
Tournament Of Dreadful Memories

A woman....a woman chosen to go into Ragnarök, to fight for humanity. Past histories involving others will get in the way of her, memories she once hoped to be left behind resurfaced and haunt her. She begs for mercy at challenging times, but is refused by others as her title is bad enough as it already is. She will become the most feared thing with the Gods when she shows just how strong she is. Humanity has a chance to win, don't they? Please welcome, to Ragnarök.

UnknowinglyFluffy · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Unknown Contestant

"Is it true you're cursed to smile forever?" Göll asked for the one hundredth time, the Deicide grumbled lowly at her, "I hate kids for a reason." She mumbled to herself as she ignored the kid, the kid took offence for being ignored by the Deicide and started to ask a bunch of questions which made the Deicide even more annoyed.

Finally, the tall woman that was Göll's sister walked in, "Göll, you mustn't annoy our contender, she is a very strong woman. Human in fact." Brunhilde spoke, the Deicide huffed and got up.

"My life is none of this child's business, I've simply come to participate because if not, how will people know my name and learn to fear me?" The Deicide chuckled before she walked off, Göll huffed like a child.

"Why is she so rude?" She asked to Brunhilde.

Brunhilde frowned slightly, "I should really not say Göll. But she has her reasons…. She has her reasons…. Until then. We must make sure the Gods don't find out about her, she's a catastrophe waiting to happen if they do find out."

Brunhilde mumbled, Göll was even more upset that Brunhilde avoided her question, but she sighed, apparently to Brunhilde she is a very calm but very terrifying woman, they needed her to win for the humans, for mankind.

Göll sighed softly, if the woman had her reasons, she couldn't do anything about it if she wanted it to be keep in silence. "Okay...." Goll mumbled in defeat.

The Deicide was walking down, she had already watched the fight between Thor and Bu Lu, which she had to admit that it was boring but at the end, they somehow came together and became friends that rivaled each other which was way too fun for the Deicide to watch, although Bu Lu had passed on.

Humanity was freaking out because the Gods have one the first round, they were hoping for the second round they could win, the Deicide knows who's up next, she knows what Zeus would do, that old man that she hated very much.

But she must keep herself calm in order for mankind to keep going, she's going to help them for her own reasons, for her husband's reasons. And she'll grant him his last wish no matter who she is facing.

Now she was watching the fight from afar, the one and only Adam. Adam was the second choice.

Adam did his insanely cool entrance that the humans enjoyed, she enjoyed it slightly, he jumped and landed down, and he ate the apple that he was known for, for rebelling against the Gods with his wife and soon-to-be two newborns.

The Deicide had to admit that Adam was very good, not at fighting, copying the attacks with just his eyes, the Divine Reflection.

But his reason why he's here made her still smile turn into a beautiful smile, he had the same intentions as her husband, and Adam's wife should be proud to have him. Although, yes, the Deicide was devastated when she saw Adam give his last breath to Zeus before he pummeled him to the ground, mankind lost not only the father of men, but they're losing against the Gods.

The Deicide felt incredibly pissed.

She hoped for the next contender would at least bring mankind hope, although he was the greatest loser in history, he had some skills against Poseidon.

The Deicide was walking up and down the dark halls, her usual forced smile on her face as she thought and thought about how she should give her silent support for the loser without revealing herself to the Gods who would immediately do some sort of trick to try and get rid of her, she has to stay undercover, luckily that Valkyrie has been keeping her identity masked under a very complicated spell she created just for her, so she was able to see the contenders and Gods, better than before.

The Deicide sighed, her smile stuck on her cheeks, she always wondered how her cheek muscles don't get tired of holding one expression on her face for many and many years. It was weird but that's what a God did to her.

The Deicide was now viewing the next fight, the third ground is slowly happening, and mankind is on the brink of screaming that they're going to die, the Deicide has to try and silence them because they're getting on her nerves just like that child.

The world's greatest loser, who looks 100 years old enters the ring, everyone is quiet, she is quiet, then she snickered slightly as she saw mankind beg and pray for success, she intended that for their reactions, poor souls, they don't know what he's capable of.

The Deicide watched slightly away from Brunhilde and Göll, she was right about the loser, although he was stuck in a tough situation with Poseidon, he managed to get a few slices one him, which amazed everyone as Poseidon was known for being almost untouchable, which the Deicide didn't believe the Gods bullshit.

She didn't like them for a reason and one of those reasons being that they over exaggerated with one another.

The Deicide smiled softly as she saw the known untouchable Poseidon fell, being cut up by the loser's sword and his last words being, "Loser.." before Poseidon collapsed on the floor in separate ways, the Deicide would have loved to have a talk with the loser, he certainly proved the doubtful people and the Gods wrong, although she'll need to arrange that with Brunhilde, her identity was a major thing she needs to work and hide on, she couldn't just ignore Brunhilde's wish, she wanted the best for mankind and to get rid of the Gods like she wants to.

The Deicide sighed again; her smile un-wavered, graceful but forceful, she knew she was going to be the last contender; she couldn't be in secret for another few days, it would feel like eternity for her, no doubt about it.

The Deicide inhaled deeply as she walked away from Brunhilde and Göll, that damn kid still went after her to ask and annoy her with questions, "What's your name? Are you really human? Who made you smile forever? How did you become blind?"

The questions kept on coming like a running faucet, it was true, the Deicide was blind, she couldn't see anything, but her senses were like those of a God she fought when she tried to get her and her husband out alive from that god awful place.

Brunhilde didn't even seem to want to help, only a small call for Göll to back off from the Deicide as she walked away, finally Göll asked.

"Do you hate Gods?"

At that point, the Deicide didn't even know what came over her, and neither did Brunhilde or Göll. The Deicide grabbed Göll by her collar.

"I don't hate Gods.... I loathed them.... the pain and suffering they put me through, do you think you would be able to handle it yourself? Without any sort of support from your own kind?"

The Deicide asked daringly, Brunhilde was now in the vicinity of the two and saw the situation Göll was in, "Madam! Please, set down Göll. I'm sure she didn't mean any harm in asking the question." Brunhilde said as she bowed down in hopes to get Göll out of the Deicide's grasp.

The Deicide eyed Brunhilde before she tossed Göll into her arms, "If that child asks me one more question about myself. I will be on the Gods side. Don't tempt me."

The Deicide growled at the Valkyries before she walked away, leading her great sword and small chained daggers along with her, Brunhilde looked at the Deicide before she looked back at the young girl, Brunhilde would need to have a talk with Göll later, she almost got their only hope out of this situation she put the humans in.