopter mode."

Optimus Prime in a curious and calm tone to Hardwire, Optimus Prime "Hardwire can you somehow find some of the MECH leaders Voice to use to trick the MECH personnel into coming out of their Outpost or to have them open their small aircraft hangar with the massive hanger doors to get the MECHcon trooper with a close enough Ariel Helicopter mode match to Lighting-Spear's Ariel Helicopter mode."

Hardwire "Possibly if I could even find some of Silas's voice records to which we currently have none."

Nova-strike Prime in a calm and smug tone, Nova-Strike Prime "Actually Hardwire in fact we do.(As he said that moved his lower right arm forearm and his right hand and tabbed the right side of his processor with his index finger.)."

Hardwire "Oh that's right(Hardwire picked up his computer console's information transferred wire connector and turned his attention to Nova-Strike Prime.), Nova-strike can please step right next to my computer console station please."

Nova-Strike nodded in agreement and follow Hardwire's directions came up right next to Hardwire's computer console station. Hardwire in a calm tone, Hardwire "Nova-strike can you please retract your protective body armor around your very upper neck area so that I could plug in this cable information wire connector to your connection port on the back of your upper neck to have access to the area of your brain."

Nova-strike Prime nodded did as Hardwire instructed and focused his mind and after a few seconds he heard the protective body armor around his upper neck area so that hardwire could plug in the cable information wire connector to his connection port on the back of his upper neck to have access to the area of his mind. Hardwire plugged in his computer console information transferred cable to Nova-Strike Prime and in a calm tone, Hardwire "Now Nova-strike Prime I need you very intensely focus on the memories you have of Silas talking to you." Nova-strike Prime did as Hardwire instructed and very intensely focus on the memories he has of both him and Silas were talking to each other.

Time: 3:40 P.M.

After a few minutes of searching through Nova-Strike Prime's memories he has of both him and Silas were talking to each other Nova-Strike very intensely focused. Hardwire finished the memory transfer from cable information wire connector connected to Nova-strike Prime's connection port he disconnected his computer console's information transferred wire connector cable. Hardwire in a calm tone, Hardwire "Thank you Nova-strike Prime."

Nova-Strike Prime in a calm tone, Nova-Strike Prime "Your welcome Hardwire use the memories I let you to copy wisely."

Hardwire "I will Nova-Strike you can count on it."

Nova-Strike Prime "See that you do Hardwire."

Time: 3:50 P.M.

Over the next few minutes hardwire worked on create a fake audio recording of Silas. As he finished the finishing touches on the audio recording Optimus Prime in a curious and calm tone, Optimus Prime "Hardwire can you create a video recording loop to put on the MECH outpost security cameras."

Hardwire "Yes Optimus that pretty simile thanks to Ratchet's content computer hacking lessons."

Optimus Prime "Very well please do did. While you are doing that I'll get ready Lighting-Spear for his MECH infiltration mission." Hardwire nodded to Optimus Prime and continued his work Optimus Prime Requested. Both Optimus Prime and Nova-Strike Prime walked out of the main room of the Autobot base to get Lighting-Spear for his MECH infiltration mission.

Time: 4:00 P.M.

Over the Next few minutes Hardwire was able to very easily hack into the MECH outpost security cameras and put very silently a video recording loop to put on the M.E.C.H. outpost security cameras. As he did that, he again heard footsteps coming from behind him. Hardwire again saw Optimus Prime and Nova-Strike Prime coming into the Autobot base main room with Lighting-Spear and Serenity talking to each other. While they were talking Hardwire saw Lighting-Spear in a curiously calm tone, Lighting-spear "Tell me Sierra where you afraid in your 1st combat experience with MECH?"

Serenity in a calm tone, Serenity "Yes I was but I tried to keep a cool level head. It was just after MECH transformed both me and Jack, Rafael, Miko and June into Transforming robotic super-soldiers for them to use in their plans for world conquest. However, Jack was able to take control of our solution and lead us out of the MECH laboratory they used to transform us into transformers. I was able to eliminate over 5 of MECH's Human troops that attacked us. After we eliminated all the MECH laboratory personnel we meet the Autobots and began our new lives as Cybertronians."

