
Transformers Prime: New Missions, Threats and Fights

Sequel to Transformers Prime: New bots. It has been over a month since Team Prime's Human allies have been transformed into Cybertronians/transformers and have Join the Autobot cause to help the Autobot's in the Cybertronian Civil War. Meanwhile M.E.C.H. has developed New Technology becoming an increasingly threat on Earth.

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A New Team Player and Spy

Previously on Transformers Prime: New Missions, Threats and Fights with the discovery of another MECH Victim from their Technology transforming them into another Cybertronian/Transformer; As well with them discovering New Revolutionary computer systems technology they returned to their Base with a new team player.

Date: July, 2 2012, Time: 3:16 P.M., Location: Autobot Base just outside Jasper, Nevada

As they arrived Ratchet was watching them coming through the Ground-Bridge. He saw that Hardwire, Ryu Senshi and Bulkhead where carrying something in their arms; As well he was shocked and surprised by him seeing a new Unknown Cybertronian with no allegiance symbol on them to see what side of the Great Cybertronian civil war he walked though the Ground Bridge. Ratchet looked at Optimus with an irritating and somewhat calm tone, Ratchet "What is the name of Primus is all this Optimus?"

Optimus Prime in a firm tone, Optimus Prime "It's going to be a long story old friend. Ratchet I needed you to Run scans on our new Team member to see if he doesn't have any hide programs install into his Neural Net Brain that would activate once they have being brought to our Base and it activate to try to kill us against he will as well as to run a Physical Examination on them to see if they have any unknown objects put into him."

Ratchet in a calm tone, Ratchet "Very well(Ratchet then turned his attention to the new unknown Cybertronian and looked straight into his optics) Follow Me."

Justin King followed Ratchet to the Medical room area of their Base. Ratchet Stop in front of the Medical Room and turned facing the unknown Cybertronian as he stopped just a few steps behind him. Ratchet looked straight at the Cybertronian in front him and in a firm and calm tone, Ratchet "Please step into the Medical room for Physical examination you to see if you have any unknown objects put into you."

Justin King in a calm tone "Very well Doctor." After a Few minutes of Physical examination of the Unknown Cybertronian Ratchet found no unknown objects put into him. When He finished his Physical examinations of him he went to Team Prime's Base's main computer to enter the Information of the New Cybertronian.

As Ratchet began to enter the New Cybertronian transformer information Optimus Prime came up behind him and in a calm and firm tone, Optimus Prime "Ratchet can we see the Information that you Gather from your Physical examination scans of Justin King."

Ratchet in a calm tone, Ratchet "Alright Optimus." Ratchet put the information on the base's computer screen for them to see.

The Following is the Information that Ratchet gathered from his Physical examination scans of Justin King: 23 ft. and nearly 7 in. or 7.1875 meters in Height in robot mode. His body's protective armor thickness: somewhere between Nova-Strike Prime's armor and Arcee's body armor thickness. His Cybertronian body type is a moderately muscular athletic for a Cybertronian. His punching force is Equality somewhere between Bumblebee's and Acree's. His body has 2 weapons system built into his body's lower, lower half area of his arms a 1.33 meters(4 ft. and a little more than 4 1/3 in) long Cybertronian arm guns inside each of his designed between Optimus Prime and Arcee's Blaster design, 2nd his lower, lower half arm area he can change between his blasters to a 2 ft. and nearly 9 ½ inch.(.8498 meters) long Cybertronian close quarter arm guard swords(similarly to Acree's close quarters arm guard swords) to use in close quarters combat.

Time: 3:21 P.M.

After they all look at Justin King's information Ratchet looked at equipment that Hardwire, Ryn Senshi and Bulkhead were carrying and in a calm and curious tone, Rafael "what that strange equipment you have brought into our base?"

Hardwire in a calm tone "That would 1 of MECH*'s New Revolutionary Molecular computer that we have captured and decided to take to give our base a New and far better data store and is far more efficient in speeding up processing of our base's computer systems."

Ratchet in a calm tone, Ratchet "Improve new computer system for you Humans that you think Revolutionary New Computer system to which is correct given your current stage of technological development; However it's not Really impressive compared the most current advanced Cybertronian Quantum computers. However, It would be a welcome relief in having a Molecular computer system to massively improve our current(Very ancient compared to Cybertronian standards.) Silicon-based computer system network. Rafael you can put the new computer system right next to 1 of the base main computers for both You and me to install.(He turned his attention to Justin King.) Now that's dealt with for now I believe I ask for everyone here but who are Mr. King?"

