
I as the Leader

Shen's P.O.V

"Wake up,"

I felt my body shake as the voice repeated the same two words for a good 3 minutes. I want to wake up but the warmth that's laying beside me is as if telling me to not get up. My eyes were still so heavy.

So soft.

"Lady Chen has been kidnapped." I jolted awake and summoned a fiery sword. I look around and saw Lady Chen getting up from the bed.

"What? What?"

"That always gets you to wake up."


I scrub the sleepiness out of my eyes and yawned. I am being unethical but eh. I look at Lady Chen who started undressing suddenly. I turn around, red-faced. If I were the old me, I'd look at every inch of her body. But, I want to show her respect as she has accepted me as I am.

"Is slumber still inviting you?"

"No, uh, I'm good."

Without warning, Lady Chen stood in front of me fully-clothed and hugged my head, burying it deep in her breasts. She smelled nice and fresh. I wrap my arms around her waist smiled contentedly.

"You are to train them by yourself."

"Yes and if I were to make a mistake, that old hag will surely hunt me."

"I am by yourself. You need not worry."

"Thank you. I know my very existence is a shock and yet you made no fuss."

She breaks our hug and kissed my forehead. My face heat up at the gentleness of Lady Chen. If I had known that Lady Chen was this gentle then I would've told her sooner. I would've witnessed this side of her early. But, this just feels right.

I stand, stretching a bit before kissing Lady Chen on the lips. Ah, her soft lips makes me want to do some more.

"Lady Chen's lips are so smooth."

"I know,"

I laughed and nodded. Of course she does. I changed into my uniform and walked hand in hand with Lady Chen to the dining area. The food was already prepared but Master Zhao was nowhere in sight.

"Master Zhao is off to meet your parents."

"My parents?"


"Where? Why?"

"Where? I do not know. Why? Master Zhao wanted to report to his masters."


"Do you not like your mother?"

"Which one?"

I grab a duck leg and start eating it slowly, still processing that Master Zhao did not tell me his plans.

"The hero."

"Oh, I do but our relationship is more of that disciple and master." another bite.

"You do not exchange gentle greetings with each other?"

"Nope," another bite.

"What about your other mother?"

"Oh, she's the gentle type. She sometimes helps me with what the old hag would prepare for me and that would result in them fighting and then my mother winning because the old hag doesn't want to upset mother."

"They have a great relationship."

I look Lady Chen. She was looking down on her plate, deep in thought.

"We will surpass their relationship."

"What is their relationship like at home?"

Does she really wanna know?

"Will you disregard my warning?"

"What is there to be worried about?"

I put down the duck leg and inhaled. Here goes,

"Before I had intelligence, they would.. flirt with each other."


"Like, uh, while I eat, the old hag and mother will have their moment in front of me."

"Please be more specific,"

I could tell that Lady Chen was annoyed with me leaving out details.

"I would find the old hag's hand in my mother's undergarments."


"While I sleep on the floor, I would hear my mother scream or shout in the middle of the night."


"Sometimes I would walk in on them while the old hag was eating mother's private area."


"The bottom one."


I eat the remaining of the duck leg. I know that Lady Chen's face is red and so was mine. I am saving us both the trouble of knowing our embarrassed looks.

We managed to not talk about it and not be awkward until we were don eating.

"While I train them, what would Lady Chen be doing?"

"I will be by your side."

Sometimes I wonder if Lady Chen knows that she's saying sweet things to me. She looks so calm and indifferent that I don't know if she's doing this on purpose or not.

"I've been wanting to ask you, Lady Chen."


"Would you like our relationship kept hidden?"


Well, I should've guessed that. She must feel disgusted that I am a woman.

"And it's not because you're a woman. I want us to tell my parents this winter. Rumors are not my kind of entrance."


I was feeling quite happy while we walk to the training grounds. I skip, I smile and I whistle. I was really happy. I thought Lady Chen was for sure disgusted.

"Good day, Master Shen!" they all shouted in unison, making me jump out of shock.

They were already in line and columns. They were prepared while I was happily skipping walks. I forgot that I had think of what I should teach them first.

"Oh, good day."

Lady Chen looks my way before sitting under a tree behind me. I thought she was going to help me? Why is she just sitting there?

"Pardon me but I do not know until which tiers you all are nor do I know your capabilities, so I have decided to put you all in a test."

"Yes, Master Shen!"

"I want you to fly for an hour."

There was whispers everywhere. They must be doubting me.


I clap my hand and wind came, sweeping them off from their feet, making them fall on the ground.

"Stand up!"

"Yes, Master Shen!"

I start walking through the gaps and tried to read some of their presence, aura and body structure.

"Flying requires a deep level of concentration. Flying is only one of the hard ones to accomplish. If you can fly, then you are ready to learn, if you can't, then you need to focus and concentrate on centralizing your qi within. Got it?"

"Yes, Master Shen!"

"Now, fly!"

Some flew right away, some flew but fell, some didn't flew at all. There were only 4 that can fly within an hour. I walk in front and gathered their attention.

"Those four who had done the deed, step in front!"

"Yes, Master Shen!"