As they came up to Hardwire Optimus Prime in a calm tone to Hardwire, Optimus Prime "Is everything set and ready Hardwire?"

Hardwire "Yes everything is ready in fact I have even gained access to orbit-able satellites to create a blind spot at the MECH outpost for Lighting-Spear for his MECH infiltration mission."

Optimus Prime "Very nice work as always Hardwire.(Optimus Prime turned his attention both Nova-strike Prime and Lighting-Spear.) Lighting-Spear I having Serenity with her Cloaking-stealth Portable armor generator and Hardwire for Tech support to come along with you to help you in Infiltration mission of MECH."

Hardwire had a surprised look on his face and in a curious and shocked tone, Hardwire "Why me Optimus I'm just a computer technician not a soldier?"

Optimus Prime "Hardwire we need you go along with them for in personal tech support. As well to use your mobile information transferred wire connectors to download valuable information from the MECH agent we're going to have lighting-spear replace."

Lighting-Spear "Very well Optimus Prime it would be nice have some backup."

Serenity in calm tone, Serenity "It would be nice to get out of the Autobase and to see some action."

Optimus Prime turned his attention to Ratchet who was nearly the Ground-bridge controls in a calm tone, Optimus Prime "Ratchet Active the Ground-bridge to the coordinates in the back area of the MECH outpost."

Ratchet in a calm tone, Ratchet "Very well Optimus.(Ratchet turned his attention to Hardwire.) Hardwire can you transfer the MECH outpost coordinates in the back area of the MECH outpost to me and Ground-bridge computer console."

Hardwire nodded and real fast type away and transfer the MECH outpost coordinates in the back area of the MECH outpost to Ratchet. Ratchet put in the MECH outpost coordinates in the back area of the MECH outpost and activated the Ground-Bridge and in a calm tone, Ratchet "Coordinates confirmed and Ground-Bridge activated."

As they walked to the Ground-bridge Hardwire saw Lighting-spear have a very nervous look on his face. Hardwire in a tone and smug tone, Hardwire "Your still not use to traveling through the Ground-bridge?"

Lighting Spear in nervous tone, Lighting-Spear "Yes Hardwire I'm not."

Hardwire "Don't wearily you eventually get used to it.(Hardwire slapped Lighting-Spear on the back) Come on let's move the clock is ticking." All 3 of them walked down the Ground-bridge tunnel until they were transports to the MECH outpost coordinates in the back area of the MECH outpost.

Time: 4:10 P.M.

As they come out of the other end of the Ground-bridge and the Autobot base Ground-bridge vanished Hardwire saw Lighting-Spear body shaking and fall down. Fortunately Hardwire was able to catch him before he fell to the ground Hardwire in a considered and curious tone, Hardwire "Are you alright Lighting-Spear?"

Lighting Spear was able to regain is balance and looked at Hardwire with a wearily and calm look on his face, Lighting-Spear "I'll live Hardwire. Tell me how any times does it take for someone to get their Ground-Bridge Legs?"

Before Hardwire was able to answer Serenity beat him to the punch and in a calm tone, Serenity "It depends on the Person for me it took me 4 Ground-bridge jumps to get used to it."

Hardwire "It took me as well 3 jumps to get used to it. Now can we move on please we have a job to do."

As they came up to the right back corner of the MECH outpost small aircraft hangar the Autobot Infiltration team saw the landline commutations line to the MECH outpost building. Serenity turned her attention Hardwire and in calm quiet whisper tone, Serenity "Alright Hardwire do your especially and hack into the landline commutations line."

Hardwire stretching out his Robotic arms and put his hands together stretching. After that Hardwire in a calm whisper tone, Hardwire "Alright time to get down to business.(With that Hardwire focused in his mind have his 2 massive data collector cables build into his arms to plug into to have access to any Electric or digital information and moved them to the landline commutations line.) I'm in and beginning the fake audio call of Silas to MECH outpost's leader and personnel."

Time: 4:20 P.M.

After a few minutes of waiting all of them saw the MECH outpost small aircraft hangar massive doors opened with the MECHcon trooper and a few MECH human personnel. As the MECHcon trooper as coming to where the Autobot infiltration team is Serenity quietly transformed her right lower arm in an energon blaster and activated her Cloaking-stealth Portable armor generator with both Hardwire and Lighting-Spear having shocked looks on their faces. Serenity in a calm whisper tone to Lighting-Spear, Serenity "1st time both of you see me use my Cloaking-stealth Portable armor generator?"