Over the next few minutes Justin King told the that he was from Austin, Texas and born on December 8, 1984. He comes from a Military tradition family of 3 and that He's the middle child of the family. They learned that after high school he decided to fellow his families legacy by joining the U.S. Military. During his Basic Military training he was meet by a recruiter for the Special forces division. He told them that have seen action in Afghanistan in fighting against the Human Terrorist Group: Taliban in Operation Enduring Freedom for 5 years of tour of duty until he was rotated back to the U.S. to do Anti-terrorist actives in the U.S. to switch he has been doing ever sense. He told them that he meet his wife: Aadela Durrani and after her Parents blessing they where married on August 12, 2010. When he was rotated back to the U.S. he took his wife with him in the hope in beginning a better life. He told them the recently(January 25, 2012) that Aadela told him that he was going to be a father to which he was happy that he is going to be a father. He told them that he found out from his Special forces operations boss have been hearing rumors and reading some reports from special agent William Fowler from a new recently active terrorist group: M.E.C.H. After he learn this he told them that he was kidnapped by some his close friends that he later found out where members of M.E.C.H. that they have been spying on him to track him movements and habits and then abducted him and the rest is history.

Time: 3:27 P.M.

Following his story Optimus Prime and Nova-strike Prime began to have a conversation between each other. Nova-Strike Prime argued that Justin King to become a Spy for them within M.E.C.H. forces to have inside man to report on their activities to get information on where their getting their supply of Energon, lists of their bases; Infrastructure organization and lists of MECH personal to crash MECH once and for all. Optimus Prime on the other hand wanted Justin King to join the Main frontlines of the Autobot forces to provide them with more firepower in fighting both the Decepticons and MECH forces. While they were auguring with each other of how Justin King could help them in the best way Justin King jump in the middle of the conversation and ask a few questions of what and who were these Decepticons that their speaking of. Both Optimus Prime and Nova-Strike Prime paused for a moment in their argument give him a brief history of what and how the Decepticon's are. Justin King learns of the Decepticon's sadistic and ruthless leader Megatron and how he destroyed the Cybertronian's home-world: Cyberton in a Millennium long war between them. They told him on how Megatron desired to use extreme violence and armed conflict to overthrow the Cybertronian High council and government. He learned that he wanted to replace the Cybertronian High council and government with a totalitarian Military dictatorship that would oppress an individual's individual rights, liberties and using massively increase the amount of surveillance to the point of intrusive to keep everyone in line in the name of the greater good of Cybertronian socialite as well as to destroy anyone who poses a threat to him, his regime and to his power.

When he asked why the Nova-Strike Prime was called Jack to which they told him that they were once humans to which he was shocked to learn. He learned from Nova-Strike Prime and the others Autobots: Ultra-Aid, Ryu Senshi, Hardwire, Shadow-Hunter and Serenity when once Jackson 'Jack' Darby, June Darby, Miko Nakatia, Rafael Esquivel, Sierra Michaelson and Vince Jones. He learned from them that they were captured by the MECH forces and where subjects to a MECH experiential Project: Project Chimera. He learned from them that Project Chimera was in theory to see if they could transfer a human mind into a new advanced Revolutionary technological Cybertronian/Transformer body decades ahead of their current state of technological development to create a sentient and cunning operative to establish a new world order. He learned that all of them at 1st after their transformations into Cybertronian/Transformers that came to the stark realize that they could never return to their human life with each of them falling into various states of depression; He learned that they were able thanks to their Autobot friends giving them compassionate and encouragement out of their various states of depression.

After they explain to what the Decepticon's where and what happen to the Nova-Strike Prime and other fellow Autobots; Optimus Prime and Nova-Strike Prime continued the argument of how Justin King could help them; After another few minutes of Persuasive Argument between them agreed that Justin King could become an inside man and Spy for them inside MECH; They turned they attention to Justin King if he wanted to become their inside man and spy for them inside MECH Justin King in a calm tone, Justin King "If I had to choose between the Decepticon's or MECH to help you guys in fighting I would take the 1 that takes advantage of my espionage and counter-espionage training that being in becoming Your inside man and Spy for them Inside MECH I would love so payback for what they have done to me and would like to see no more humans become like myself: A huge transformer that couldn't return to their Human body after the horrifying transfer of their mind into the a Cybertronian robotic body Processor by MECH scientists and engineers."

