
Transcending worlds

Aurelia, known as the toy of the dukedom wakes up one day and finds herself in a completely different age and a dark figure keeps chasing her, as she runs, she bumps into Mateo, an attractive man with striking features who is known to handle a lot of underground operations and publicly tagged as "the smiling cobra" . His demeanor was so cold yet so menacing, he didn't care one bit of anybody else's opinion, well that was until Aurelia montague entered the picture. Mateo Corleone sees an opportunity to take what he is strangely attracted to but what he doesn't know is that the chase isn't always easy especially when you're chasing someone who's running away. Can they navigate the challenges of two transcending worlds?

Zozorer · History
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2 Chs

Chapter Two: The Mansion of Secrets

Mateo's car was unlike anything I had ever seen. Sleek and black, it hummed softly as we drove through the city. The seats were plush and comfortable, a far cry from the rigid,unforgiving surfaces I was used to. As I watched the lights blur past the window, I couldn't help but think of the olden cars I had seen Vincent drive, he would drive his automobile around the dukedom,showing of his wealth and status. But I had never had been allowed to ride in one, thanks to lucian's iron grip on my life. They were fascinating with their wooden frames and loud engines. But this car felt most alive, responding to Mateo's slightest touch with smooth precision. Mateo glanced at me occasionally, a strange look in his eyes, but I was too overwhelmed by my surroundings to care much.

Despite my initial unease the, the rhythmic motion of the car and the exhaustion of the day's event soon lulled me into a deep sleep. I woke with a start as the car came to a stop. Mateo's voice was gentle but firm as he guided me out of the vehicle into his enormous house.

The opulence of Mateo's home was staggering. I had seen the Grand estates before, but this was unlike anything in the dukedom. The house was colossal, a labyrinth of hallways and rooms that seemed to stretch on endlessly, everything was polished to a shine, from the marble floors to the crystal chandeliers. Despite the luxurious surroundings, I couldn't shake the unease that gnawed at me. Who was this man who had taken me in, and why did he have such a vast, mysterious residence?

As we walked through the grand entrance, the maids giving me death glares. Their whispered comments and snickers followed me,making me acutely aware of my out of place attire. One of them, a woman with sharp features, muttered loud enough for me to hear "Ah, another lost puppy."

I stopped and turned to face her, my eyes narrowing "Do you have something to say to me?" I demanded, my voice steady and firm.

The maid looked taken aback, clearly not expecting me to confront her." I-I just meant.."

"Save your explanations. If you have a problem with me, say it to my face," I said sharply. "I'm not going to let anyone here treat me like I'm less than them."

The maid's eyes widened with shock. Before she could respond. Mateo stepped forward, his expression dark. His voice cold and dangerous as he addresses the maid. "You sure do have guts, disrespecting a guest I brought in." He called for the butler and demanded that she should be taken away immediately.

The maid fell to the floor. "I-I didn't mean any harm,Sir. Please,forgive me."

Mateo's eye narrow, with a displeasing smirk on his face, he says "you know I don't give second chances, you've met your end." I didn't want be the cause of her demise so I uttered "just let her be" before he reluctantly let her go. "If I hear another word of disrespect, you'll regret ever setting foot in this estate." He said. I couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction from his words.

As I continued down the hallways, I couldn't help but wonder why she had said "another." How many others had there been?

Mateo approached me, with a soothing smile playing on his lips."Aurelia," he says softly "let me assign someone to assist you. You need clothes and someone to show you around."

I looked up at him. After a moment, I nodded. "Fine," I said "but I can take care of myself."

"I have no doubt" he replied, a hint of amusement in his voice. "But a little help won't hurt." He said. "Come to my room at 9pm, I have a lot of questions for you."

He called for one of the more trustworthy maids, instructing her to provide me with whatever I needed. As she walked me to my room, I couldn't help but feel special. Maybe I wasn't just another lost soul, Just maybe..

Later, as the night grew darker, The time for questioning approached. The vastness of the mansion made it easy to get lost, and soon I found myself in an unfamiliar part of the house. The air was cool and the silence was unsettling. I turned a corner and froze. Ahead of me, several men carrying what looked like a body wrapped in cloth, moving swiftly and silently through a side door.

My heart pounded in my chest as I watched, trying to make sense of what I was seeing. Suddenly, a voice broke the silence. "Whatchu looking at?" In a playful tone.

I spun around, startled, and lost my balance,falling to the floor. I looked up to see a man standing over me, his features hidden in the shadows. He stepped closer and I could make out his rough,scarred face and piercing eyes with a small yet bold scar close to his left eye.

"I'm.. I'm lost," i stammered trying to keep my voice steady. "I was looking for Mateo."

He regarded me for a moment, then extended a hand to help me up. "This way, you must be the girl" he said gruffly.

I followed him through the winding corridors, my mind racing with questions. Who were those men, and what were they doing with a body? And who was this man leading me to Mateo? His presence was unsettling, and I couldn't shake the dangerous aura I sensed around him. Was everyone in this mansion this way?

When we finally reached Mateo's study, the strange man left without a word. Mateo looked up as I entered, his eyes narrowing slightly. "You were gone for a while " he said, his tone casual but his eyes sharp.

"I got lost," I admitted. "And I saw... Something. Men carrying a body." I shouldn't have said this but I was curious on how he would reply.

Mateo's expression didn't change, but I sensed tension in the air. "This is a large house Aurelia," he said evenly. "You will see many things. Some you should not concern yourself with."

I nodded slowly, understanding the warning behind his words. As I took a seat, I couldn't help but feel like I was becoming entangled in something far more complex than I had imagined. The night had grown late, and the city outside was cloaked with darkness. But within the walls of this mansion, secrets and dangers lurked, waiting to be uncovered."

The mystery deepened, and so did my determination to uncover rhe truth about mateo and the strange world i find myself in.