
Transformed world

If you are here because of the cover. The art is made by @Neferu.nii, you can find her on Instagram. Challenging the heavens, taking power for yourself, and evolving past your mortal limits. To overcome death, to live and thrive. Becoming a higher existence. The path of Cultivation is a hard one, full of conflict and scheming. Earth has shed her mortality, joining the ranks of Tiered Worlds, joining the world of Cultivation. Earth, having the potential of becoming a 9th tiered World, she struck a deal with higher beings in exchange for the full blessing for their children, to keep herself safe and give herself time to evolve. The leaders of the higher beings birthed twins, Ben and Jane. They have never seen before talent and potential. But in order for them to grow one had to be sent away. Follow the adventures of Jane and Ben. One on Earth and one in the vast Universe that is the Cultivation World.

Pasaim · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 6 That day

"Ugh! You bitch!" Grunts and curses came from an abandoned back alley of Los Angeles. "You freak." Rain poured down from the sky. "Back off, it is the Violet Deamon from the Deamon Triad." It was still dark outside.

A buff and gruff-looking woman stood in the middle of a pile of bodies. Still holding on to the feminine figure. Some of the bodies at her feet weren't breathing anymore, while some barely. The blood that coated her wrapped up knuckles is slowly being washed away by the rain.

The woman sniffed loudly and spit to the side. She swiped at her nose with her hand. Her own blood mixing with the blood, of these thugs at her feet, on her hand. 'Tsk, I need to work harder on controlling this ability.'

Her purple short hair draped to the side covered one of her eyes. She slowly looked up towards the remaining thugs from a rival gang. A beautiful purple marble eye looked directly at them with the intent to kill.

The remaining five gang members cowered in fear and turned to run. While four were lucky enough to escape, one wasn't. As he wanted to turn around and run away, an open hand appeared before his face.

Out reflex, he ducked the grabbing hand. Only to meet a knee to the face. It felt like he was hit by a metal plate.


A dull sound of metal meeting flesh resounded throughout the back alley. The thug fell dead to the ground, with a caved-in face. "You better run! Assholes! You should know not to mess with the Deamon Triad!"

She brought out her phone from the pocket of her black leather jacket. If one could see her face, one would be in for a surprise. She has a delicate face, a little roughed up, with full red lips, sharp eyebrows. She had a few piercings in her ear.

She dialed a number on her phone. "Yes, Violet?" A gruff deep manly voice asked. "The Hound gang is pushing their authority to our streets. I need someone to clean the back alley at xx street."

A sigh came from the other side of the phone. "You need to stop going out alone. I know you can take care of yourself but think about your little sisters. How would they feel when you return in a body bag?"

"That won't happen. And you don't need to tell me that. I know what I am doing, okay? This is the only way for me to get a grip on my ability, old man!"

Another sigh came from the other side of the phone. "Alright. I will send a cleanup squad your way. And Kairy, don't overdo it. I want you home at sunrise, Okay?" "Okay, I will be." Kairy hung up the phone.

Suddenly the air started to vibrate around her. The droplets of the pouring rain froze in the air. It was like time stopped. A deep droning sound resounded from anywhere and everywhere. Kairy went on alert. 'What the hell is happening?'

The droning became louder and louder. The stagnant raindrops started to move around her. Creating an intricate pattern around her on the ground and surrounding her in a cocoon of water. Just before her vision is obstructed she saw the sky being covered in a golden film.

It was like heaven was descending onto the earth.

Then she felt something. Something familiar. A memory Kairy thought she buried deep down, resurfaced.

That day, 10 years ago. When she met her current father figure. That day was also a rainy day. Kairy was 9 at the time and her little twin sisters were 6. They had unknowingly wandered onto the Deamon Triad's turf.

The trio had walked into an alley when they suddenly heard fighting at the end of the alley. As Kairy backed up with her sisters at her back. Three thugs came running into the alley. When they saw the little girls their eyes glinted with surprise.

But that surprise didn't last long as the glint in their eyes changed into that of greed and lust.

"Hey, look guys. Three strays. Let's take care of them and open their eyes to a whole new world."

"Stay away!" Kairy screamed as the thugs stalked towards them. Like hungry wolves. What looked like the leader of the trio gang members stretched his arm out towards Kairy.

Out of desperation, Kairy ducked the arm and punched as hard as she could at the place where the sun doesn't shine. The thug fell to his knees, groaning in pain.

Kairy turned around. "Let's run! Get out of here!" Her little sisters looked at her with wide eyes full of fear. The trio began to run. At least Kairy tried. She felt a hand grab her ankle. "Oh no, you don't."

The thug she punched in the balls had grabbed her. "Don't look back. Run!" Kairy was pinned to the ground. The thug beckoned for his companions to go after the other girls.

With an infatuated face, the thug began to claw at her clothes. "No! No! No! Stop, please." "This fierce little fox needs to be learned a lesson."

As Kairy was at her wit's end the air around her started to vibrate and the raindrops froze in the air. This time there were no humming sounds, the droplets started to move around or a golden sky. But the feeling was exactly the same.

She felt shackles inside burst. A feeling of freedom surged from within.

Unimaginable strength started flowing inside her little body. Her skin hardened and got a metallic sheen.

The thug felt the little girl he pinned under him starting to break loose. The guy was flabbergasted. Such a weak-looking little girl was starting to overpower him.

A scream escaped Kairy's mouth as she punched upward. The thug was hit so hard he flew off her on his back, unconscious. Kairy stood up. Her purple eyes glowing with murderous intent.

She stood over the thug and punched. She breathed deeply. And punched again, and again, again. She stopped when she felt that what she was punching had caved in.

There she stood heavily breathing in the pouring rain. Her hands were covered in blood. When she heard heavy footsteps behind her. There she saw the two thugs being dragged by a big man.

This man had a full red beard, red hair, and blue eyes. Behind this man, she saw her little sisters cowering and still crying, seeking protection from this man. Holding on to him.

The man looks towards the disfigured face of the gang member of a rival gang. His eyes widen, the man's attention shifts towards the little girl in front of him. Seeing her skin having a metal texture a soft whisper left his mouth. "You're like me. Someone with an extraordinary ability."