

Shen's P.O.V

"Master Zhao, everyone has gathered."

"Then forward, we shall."

It was the time to let everyone know of the dangers that a particular black masked man can give. It might scare them or inspire them to train harder. I stand firm, my resolve in my heart. I shall avenge the heavenly bird that was made sacrificed. I shall take that man's life.

Master Zhao went up the elevated platform on the now reconstructed Yingxiong Hall as me and Lady Chen joined the crowd. Lady Chen grabs my hand without looking at me. Somehow, Lady Chen wants to grab my hand whenever she has the chance.

"Greetings, everyone. I bear news that can shake everyone's resolve upon revealing. Shall I ask my disciple Shen to come here."

This is it.

Lady Chen gives my hand a light squeeze before letting go. I inhale and exhaled before jumping to the elevated platform. I did not look at the crowd for I am scared of people that know me. Disappointing, I know, but that's me. I'd rather stand in front of a lot of people that I do not know. Relax, your lady is there. Looking and supporting you. I look at Lady Chen but she wasn't looking at me. Haiya, what a sad thing.

"Shen here was the one who defeated the heavenly bird along with her partner, Sylviath. I have thought about this with my family and we are open for questions before we continue to the gruesome part."

A lot has raised their hands, wanting to ask questions. Goodness. They raised their hands at the same time.

"Yes?" I pick the one from the first row.

"Martial Sister Shen, isn't Sylviath the dragon that the hero rode?"



"What? How did that happen?"

"This must be a prank."

"I knew it!"

"Any more questions?"

When will we finish the question part? I sigh to myself.

"Yes?" this time, it was a guy with a smirk plastered on his face.

"That must be a fake, right?"

"What blasphemy-" I cut Master Zhao off.

I look at the guy who had a smirk on his face.

"There is only one Sylviath. How can there be two and a fake at that?"

"Seeing that you're powerful, you must've did something, right?"

"What makes you say that?"

"The Sylviath that the hero rode was much more powerful than what Sylviath, now, had done." it was my turn to smirk.

"What family are you from?"

"From Master Zhu's."

Ah, that must be the reason why he has a smug look.

I flicked my fingers and Sylviath came down flying to my side. Everyone ducked as Sylviath flies over them, except for Lady Chen who stands firmly.

"Sylviath here has a seal made by the hero herself."


"The hero is a woman?!

"How did that happen?"

"Since when?"

"How did she know?"

"What nonsense!" the guy exclaimed.

"If you want to test if Sylviath is a replica or not, you are free to come to the platform. Everyone knows that someone unworthy of Sylviath can not ride her, right?"

"Yes!" they all shouted.

"Then, do come. A replica will let you on since it is not the original."


The guy jumped to the platform and nervously went up to Sylviath. As her grows nearer, Sylviath looks down at him. I heard him gulp as he takes another step closer.

"Go-good boy."

He extends his hand but Sylviath's eyes suddenly glowed red. His fangs grew and his wings sent him flying to the end of the hall. Everyone gasped.

"Not only does Sylviath not let anyone on him, he senses intentions."

"So, the it is the dragon himself."

"If the dragon is alive, then the hero must be too?"


"Yes?" I point to the one at the middle. This time, it was a girl.

"What rank are you?"

Everyone went quiet. Even Lady Chen's interest arise. Master Zhao looked at me, expecting me to answer and indeed I will answer.

"I am in the brink of breaking through the Heavenly Ace."

"You're Legendary IV?!"

"Indeed I am."

"You're stronger than Master Zhao?"


"Who are you?"

And silence came again.

"I do not intend on answering that question."

If I were to reveal my parents, they will hunt them down, lock me up and probably torture me until I tell them. They are searching for my parents that have runaway and I can not risk to that. People are greedy. Once they get a taste in something good, they will want that and ask for it more and more.

"Are you and Martial Sister Chen lovers?"

I look at Lady Chen for help but she looked away, still wearing that cold expression.

"It is better to ask that when Lady Chen wants to answer you but I will tell you this, I am pursuing Lady Chen."

"Two women?"

"Is that even possible?"

"How will they conceive a child?"

"What will the Chen Family think if they heard this?"

"That's enough for the questions." Master Zhao interrupted.

"As you have just heard, Shen here is stronger than me. And this is a message to those who are willing. Master Shen will teach those who wants to defend and fight against the Dark Lord."

"The Dark Lord was responsible for that attack a couple of days ago. Master Shen can not fend us all by herself as the Dark Lord has men that we don't know. Disciple Chen had seen them thus she and Master Shen will lead the search. I doubt that the number Disciple Chen had seen is not the equal amount the men are in total. So, I ask of you, those who are willing to fight for this country, let us train under Master Shen's leadership."