Optimus Prime in a calm tone, Optimus Prime "Very Well Mr. King."

Time: 3:32 P.M.

After Optimus Prime and Nova-Strike Prime agreement concluded Ryu Senshi in an excited tone, Ryu Senshi "Since you have decided to join our cause it's time for you to choose a code-name for you to use in Public; As well another code-name to use in your undercover operation as our inside man and spy inside MECH Tell me what do you think of the code names: Steel-Intel, Fire-Steel, Fire-Storm, Thunder-Strike, Lighting-Spear or Strike-Steel?"

Justin King "That a quite a few names Ryu Senshi. If I had to choose from those choices I would choose Lighting-Spear."

Arcee in calm and somewhat amusing tone, Arcee "Not a bad choice Kid but the question is can you live up to your name?"

Justin King "We shall see it if does Arcee."

Nova-Strike Prime in a calm tone, Nova-Strike Prime "I would agree with Arcee not a bad choice. However, If you're going undercover as our inside man and spy inside MECH you will need another code-name as a cover name for you to contact us and vice versa. Tell me what do you think of the code names: Valkyrie, Hermes, Aries, Apollo, Hades or Cronos?"

Justin King in calm tone, Justin King "Quite a few names Nova-Strike. If I had to choose from those choices I would choose Aries."

Ultra-Aid "Not a bad choice Kid. If I remember my Greek Mythos Aries was the Greek God of War."

Nova-Strike Prime in a calm appreciated tone, Nova-Strike Prime "That is correct mom you sure do remember Greek Mythos back in high school."

Ultra-Aid in appreciated and satisfied tone, Ultra-Aid "Thank you son for your Gratitude."

Nova-strike Prime "Your welcome Mom."

Optimus Prime in a calm tone, Optimus Prime "Now that your Code-names are chosen I think it's time for you to choose you Vehicle mode and form to travel in disguise among Humans."

Lighting Spear in a curious and calm tone, Lighting Spear "What type of Vehicle mode do you have in mind?"

Optimus Prime "Well we do have a selection of over 10 Vehicle modes for you to chose from."

Hardwire interrupted their conversation in calm tone, Hardwire "Excuse me Optimus but I'm afraid his choices will be quite limited given that MECH has a very narrow range of Vehicles for him; Plus, I need to download the Vehicles designs of the vehicles MECH uses."

Optimus Prime "How long will you need to download the download the Vehicles designs of the vehicles MECH uses?"

Hardwire "if I use my hacking skills to their fullest I say less than 90 seconds."

Optimus Prime "Very Well Hardwire, Lighting Spear please follow Hardwire to the base's Main computer console to choose your Vehicle mode." Lighting Spear nodded in agreement and followed Hardwire to the base's Main computer console to choose his Vehicle mode.

Time: 3:36 P.M.

As Hardwire finished his download the Vehicles designs of the vehicles MECH uses he turned his attention to Justin King and in calm tone, Hardwire "Justin please come up to the side computer terminal console to choose switch schematics and blueprints of the Vehicles MECH." After a roughly 5 minutes of scanning through the information of 2 Vehicles(2012 Chevy Camaro SS or a Boeing AH-64 Apache) MECH used until he decided on the vehicle schematics and blueprints the Vehicle Boeing AH-64 Apache.

After selected the vehicle mode he wanted he turned his attention to Hardwire and in a calm tone, Lighting Spear "Hardwire I chose these one."

Hardwire walked over to the side computer terminal console in looked at the Vehicle(Boeing AH-64 Apache.) mode and he has a curious look on his face on what Lighting Spear decided on as his Vehicle mode and in a curious tone, Hardwire "Curious choice given that Autobot's regularly choses a ground based vehicle modes not Ariel Vehicle modes?"

Lighting Spear in a calm tone, Lighting Spear "Hardwire I also was awe inspired by Aircraft and of such speed they could produce. Plus I did get my basic Military flyer license to sky. Plus it would be nice to have control of the skies or space to give air superior and to have an eye above the battlefield to lookout for ambushes by the enemy."

Ratchet walked to lighting spear and Hardwire and turned his attention to hardwire and in calm tone, Ratchet "Hardwire I'll Take it from."

Hardwire "Very well Ratchet."

