
Transcended as God Usopp

A man gets transported into the world of one piece as Usopp. what will he do with his knowledge of future events will he follow the same route as original Usopp or will he create his own new legend in the world of pirates?

_shinigami_san_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs


A man named Alex was walking on the streets as he lamented about his bad luck.

Today he woke up late due watching one piece as he tried to binge watch it at nights because he worked as salary man and didn't have the time to watch it in the morning.

which resulted in him watching it in the night and now due to that he was late.

And he knew that if he reached late to work today his boss will get really angry as his boss hated people who don't arrive at time what he feared right now was that if his angry boss was in a bad mood then he might get fired from the job.

While he was thinking all this he didn't realise when he started walking in the middle of the road.

He suddenly heard the honking sound of a truck as it had already reached close to him then crashed with him.sending him flying away as he died.

Every thing went dark, there was no spec of light.All that he could see was darkness. he didn't know what was happening as he started panicking. then he realised that he had just died right now.

He sighed as he didn't really care about dying much. As he didn't have anyone back at home nor any friends that would care about his death.

He didn't have a great life either as after working his ass of all that he got was a low salary job with a shity boss who always scolded him and threatened to remove him from the job.

The only thing good in his life was that he had started watching one piece which really was a master piece. As it was the only thing that had helped him to enjoy his life.

So now that he had died, the only thing that he regretted was that he couldn't see the ending of one piece.

He sighed again as he stopped thinking about the past and started to focus on the present as he began to think where exactly he might be because it neither looked like heaven nor did it look like hell where was he exactly he didn't know that.

So with only option left he started walking in a random direction as it was all that he could do now so he kept walking and walking for hours,days or weeks he didn't know that.As for some reason he never felt hungry or tired.

As he kept walking he suddenly saw a light coming out of the the endless darkness so he started running in that direction until he finally reached it.

What he saw was really wierd as it looked like he was suddenly transported into a very old fashioned poor looking house.

When he looked at his hands it looked to short to be his hands and he felt that he suddenly gotten short all of a sudden.

So he went near a mirror only to see that the face he was seeing was not his and on its place was a face of a boy with abnormally large nose.

But he knew who the boy was. it was Usopp from one piece. But as a kid he looked probably between 12 to 13 of age. It all felt weird to him but he didn't panic and started thinking what he should do next.

As he was in a world full of filthy pirates and corrupt government.