
Transformed world

If you are here because of the cover. The art is made by @Neferu.nii, you can find her on Instagram. Challenging the heavens, taking power for yourself, and evolving past your mortal limits. To overcome death, to live and thrive. Becoming a higher existence. The path of Cultivation is a hard one, full of conflict and scheming. Earth has shed her mortality, joining the ranks of Tiered Worlds, joining the world of Cultivation. Earth, having the potential of becoming a 9th tiered World, she struck a deal with higher beings in exchange for the full blessing for their children, to keep herself safe and give herself time to evolve. The leaders of the higher beings birthed twins, Ben and Jane. They have never seen before talent and potential. But in order for them to grow one had to be sent away. Follow the adventures of Jane and Ben. One on Earth and one in the vast Universe that is the Cultivation World.

Pasaim · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 5 The feeling

Inside a massive mansion located in the center of a massive metropolis.

In the courtyard of the mansion is a beautiful girl swinging chakrams around in a mesmerizing dance and deathly precision.

She is about 5'11 tall, has crystal white hair, and big eyes flickering between white and royal blue. She had the trademark pointed ears. She is of the elven race. Her name is Luna, like the moon.

The metropolis she is currently in, is the capital of the elven realm. The city is called Yggdrasil, named after the world tree. This city is also located next to the World tree.

Ever since she woke up today she has been feeling bothered. Like something is knawing at her. An itch you can never reach to scratch.

She thought that with a little bit of training the feeling would go away.

But she has been going at it since early morning. Swinging around her sword. It is almost noon already.

"Tsk." Luna clicked her tongue. She is getting very frustrated that the feeling won't leave her. Then she suddenly gets nudged by something very soft.

Luna giggled and embraces the 6 feet tall tiger. "Zara are you worried about me?" Luna starts stroking the head of the tiger. Zara lets herself fall on the side to give Luna more room to start scratching her belly and starts spinning.

"Who's a good girl! Yeah, you are."

Zara is a special race of tigers that one of the Royal families of the elves are known for. Zara is a Moon tiger. She has soft white fur with light blue stripes and two beautiful white wings.

Luna lays herself on top of Zara and softly smiles. "I don't understand this feeling. I don't know why this is happening. Dad is not here. He is fending off a Chaos wave in the Lharast Family territory."


Suddenly the feeling inside her gave off a direction. Luna perked up and looked in the direction the feeling came from.

"This... The feeling is coming from the World Tree?" Luna wondered out loud.

She jumps on Zara's back. Zara flaps her wings and they take off towards the World tree.

She flew above the buildings, some children pointing at the flying tiger, asked their parents who that is.

Just as she is about to cross the wall, a figure stops her. It was a man, features around 40 years old, meaning that he was very old. As elves already have a long lifespan, elves who cultivate have an even longer lifespan. He sat on top of a wyvern. A beast known for its amazingly strong body and distant relative to the legendary dragons.

The Wyvern is also the trademark beast of the Elven Royal Family; Dusk. A family able to master any weapon. Legendary fighters.

This is the man that was assigned to be her protector, by her father.

"Greetings to the Princess, where are you going in such a hurry?" The man respectfully asks.

"Don't worry. I'm going to visit the World Tree." Luna says.

"The king gave me direct orders to not let you out of my sights when you are going out. I'll accompany you." The man looks directly into Luna's eyes.


"Sure, let's go then." Luna answers. "Damn old man, always being overprotective of me." Luna says under her breath.

Their beasts flapped their wings and went towards the World tree. Once there the older man signals Luna to decent. They arrive at the foot of the World Tree.

'No, this is not it. The feeling indicates it is even further that way.' Luna thought to herself while looking in the direction the feeling was pointing to.

The older man frowned. "What are you looking for Princess to be looking that intently towards the east?"

"Huh?" Luna snapped out of her own thoughts. "You are, for the last 10 minutes looking towards the east."

"10 minutes?" 'That long?' "Ah, ehm." Luna thought why not tell the truth. "I had this weird feeling since this morning. And right now it gives off a direction. So, I am following that feeling."

Just as the man wants to say something. An unknown sound came from the east. Luna and the man looked towards the east and saw, what looked like an enormous metal bird descending towards the forest.

The tree's moved out of the way. A path was created from the edge of the forest all the way to the World Tree where Luna and the man are standing, with their beasts to their sides.

The metal bird crash lands on the ground and slides all the way towards the World Tree. The only remnants of the plane which is the metal tube that stops at a hundred meters in front of Luna.

Then a massive amount of qi, more qi than even Luna's father can produce, comes forth from the World Tree. It envelops the plane.

Luna walks forwards very interested in the object that came crashing down. The older man with the mission of protecting the princess is just about to stop her. When a sudden pressure holds him back.

The man looks behind him. He sees a woman with green eyes and orange hair in a white floral dress. She has a fair face and was beautiful beyond compare.

The man's eyes widen. He hurriedly falls to his knee. "Queen of the Forest! This protector of the princess greets her highness."

The Queen of the Forest waves a hand in acknowledgment. "Let her be. She is in no danger. Yggdrasil has informed me."

The man looks around, he was so distracted at seeing this metal contraption crashing here that he hadn't noticed that dozens of elite wood elves had already surrounded the metal tube, ready to interfere at any second.

But this isn't what really eased the man. The Queen of the forest was here, a powerhouse at the top, a ninth stage existence.

The man reprimanded himself for not noticing the wood elves surrounding them. He did a lousy job of protecting the princess.

"Stand down! I have been informed by the world spirit, they are not our enemies. Something is happening right now and these people aren't supposed to be here." An ancient voice reverbs throughout the forest.

All the elite wood elves immediately turn towards the massive tree and bow down.

"Yes! Ancient One. We heed your command!"

Tree roots come from the ground and slowly snake across the 'metal tube'. The roots lift the plane a bit in the air and stabs the door, it rips the door from its hinges. With its roots, the world tree makes a set of stairs.

The first to exit the plane is Ben.