No one raised their hands. No one spoke. My family will fight against this scoundrel by our-

"I-if Martial Sister Shen can demonstrate power equal to that of her rank, then I am willing to be under her leadership."

"Then I suggest everyone to step aside."

Everyone was eager to see what I have up in my sleeve as they hastily made space in the middle. I jump to the middle and heaved a sigh.

This one was what the old hag had taught me before I had reached the Legendary Tier but they did not need to know that. This is a power formulated and polished by the old hag so only the two of us know. There are a lot but I am choosing this one as it is quite fancy to see and tricky to master.

They saw this when I was fighting the heavenly bird but there is a difference. Mixing two elements are hard, we all know that but mixing three elements is close to impossible but somehow, the old hag had managed to perfect this and taught me up to 4 mixtures of different elements.

I opened my palm and blue fire ignited over it, raging fire. It was such a huge fire that it can devour the heavenly bird even with its size. A blue and black flame are treated special as they are high rank fires. On my other hand, I had thunder.

"I-is that, thunder?"


"What extraordinary power."

I smashed both of my hands together and together, they formed a fire with thunder running around every corner.

I grab a blank piece of paper from my breast pocket and let the fire eat it. I threw it on the ground and let the fire decrease its size and volume. After a few sizzling sounds and fire cracklings, it subsided to a size of like that to my previous talismans.

"I-is that..?"


"Shit. Martial Sister Shen is on a different level."

The talisman had blue fire radiating its body, or if I were to exactly describe it, it's body and head is made up of blue fire but his body was surrounded with yellow thunder.

"Come here,"

My talisman comes to me with a grin and electrocuted me. Everyone was amazed, not minding my embarrassment. I am sure to scold this one. It is very naughty for attacking its creator.

Everyone started screaming all at once.





The environment suddenly got cold when the last shout was, "Master Shen, please be mine!". Everyone shivers at the sudden change of temperature. I look at Lady Chen as she was already glaring at me. What did I do?

"Now, now, everyone who wants to train under Master Shen's wing will take an oath. Blood will be spilled so be careful on deciding."

Me and Lady Chen went to look at the former place of the sword as Master Zhao had everyone took an oath and probably scaring them.

"So, this was your mother's sword."


"The sword,"


"It's alive."

Could it be?

I grab the hilt of the sword and brought it near Lady Chen. The sword has reacted so much than it did with me. The sword is alive but only a few people know that. The sword did react by my touch but not so much that it vibrated with Lady Chen's presence beside it.

"My mother would be shocked to see that you are much worthy of the sword than I am."


"Lady Chen, my mother had wanted someone to take the sword."

"I do not get it, Shen."

I put the sword back to its former place with so much force that the ground shook. It was as hard as before. I look at Lady Chen and gave her a toothy grin.

"If I may humbly ask this beautiful lady to take out the sword?"

"Only those who are worthy can."

"I indeed am worthy as I am a descendant of the hero but that doesn't mean that it belongs to me. It merely recognized the genes that me and my mother share."

Lady Chen was contemplating but never did it cease to amaze me just how graceful and beautiful she looked. We kissed, right? That happened, right? Oh, gods! This lady drives me crazy! We did not only share one kiss but a lot already!

I smacked myself in the butt when I saw that Lady Chen had a resolve. She walks to the sword and takes it out without any breath to spare. My jaw opened a little. When I took that out, I had to scream because it was too hard but Lady Chen had got it out without even a sweat to break!

"Goodness. My mothers will be shocked."

The sword's aura scattered before returning to its original state.


I look at the hole and there I saw the sheath. Is this sword tricking me or not? When I had got it out, the sheath did not appear. I had a hard time not cutting myself as I walk with it stuck on my leather belt!

"Here, Lady Chen. Suddenly, the sheath appeared out of nowhere."

She places the sword on the sheath before placing it on her side, patting before looking at me, quite warmly. That must've made her happy. She is a sword's person.

"Who made the sword?"

"My mother- oh, uhm, not the hero one."

"Who is your mother?"

"She's the greatest swordswoman and craftswoman of all history."

"Bao Chang?"


"How come you don't have a last name?"

I smile.

"Did you want to ask me that for a long time?"

"Quite frankly, yes."

"Both of them did not want to establish such names. They have all forgotten their histories thus thought of an idea to not regard the status."

"Is that why you have no birthday?"

"No, not really."

"Then what is it?"

"They did not tell me when is my birthday."

"They did not tell you anything?"

It is such a first for me that Lady Chen was initiating the conversation. She was even asking many questions which caught me off guard. It is the first time that she had an interest in my life.

"They told me that it was winter."