Four young brave women steps in front of me, marching with confidence. Ah, little Lady Chen.

"You four young women, I give you the task to form your own group and teach them on how to fly."

"B-but we are only students, Master Shen." the brown haired woman says with red face.

"And we are just the same age."

"Yes, Master Shen!"

"Now, go! I will evaluate after meal but I will not go anywhere as I shall watch your leadership skills."

"Yes, Master Shen!"

As the four of them divided the students, I walk to where Lady Chen was at. I sit beside her as she sips on her tea. When did she get the tea?

"So, you can lead."

I could not help but feel a bit underestimated.

"Surprisingly so."

But it was true.

"Is it just a coincidence that they are young women?"

A smile had crept on my face. Lady Chen gets jealous easily? This is news!

"Is Lady Chen jealous?"

"I am merely stating facts."

"Obvious facts?"

"Do you want hot tea on your throat?"

"I'd like your tea deep in my throat?"

Lady Chen blushes before pouring the hot tea on my head. She must've forgotten that I am somewhat immune. She glares at me before taking a sip back at her tea.

I remove the liquid from my head using my qi. I stretch and situated myself on her lap. Ah~ so soft.

"You must be comfortable,"

"Indeed. It feels nice to have someone I love by my side."

"Mhm," she takes another sip.

"This must be why that old hag can't keep her hands to herself."

"Another word and I will place a glacier down your throat."

"You definitely won't. I will be dead."

"You are dead."

"Then I guess Lady Chen does not need me anymore,"

I slowly get up but Lady Chen pushes my head back to her lap gently. Lady Chen looks away as I smile to her opposite action. I close my eyes, wanting to savor another moment with Lady Chen.

"Lady Chen will get married this winter."

The words slipped my mouth. I did not want to sour the mood but somehow, this worry had came out.

"I do not plan on marrying someone else."

I wanted to believe but Lady Chen's family is so influential. My family is extraordinary but we also can't do anything about Lady Chen's marriage this winter. Winter is nearing and so is Lady Chen and me. Her heart is slowly warming up to me. Through time, we are closer.

"Your parents seem aloof."

"Hmm? Ah, they really not worry on who I love. As long as it's not men."

"How so?"

"They despise men, especially if they rank up. Money, women and power are all they will think about. They say that it is different if it's a woman."

"Your parents must like me then,"

"You satisfied my mothers' expectations."

A small smile escaped my lips. She exceeded if she's worried about my mothers.

"Then I am glad to hear that."

"Lady Chen,"


"When did you start loving me?"

Suddenly, my nose got hit by the end of Lady Chen's elbow. I opened my eyes, covered my now bleeding nose and glared at Lady Chen.

"That hurt, Lady Chen."

"It was supposed to."

"Lady Chen will marry this winter,"

I did not think of it that much but it came out unconsciously. Well, I did think about it a lot of times. I worry so much that it just came out.

I close my eyes again and settled on Lady Chen's lap.

"I will not marry somebody else."

Lady Chen sure be cheesy at times. I don't know if she knows but I guess she doesn't. This must come all naturally for her while my heart is never at rest.

Her decision can only be that of just another person if it's her parents that wants to gamble and sign their daughter off. Her parents are high ranking and my parents are, hmm, special, but they don't know that my parents are like that. I doubt my parents want Lady Chen's parents to know who they are.

"Your parents don't seem to worry?"


"They are not pushing you to marry."

"Oh, my parents are pretty laid back. They tell me to be with someone I love, as long as it's not a man."

"What's wrong with being with a man?"

I open my eyes. Lady Chen looks down at me as I look up at her. I smile a little, touching her face gently.

"Men are innocent when they're still young. But as soon as they gain age, they become power hungry, savage men. All they will think about are women, money and power. My parents hate that thought of me becoming a shadow."

"I worry that,"

She pauses as she closes her eyes, feeling my hand on her cheek.


"Your parents may not like me."

My smile became bigger. So she worries? I want to kiss her right here and now but I can't. There are a lot of people and I bet they are thinking about things when they saw us being so intimate since a while ago.

"You have exceeded my parents' expectations, Lady Chen."

"I have hoped."

"You hoped when?"

"Shut up."

She slaps my stomach making me mumble an 'oof'. I rub my stomach while Lady Chen looks away, twirling the side of her hair. SO CUTEEEEE.

"M-Master Shen, it is time for our meal."

I look at the flustered junior that was looking away. Oh, right. Me and Lady Chen were lovey-dovey. I got up and extended a hand to Lady Chen. She grabs my hand pulls herself up. She tidies her wrinkled uniform before walking away to the location.

I look back at the junior and winked at her.

"Shh," the junior's red face became redder.


"Don't worry. I trust that you will not say anything bad."

I ran to Lady Chen and smile at her.


"Nothing. I'm just the luckiest person here."

I'm sorry I did not update yesterday; and I am already sorry for the next days because I will be having my midterms. I will try to update as mush as possible though. If I update two times in a day, that means I'm catching up for the loss time.

Shen is also a lousy leader. Flirting while training, don't you think so? HAHA!

BlyxRecovercreators' thoughts