
Transformation into the Marvel Universe

As the saying goes, three points are talents, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. Daisy Johnson, Quake who traveled through the Marvel world, was secretly glad that she was one of those who had ninety points. Should she use her vibration power to become a salted fish and wait for the heroes to rescue her, or should she catch up and lead the way? Choosing to inherit the spirit of Nick Fury, she chose the latter. With S.H.I.E.L.D.’s control of countless resources and various advantages, this is a story of a time traveler gradually becoming stronger in the Marvel world. .............. OG Author: I want the quiet Don River ................ If you like the fic and would like to support this poor translator, then you can buy me a Kofi at https://ko-fi.com /daoistyuri  :)

Dao_of_MTL_8008 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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218 Chs

Go Swimming



Maki chose a room to the left of the master bedroom, while Lorna, after a moment of thought, settled in on the other side of Daisy.

Within their private territory, they could keep any pets without raising any eyebrows. Dumpling, the lion cub, could finally walk around in the open without worrying about frightening the elite of Manhattan. Daisy allowed it to roam freely, whether in the room or the woods.

As for the dumb Rhino, it chose to live in the garden. Daisy repeatedly warned it that if it chewed on the flowers in the garden, it would be in trouble.

The villa was vast, and daily cleaning and cooking posed a big problem. Fortunately, there was a professional household service company catering to the wealthy of Long Island.

Daisy hired three cleaners, two gardeners, and two chefs. Due to the large number of personal items, the first floor was assigned to the cleaners, while the second floor was off-limits. In normal times, infrared scans were set up, and in the future, artificial intelligence would be integrated. If someone without permission entered, an alarm would sound.

They only needed to take care of their own rooms.

The household service company also proposed services for bodyguards and drivers. Daisy similarly hired two burly-looking bodyguards and a driver.

"These guys don't have much combat power," Maki the maid, now upgraded to a housekeeper, commented on her new subordinates.

"Just for appearances. It would be outrageous if there were no bodyguards," Daisy said with a smile.

While the maid was complaining, Daisy was caressing her new car, a silver-gray Porsche Carrera GT. This car could be considered Porsche's masterpiece, reaching speeds of 200 kilometers per hour in just 10 seconds.

The maximum speed could even reach 330 kilometers per hour.

With outstanding performance, a stylish appearance rich in technological feel, and considering the astronomical price of the villa, the cost of the car could only be considered a small change—€400,000.

She gave her original Chevrolet, the one only used by secret agents, to Maki.

With the move, and the purchase of various necessary supplies, everything was sorted out. Unconciously, a week had passed since the emergency landing.

Everyone slowly adapted to Lorna as the new member of the family.

Before going to bed, Lorna hesitated and wandered into Daisy's room. She had a lot of questions for her fellow mutant.

This master bedroom is a bit large. It was the first time in these few days that she entered this room.

It was even larger than the room she shared with her mother and stepfather. Despite the maid's help, Daisy's room was still messy.

Clothes were casually placed around, and two pistols were lying next to the underwear. Programming books and electronic devices were scattered together, with only the adamantium-made sword and shield armor neatly arranged.

At this moment, Daisy was coding the main program for the supercomputer. Although Stark Industries provided a set of main programs, it was mostly for show. Countries and large laboratories that purchased supercomputers used their own control programs.

"Do you need something?" In her own home, Daisy naturally didn't bother to dress much. She was wearing loose pajamas, and her hair was casually tied up in a bun. At this moment, she was sitting cross-legged on the bed, writing the program.

Lorna stretched her neck to glance at the screen, realizing that she couldn't understand a thing.

She hesitated and asked, "So, you're my legal guardian now?"

Daisy quickly finished her work and looked up with a serious expression. "Yes."

Lorna lowered her voice, as if afraid someone might hear, "So, you're one of them? One of those people?"

Even now, she couldn't come to terms with her true identity, still using "those people" as a euphemism.

Daisy couldn't explain the intricacies of mutants and inhumans to Lorna. Tell her that mutant gene came from her father Magneto, while her inhuman genes came from her mother and they were different species? Lorna's young mind would likely be filled with confusion.

To increase her sense of belonging and assure her that she wasn't alone, Daisy vaguely said, "Maybe."

Loneliness is a terrifying thing. Studies in psychology indicated that when people realized they were different from those around them, only a tiny fraction felt happy. Most people needed collective living; humans are social animals, and being thrown out of their native groups could lead to significant psychological issues.

Now, hearing Daisy openly admit that she belonged to the same group, it seemed like a thousand-pound burden had been lifted from Lorna's shoulders, and she let out a relieved breath.

Then she thought of something else and curiously asked, "So, what's your ability? That telepathic communication thing?"

"Oh, no," Daisy shook her head, refusing. Her telepathic abilities were too weak, and it would be embarrassing to refer to them as her primary. "That communication is just a derivative ability I developed."

"This is my ability." To let Lorna see clearly, Daisy lightly snapped her fingers, controlling the gravity around Lorna and causing her to float gently.

"Ah!" Floating in mid-air surprised her, but it was followed by curiosity.

"You're amazing. Can I do this too? What kind of ability is this?" Lorna bombarded Daisy with questions.

Daisy explained a bit but soon found that Lorna's basic knowledge was severely lacking. Explaining concepts like gravitational and magnetic forces to her was like talking to a wall. Regardless of being a mutant or inhuman, initial use of abilities might not require much knowledge, but to use them effectively, extensive learning was necessary.

Lorna needed systematic learning. Unfortunately, Professor Charles Xavier was currently recruiting students in the central United States, and Daisy, while capable of self-learning, didn't have the patience to teach from scratch.

She planned to wait until Professor Xavier returned to discuss the matter.

After playing around with gravity control to tease Lorna for a while, Daisy sent her back to her room to sleep.

The next morning, Daisy, in her pajamas, pushed open the window and gazed at the magnificent view of the sea and sky. She couldn't help but stretch herself and sigh.

Tony Stark stepped out and faced the Pacific Ocean; she opened her window and had a direct view of the Atlantic Ocean. In a sense, they were quite similar.

After having breakfast made by professional chefs, Daisy suggested that they go swimming.

Everyone was daring, so no one suggested swimming in the pool in front of the house; they chose the open sea as their goal.

While changing into their swimsuits, Daisy noticed a problem that she had always overlooked. She looked Lorna up and down, and then asked, "Lorna, how old are you?"

She had always thought Lorna was a little girl, but now, seeing her still like a child, her skin is good, but she has no chest, no butt, and a thin body, Daisy looked at her up and down for a long time, but couldn't guess how old she would be.

"I'm twelve years old!" Lorna replied, her face turning red. The weird look Daisy gave her made her understand the implied meaning. Compared to Daisy and Maki, she felt a bit inadequate. In her heart, she vowed, 'Wait until I grow up; I'll definitely be better than you!'

If Daisy knew Lorna's inner thoughts, she would probably tease her, as the future Lorna was also lean. Although not an airport, she would not have anything to do with her plump figure.

"Twelve? Are you sure?" Daisy's tone was a bit incredulous. Twelve years old? You have too little development...


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