Ratchet walked up to the computer terminal and picked up a cable wire information connector and turned his attention to Lighting-Spear and in a calm tone, Ratchet "Lighting-Spear can you please retract your protective body armor around your very upper neck area so that I could plug in this Cable information wire connector to your connection port on the back of your upper neck to have access to the area of your brain. That is where your brain progresses the information and data from your Brain to your T-cog so that it well received the schematics and blueprints of the Vehicle mode you chosen for you body to make the necessary adjustments to transform from your Natural Cybertronian Robotic mode to you Vehicle mode." Lighting-Spear nodded at Ratchet and did as he Instructed and focused his mind and after a few seconds he heard the protective body armor around his upper neck area so that Ratchet could plug in the cable information wire connector to his connection port on the back of his upper neck to have access to the area of his mind; Where his brain progresses information and data from his brain to his T-Cog so that it well received the schematics and blueprints of the Vehicle mode he chosen for his body to make the necessary adjustments to transform from his Natural Cybertronian Robotic mode to his new vehicle mode. Ratchet connected the cable information wire connector and in a calm tone of Voice, Ratchet "beginning the Download Process.(after a few seconds of downloading.) download Process at 5% and rising." As the download process began Lighting-Spear see running through his Processor Images of the schematics and blueprints of the Vehicle mode he chose. he hear parts of his Cybertronian Robotic form making the necessary adjustments to transform from his natural Cybertronian robotic form to his Vehicle mode.

While Ratchet was preparing to plug in Lighting Spear to his the download of the Vehicle mode he choose Hardwire took his place between Shadow-Hunter and Serenity he turned his attention to both Serenity and Shadow-Hunter and in a calm and somewhat amusing tone, Hardwire "Well Serenity and Shadow-Hunter it looks like We are going to be teachers for Lighting-Spear sense he choose an Ariel Vehicle mode and that we're the only ones with really any Ariel vehicle mode flying and combat experience."

Lighting Spear in a smug tone, Lighting Spear "I do have fly Experience."

Serenity in calm and somewhat arrogant tone, Serenity "As flying in an aircraft as Human not as the Ariel Vehicle itself. You will learn soon enough what we're talking about once your training starts."

Time: 3:44 P.M.

Ratchet in a calm tone, Ratchet "Download Process 100% completed(He turned his Attention to Serenity), Serenity please take Lighting Spear to Agent Fowlers Military Air force base begin teach him how to transform from his Natural Cybertronian form to his new Vehicle mode to flight."

Serenity in a calm tone to Ratchet, Serenity "Very Well Ratchet,(Serenity turned her Attention to Lighting Spear.) Follow us Please Lighting Spear to Agent Fowlers Military Air force base to begin you transformation training begin teach you how to transform from your Natural Cybertronian form to you new vehicle mode to flight. (she turned her attention to Optimus Prime) With Your Permission Optimus I would like to begin the young one's training immediately."

Optimus Prime in a calm tone, Optimus Prime "Very Well Serenity You and our other Ariel Flyers can go to begin training."

Serenity "Thank You Optimus."

As both Lighting Spear and the other Autobot Ariel flyer left the Main room of the base Shadow-Hunter in a secretly calm sarcastic tone to Hardwire, Shadow-Hunter "Hardwire I think I'm going to love seeing that smug look wiped off Lighting Spear's face once he realizes that transforming from his Cybertronian Robotic form to his Vehicle mode; learns just how hard it is for us to focus our mind to stay in our vehicle mode and to learn how to operation the vehicle mode he choose to disguise himself in and in flight."

Hardwire in a calm and somewhat smug tone, Hardwire "That would be funny to see sense it took us a few days to get us to transforming from our Cybertronian form to our vehicle mode and learned how to focus our minds to stay in our Vehicle modes and to learn how to operation our vehicle modes and in flight."

*MECH stands for Mechanical Engineering Cybernetic Humans.

*Nova-Strike Prime is formerly Team Prime's Human ally Jackson 'Jack' Darby.

*Ultra-Aid is formerly Team Prime's Human nurse and Medical specialist: June Darby and the mother of Jackson 'Jack' Darby.

*Ryu Senshi is formerly Team Prime's Human communication's expert: Miko Nakatia.

*Hardwire is formerly the Human computer expert and hacker: Rafael Esquivel.

*Shadow-Hunter is formerly Jack Darby's childhood friend and High school rival High school: Vince Jones and now is an Autobot Ariel flyer.

*Serenity is formerly Jack Darby's High school crush: Sierra Michaelson and now is an Autobot Ariel flyer.