
Transcending worlds

Aurelia, known as the toy of the dukedom wakes up one day and finds herself in a completely different age and a dark figure keeps chasing her, as she runs, she bumps into Mateo, an attractive man with striking features who is known to handle a lot of underground operations and publicly tagged as "the smiling cobra" . His demeanor was so cold yet so menacing, he didn't care one bit of anybody else's opinion, well that was until Aurelia montague entered the picture. Mateo Corleone sees an opportunity to take what he is strangely attracted to but what he doesn't know is that the chase isn't always easy especially when you're chasing someone who's running away. Can they navigate the challenges of two transcending worlds?

Zozorer · Histoire
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2 Chs

Chapter one: THE AWAKENING

The stone walls of the dukedom were cold and unforgiving, much like the people within them. Aurelia Montague known as the 'toy of the dukedom', often found herself at the mercy of her step brother, Lucian. His eyes, a cold, calculating grey, held no warmth for her. He treated as little more of a nuisance, a pawn to be moved and manipulated.

Lucian burst into my chambers, his face twisted with disdain. "You wretched girl", he spat, his eyes filled with malice. "Always hiding away pretending you're better than everyone else, I told you to sleep with lord Vincent and covet him to give me his gold mines"

I stood up abruptly, body aching from the latest beating but I couldn't let him see me weak. Lucian's hand shot out, striking me across the face. "You will learn your place, Aurelia," he hissed. I bit my lips to stifle a cry. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of seeing me in pain."Tomorrow, I will see to it that you're married off to that decrepit old Lord since you want to defy me. Maybe then you'll finally be of use."

He left with a cold glare on his face, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Lucian has always been cruel but his punishment has grown more severe over the years. He took pleasure in my pain, in seeing me broken and submissive. The bruises and scars on my body were testaments to his relentless torment.

But Lucian wasn't the only threat. There was another man, Lord Vincent whose life's mission was to torture me. His high influence gave him the power to act without consequence. Lucian, ever the opportunist, allowed Vincent to touch me insensitively, his hands lingering on my skin in ways that made my stomach churn. Vincent's eyes filled with compulsion for my beauty was suffocating. He spoke of caging me, keeping me as a prized possession, a living doll for his twisted desires.

That night, as she lay on the cold floor of her small chamber, My hatred for Lucian and Vincent burned brighter than ever. I vowed that the next day would be different. I would find a way to defy those two beasts to carve out a life for myself beyond their cruel grasps.

I woke with a start, My heart pounding in her chest. The last thing I remembered was the oppressive atmosphere of the ancient dukedom. Now I find myself in a room that was starkly different from anything she had ever seen.

I glanced around, confusion clouding my mind. The walls were lined with strange devices that emitted a soft, pulsating light. The air was cool, yet oddly comforting. I shivered, not from cold but from the eerie sensation that I have been transported to another time entirely.

As I tried to make sense of my surroundings,a noise startled me. Footsteps echoed down the corridor outside my room. Panic surged through my veins as I realized I wasn't alone. Without hesitation, I bolted out of the room,my feet carrying me down unfamiliar hallways.

I ran blindly, my mind racing with questions. How did end up here? Where was I? And who was chasing me?

Turning a corner, I collided with a figure so unexpectedly that I stumbled backwards, nearly falling. Before me stood a man unlike anyone I had ever seen. Tall and imposing, with dark eyes that seemed to pierce through my soul, he exuded an aura of danger.

"Whoa there" he said, his voice deep and commanding. "Are you alright?"

I scrambled to my feel instinctively taking a step back. "I don't know how I got here. I just need to find a way back..."

" Back? To where? Somewhere far from here, I suppose?" He eyed me curiously.

I froze, my eyes widening in shock. How could he know?

"You're not the only one who's seen things that defy explanation. But here's the thing..." He leans closer, his voice lowering. "In this world, people don't just appear out of thin air, there's always a reason."

I swallowed hard, torn between fear and curiosity. Could this man help me find answers? Or was he just another threat in this strange, unfamiliar world?

"You're clearly not from around here, come with me. It's not safe for you to be wandering around alone, "he said, his tone softening lightly.

I hesitated, but the intensity in his eyes and the dire situation I found myself in left me with little choice. I nodded, and he extended his hands, guiding me through the labyrinthine hallways.

As we walked, I noticed people staring at me, whispering among themselves. I glanced at my elaborate, old fashioned dress and at them, realizing how out of place I must look. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but I held my head high, determined not to show weakness.

"I.. I'm Aurelia Montague. And you are?" I asked quietly

He smirked lightly. "Mateo. Mateo Corleone"

A shiver ran down my spine at his name. There was something in the way he said it, a confidence that bordered on arrogance. But I had no time to dwell on it; we exited the building and entered a sleek, black car that awaited us outside.

"We'll go somewhere safe. You can tell me everything then," Mateo said, starting the car, his voice low.

I sat in silence, the city lights blurring past the window as we sped through the streets. I couldn't shake the feeling that this mysterious man was my only hope of understanding this new world, and perhaps, finding a way back to my own.

Mateo glanced at me, a thoughtful expression on his face. He knew I was more than I seemed, and as we drove into the night, I couldn't help but feel a growing obsession. A feeling less than how Vincent felt for me and a dangerous aura around this man that made me chilly. Aurelia montague had become a puzzle Mateo was determined to solve--- and keep.

I'm tired already but I love you all! How is it? good?

Zozorercreators' thoughts