Both Hardwire and Lighting-Spear in a curious, calm and whisper tone, both "Yes, it is Serenity the 1st we see you use your Cloaking-stealth Portable armor."

Serenity "Don't wearily you'll either get used to it or keep thinking it's weird in me using my Cloaking-stealth Portable armor generator." With Serenity very quietly left the right back corner of the MECH outpost small aircraft hangar right beside him the MECHcon trooper as coming to where the rest of her team is.

Serenity in a quiet whisper tone to the MECHcon trooper coming to where the rest of her team is to try to get the MECHcon trooper to be curious on what around the right back corner, Serenity "Come check out the right-side corner." The MECHcon trooper was at 1st confused at had a confusing look on his face behind his curiously got the better of him and didn't report it but did as the strange voice he heard. Just as he came around the right corner, he saw something that shocked him, he saw 2 unknown Transformers to him; Just he was going to yell out to get the other MECH personnel he felt an invisible force grab his left arm and something over his mouth.

He then heard from the same whisper voice but this time in a very threatening tone, Serenity "If you want life don't struggle.(After a few seconds of struggling the M.E.C.H. Con trooper stopped and did as he was told. Serenity quickly moved her lower left arm and deactivated her Cloaking-stealth Portable armor generator and in a calm and arrogant tone) Very Good.(She shifted her tone to a calmer and more curious to Hardwire.) Hardwire again do what you best."

Hardwire walked up behind both Serenity and the MECHcon trooper and saw that the Serenity was holding the MECHcon trooper upper body area especially his head. Hardwire in a whisper calm tone, Hardwire "Serenity can you or the MECHcon trooper move his head to where I can do my job." Serenity nodded to Hardwire request and she used her right hand to move the MECHcon trooper's head.

Hardwire to the MECHcon trooper in a calm and curious tone, Hardwire "Can you please focus your mind and retract your protective body armor around your very upper neck area." The MECHcon trooper hesitated for a second until Serenity use her left hand to put some painful pressure to his robotic left arm and he complied with both Serenity and Hardwire's request. Hardwire took out from his hand a small sized Cybertronian Thumb drive with presetting set in it and plugged in the MECHcon troopers Processor with a red dot saying to him that it hasn't finished downloading the information his thumb drive needs.

After a few seconds Hardwire plugged his small sized Cybertronian thumb drive he saw the MECHcon trooper shaking from what he could theorize is the massive amount of Pain from his small sized Cybertronian thumb drive trying to hack or bypass his depends. Hardwire "May I suggest you not resist any longer. If you, do you will only cause yourself more Pain." The MECHcon trooper followed Hardwire suggest and didn't resist his small sized Cybertronian thumb drive. After roughly a minute Hardwire saw his small sized Cybertronian thumb drive turned green saying to him that it finished downloading the information his thumb drive needs.

After that Hardwire removed his small sized Cybertronian thumb drive and walked up to Lighting-Spear and handed him and in calm tone, Hardwire "Lighting-Spear can you retract your protective body armor around your very upper neck area for me to plug in the thumb drive giving you the need information for you infiltration assignment."

Lighting-Spear nodded in agreement and did as Hardwire instructed and after a few seconds he heard his protective body armor around his very upper neck area retracted and Hardwire plugged in the thumb drive. As soon as the thumb drive was connected Lighting-Spear saw the needed security codes and ID's needed to pass off as the MECHcon Trooper at the MECH outpost. Hardwire to Serenity in a calm tone, Hardwire "Serenity we should go with the Original MECHcon trooper before with the download of the information of the thumb drive."

Serenity in a calm and curious tone, Serenity "Why do that Hardwire?"

Hardwire "Because it's possible he will attack us and try to kill us after the Download of the needed information is completed. He might confuse us for enemies after the download is complete."

Serenity "Very Well Hardwire Contact Ratchet to open a Ground-bridge back to base."

Hardwire nodded in agreement and pressed on his internal commutation radio to an Autobot frequency to Autobase, Hardwire "Ratchet this Hardwire we needed a Ground-bridge at our location."

