
Traitor In Disguise

"Amanda, who do you think is the traitor?" "..." Amanda is a 19-year-old girl, fresh from senior high school, and wants nothing to do with university. She takes a job in the local cafe and she is living a happy life. One day, however, news start to circulate about an unknown game. The rules of the game were simple. Mind your own, cause no drama and no elimination for you - or so she thought. She finds the opposite instead. She has to work hard to survive, forge friendships, and find out who the traitor in the group is. Will she survive or will she be eliminated early? But there's a special secret to survive: Read the room. Play along as Amanda uses her secret investigative skills to survive and find out who the traitor in disguise is!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Urbain
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

"Here is your order ma'am - One cappuccino and 3 donuts."

"Thank you, little miss."

"Have a good day."

A normal day at the cafe. Life is good and I am enjoying my job here. I am Amanda and welcome to my simple life... or so I thought. I am known as Little Miss, both by my colleagues and customers. They always say my age doesn't match with me - I have always been taken two years back. Both in grades and age. I love it personally.

As of recently though, news has been buzzing on a certain game.


"Hey, do you know of a strategy game?" said Zane. He was dressed in a hoodie and he was still in high school - 11th Grade.

"No, what is it about?" I asked, confused about the game he was talking about. "Is it the trending game that is going around?"

"Well, depends on what the game is about," said the boy. 

"Amanda, the tables won't clean themselves!" said my boss, Johnny. He took me in since day 1.

"Yes, sir!" I exclaimed, loud enough to reach his ears.

"Well, I have to get back to work, how about you come back after I have knocked off?" I asked.

"Sure, see you at 4 then Amanda," said the boy.

"See you," I said, watching him leave the cafe and jumping the streets.

"Surely a brave boy..." I thought to myself.

"Don't zone out a lot," said Chris, who was standing next to me.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Chris.

"Nothing," I said.

"The neighbor's son just came to see me," I said.

"Neighbor's son? How old is he?"

"He looks like he is still in high school... 17, I think," I said.

"You like him?" asked Chris.

I glared at him.

"And who told you that?" I asked.

"Just checking," said Chris.

"Why would you check on that? That's the tiniest thing to think about. Don't worry, I am not interested in him... he wanted to tell me about a game, or something like that," I said.

I never understood Chris at all. One minute he is super friendly with you, the next minute, he wants nothing to do with you. Hot, cold treatment and Nikki never mixed up together at all.

"That's safe," said Chris.

"I will be going back to the tables," I said, walking away.

I don't want to continue this conversation any further...


4:00 P.M

I had finally been knocked off from work. I was about to take my bag and head out for the door when Chris called out to me.

"Amy," said Chris.

"Chris, you need something?" I asked. 

Chris fixed his posture and stood in front of me closely. I moved back to compose myself.

"You don't have to come that close you know, I can hear you from a proper distance," I said, annoyed and somewhat fearful of his sudden move.

"Amanda - I know you are heading home now, but can I ask for your number?"

He only knows me for 2 months and now he wants my numbers. I may look small but young for my age, but I am way more mature than my age.

"Okay, tell me a valid reason as to why," I said, catching him off guard.

"Is there a reason for it? I just want to know you better?" he said.

"How many girls have you been trying to know better?" I asked.

I couldn't respond. From what I have seen, he could ask four to five girls a day for their cell numbers!

"Look, Chris, I am sorry for my rude outburst. But as for my cell numbers, I don't share them with anyone," I said calmly.

I didn't mean to be rude but not Chris.

"How come other girls have your cell numbers?" asked Chris. His expression was getting darker.

"Which girls? No girl here at the cafe has my cell number---"

"I mean your 'neighbor' Amanda," said Chris.

"Chris, I told you, he is not my boyfriend! He just managed to see me here and that's how he knew where I--- wait, why am I explaining things to you?" I asked.

I never owed him an explanation.

"See you tomorrow Chris," I said and walked out the door.

Still, in my thoughts, I didn't realize that I had passed Zane. He quietly walked beside me until I turned my head to the right to see Zane walking beside me.

"Zane! I am so, so sorry," I said, feeling awful that I didn't see him.

"That's okay. Rough time at work?" asked Zane.

"Something like that, but it's all good," I said.

"Really?" asked Zane. He looked concerned about me.

"Really. I am okay," I said, smiling at him. He didn't need to worry about matters that were not his.

"Let me buy you something to make it up for you," I said, trying to make it up to Zane.

"No need - I am no child you know," Zane said, causing the both of us to laugh.

"How about I take you somewhere to cool our heads off?" Zane asked.

"You had a rough day at school?" I asked.

"Argh! Don't put it like that, I am not a baby," Zane said.

"But you are still a baby," I said, Zane folding his arms and me laughing about it.

"What place do you have in mind?" I asked.

"You will see," Zane said.

I wonder where this place is.

A few minutes later, we were viewing the wonderful landscape and city lights sparkling from afar.

"I never knew such peaceful places existed in the city," I said, admiring the view. "Hope you don't get home late."

"Not at all - the place gives me peace of mind when I have a bad day, like today - like you," Zane said.

"Like me?" I asked.

"Yeah, I mean you looked really deep in thought over something," he said.

I looked at him.

"You are very observant, thanks for asking," I said.

"Amanda please tell me what happened? You were good when I came but after knocking off, you were down. Please share," Zane said.

I was stunned by his level of concern. The last time they asked this apart from my parents was my older brother and little sister. 