Ratchet in calm tone, Ratchet "Very Well Hardwire."

Hardwire in a somewhat smug and calm tone, Hardwire "Oh by the way Ratchet we have a guest coming with us."

Ratchet in an irritated and calm tone, Ratchet "Oh Great Hardwire." After that both Serenity and Hardwire saw a Ground-bridge portal open and they all(except Lighting-Spear) when though the Ground-Bridge. After the left Lighting-Spear took off the Thumb drive Hardwire place into the back of his head and smash it and join the MECH personnel at the MECH outpost to start his infiltration mission.

Time: 4:23 P.M.

As both Hardwire and Serenity with her MECHcon trooper prisoner came through the Ground-Bridge back to the Autobot Base all of Team Prime and Nova-strike Prime was present. Optimus Prime looked at the MECHcon trooper prisoner Serenity captured and turned his attention to both Hardwire and serenity and in calm tone, Optimus Prime "Well done on your resort mission to help Aries infiltrate MECH I see that both your guy's training by us has paid off."

Serenity in a calm tone, Serenity "Thank you Optimus I owe everything to my teacher: Arcee."

Arcee in a calm and satisfied tone, Arcee "I honored Serenity and that my training with you helped you in Real combat."

Hardwire in a calm tone, Hardwire "I Thank you as well Optimus, but I have to thank my teachers: Bumblebee and Ratchet."

Bumblebee respond in his usual Beeps and bops in a calm tone, Bumblebee "I grateful to be your teacher Hardwire."

Ratchet in a calm tone, Ratchet "It has been my pleasure Hardwire to be your teacher."

As they all finished their greets to each other. Optimus Prime shifted his attention to Serenity's MECHcon trooper Prisoner, Optimus Prime "Now what are we going to do with you?"

Nova-Strike Prime in calm tone, Nova-Strike Prime "He is a Prisoner for you Optimus. We can interrogate him for valuable information on MECH and their possible plans for us and our allies to stop them."

MECHcon trooper in a calm dead tone to all present in the Autobot base, MECHcon trooper "I Highly doubt that Autobot Scum,(with that statement the MECHcon trooper cracked his neck to the right and after a few seconds he began to compulsion and shock.) All hail Nemesis-Striker." After that statement he collapsed on the floor of the Autobot base.

Ultra-Aid came up to the MECHcon trooper that collapsed and scanned him and after a few seconds in a sad and calm tone, Ultra-Aid "I afraid we won't be able to interrogate him for valuable information on MECH and their possible plans."

Optimus Prime in a curious and calm tone, Optimus Prime "Why is that June?"

Ultra-Aid "Because he's dead."

Nova-Strike Prime in a calm tone, Nova-Strike Prime "It would seem that he has committed suicide to stop us from get the information we needed. I can only hope that Aries don't get caught, tortured for information and finally killed."

Optimus Prime "I share our thoughts as well Jack."

Ryu Senshi in a calm and optimism tone, Ryu Senshi "If he's able to remember the training we taught him he'll be fine. For the love of Primus, you guys don't be downers." All Present couldn't help but let lip a smile and find it cute at what Ryu Senshi said.

Nova-Strike Prime "This is the only the beginning of a larger conflict Miko between US, the Decepticons and MECH I hope your right for Aries Miko he's going to need."

*MECH stands for Mechanical Engineering Cybernetic Humans.

*Lighting-Spear is a former U.S. Special forces Operative and Human Justin King who was captured and transformed into a Cybertronian/Transformer by MECH scientists and engineers.

*Nova-Strike Prime is formerly Team Prime's Human ally Jackson 'Jack' Darby.

*Shadow-Hunter is formerly Jack Darby's childhood friend and High school rival High school: Vince Jones and now is an Autobot Ariel flyer.

*Serenity is formerly Jack Darby's High school crush: Sierra Michelson and now is an Autobot Ariel flyer.

*Hardwire is formerly the Human computer expert and hacker: Rafael Esquivel.

*Ryu Senshi is formerly Team Prime's Human communication's expert: Miko Nakatia.

*Ultra-Aid is formerly Team Prime's Human nurse and medical specialist: June Darby and the mother of Jackson 'Jack' Darby.