So he is the sweet boy his parents always praise - I see why...

"Only if you tell me what bothered you today," I said, changing the topic back to him.

"Okay. Today, my friends were trying this new thing," he said.

"Let me guess, drugs?" I asked.

"You are fresh from high school I see," said Zane smugly.

"I am a rookie in the real world," I said. "So am I right?"

"Yeah, I told them that it is wrong to bring them to school and that they would get us expelled, they told me I was chickening out!" Zane exclaimed, feeling frustrated over the situation.

"Well done, I mean you did a good thing by telling them how it will affect their school reputation and thinking about the health risks..." I said, leaving my sentence incomplete.

"You have no clue how much I explained," Zane said.

"You did the right thing, and if they don't listen - it's their loss. What is important is that you tried warning them of the dangers. That shows how much you care for them. At the end of the day, they will see how much of a loyal, true friend you were," I said, trying my best to comfort Zane.

Unexpectedly, Zane hugged me.

"Thank you, Amy! I always know I can trust you," he said. My heart was happy because I was happy to not only comfort him but to also help him see things in a different light.

"I will always be here for you Zane," I said.

"Okay, now that I have said everything from my heart - you turn," Zane said.

"Since you were honest about your day, I will be honest with mine. Right now, when I was about to leave the cafe to meet you, Chris---" my sentence got cut short by Zane jumping in.

"Your colleague?" asked Zane.

"Yeah, so he asked for my number, and I gave a rude outburst, then he was concerned about you and the girls within the cafe having my number and not him, and blah, blah, blah - that's how my day unfortunately ended," I said. "I am truly very sorry for not seeing you - Chris destroyed my mood."

"No problem," Zane said.

"Thanks, little brother," I said.

"Little brother?" asked Zane. Confused about the words I have said.

"You remind me of my little sister but since my brother is older than me, and you are the same age as my sister, you fit under the title too," I said, causing a smile to carve on Zane's lips.

"So your sister is 17 too?" Zane asked.

"Yeah, don't think too much about her," I said, realizing where everything was heading.

"You don't have to be mean - I am a good boy," Zane said.

"Yeah, as if we are allowing her to date," I said, waiting to see Zane's reaction.

"Chill, as if my parents would be pleased seeing me bring a girl home at the age of 17," Zane said. "Do you have a boyfriend Amanda?"

"No - not looking for one either," I said.

"I am happy then - I can still have you as my big sis next door," Zane said.

We laughed about it until it started to become dark.

"We should be heading home, your parents could be worried," I said. Looking at the view one more time before turning my back and catching up to Zane, who was standing near the gate to the park.

"Yeah, I know they care, but they should trust me a little," Zane said.

"Trust me and take this lesson - unless you actually give up on wanting freedom, forget about having it," I said, Zane surprised at my words.

"It's the instinct of a parent to worry about the kids, especially when they love them," I said.

I feel old just saying this... I have only existed on Earth for 19 years!

"Amanda, you are 2 years older than me, fresh from senior high, and yet you are so wise. I admire you," Zane said.

Admire me? I didn't see myself as wise...

"Thanks, Zane, you are a smart 17-year-old - the ones I knew back at school were something else. It's a bit... rare finding a good student like yourself," I said.

Zane scratched himself and hid his face.

"I-I am very sorry! I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable!" I exclaimed.

"No, that's okay," Zane said. "I have never been given a compliment apart from my parents, so thanks."

Zane flashed a huge smile at me.

"Let's go home, shall we?" Zane asked.

"Yep! But how about we quickly pass by the donut shop?" I asked. 

It has been a while since I have bought them.

"Sure," Zane said.

I bought my regular box of three but this time, bought an extra one for Zane and his parents.

"I hope you and your parents love donuts," I said.

"Thanks, Amy! We will surely enjoy them!" Zane exclaimed.

Zane walked before me, and I couldn't stop staring at him.

He looks like a naughty boy on the outside but is a little boy on the inside.



"We have arrived," said Zane. 

"Indeed. Please pass my greetings to your parents Zane," I said. I was unlocking the door to my apartment.

"Will do so. Bye Amanda. I had fun today," Zane said.

"Although there wasn't anything fun to do, but I am happy you enjoyed my company," I said. "It was nice being in your company too."

"Thanks - well see you..."

"When I see you," I said, finishing up the sentence.

We both entered into our doors and I leaned on the door.

"What a day," I said to myself. If it wasn't Chris, it was me embarrassing myself. 

Speaking of which, Zane said he was going to tell me about a game.

Still, in my thoughts, I got an SMS from an unknown number.

It was Zane.

Where did he get my number from?

Text message: Hey Amanda! I stole your cell number from my mom's phone, sorry! I just wanted to thank you for the donuts, they love them. 

I remembered that I wanted to tell you about a game but I forgot - I will tell you tomorrow.

Same time right?



I responded.

Text message to Zane: Hey Zane! That's okay, as long as I don't get into trouble! I am happy they enjoyed them and about the game, pass by the cafe during lunchtime as well, that's if you are not busy.



I was about to switch my phone off when seconds later, Zane responded.

A text message from Zane: No worries, Mom knows and since I have a short school day tomorrow, I will see you at lunchtime.

Nighty night.


"He is quick on the keyboard alright," I thought to myself.

Text message to Zane: That's nice, see you at lunch then.



I finally switched my phone off, jumped into my pj's, and hit the pillow.