
Beginning of it all

hahaha look Itachi is actually speechless hahaha don't worry I shall take care of Sasuke I won't coddle him he will be made a ninja and that girl she will to even if training is hell ok hiruzen -Hiruzen nodded- also my team won't be doing any mission under c rank so whats are first 1 ????.

Hiruzen- here meet the client at the gates in a day -hands a scroll to ryjin- and good luck.

Ryjin leaves to find his team he goes around Konoha as he finds Sasuke and sakura and he sends a message to Naruto and Hinata and tells them all to meet at training ground 7 ASAP as they all get word Sakura and Sasuke are kinda confused on why but ryjin simply told them to come or you won't ever be a ninja this got there ass's moving Ryjin was there in a sec followed by naruto and Hinata and about 5 minutes later Sasuke and sakura showed up Sasuke had been met by his brother on the way and Itachi had told Sasuke who ryjin was and how much of an honour it was for Sasuke to be accepted to be taught by the said person so when he saw ryjin again he was Seething but not with anger or wrath or malice But excitement and Joy.

Ok, I am guna be Completely Blunt Naruto and Hinata you can leave for Free Study while I deal with Sasuke and sakura BUT be at the gates tomorrow morning 9am sharp.

-They both nod as they walk off knowing just what hell they will go threw-

Ryjin- First Sasuke you have fire Wind and Lightning affinity so that's good cause each can be used for Devastation and heavy hits and also silent and Precise attack's Your task is to meet your brother the Uchiha head and ask him for access to the Uchiha Library and you will take all fire wind and lightning jutsu's and start studying and learning Also you will start learning Tree wall and water walking now to tree walk Place chakra in your feet and try and get your feet to stick to the surface of a tree and wall So lay down and slowly try and walk up it then once your able to walk start running once walking and running then move to walls and then water I will help you with Jutsu and also Making your Sharingan Stronger by evolving it to a better one.

-This made Sasuke's face wide-eyed and like that scary movie mask-

Now go and remember at the gates at 9am SHARP

Second Sakura -she was ogling Sasuke as he was running she turned and asked if he said something- Ryjin's face twitched as he walked towards her as he pointed at the village -she got confused- Leave and don't come back you are not fit to be a ninja a fangirl like you will only get herself and her teammates killed EITHER TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY OR FUCK OFF.

-this shocked her as she panicked- Sensei what do you mean I was kunoichi of the year how can I be unfit to be a ninja -she stamped her foot-

Ryjin- Ho Ho Ho so you think you have what it takes huh ok come with me

-He holds her as he Moves fast to the I&T -interrogation and torture department- as they arrive anbu at the entrance stop them but as they see Ryjin they move aside they are worried of the girl tho-

She is to see what it means to be a KUNOICHI they both look at her and sigh as they nod and tell her to brace her self They walk down the halls and as they do she sees many rooms with Torture going on and she pales and even throws up once or twice but it was not till they got to the deepest part that she was now worried as she heard weird noises and screams and shouts all of the women down here.

Ryjin opens the door and shows the full view to sakura a room filled with chained beaten tortured and RAPED kunoichi's who even now are being raped and beaten even mutilated.

-Sakuras eyes bugged out of her head for a holiday as her whole body was trembling and quivering-

Ryjin- so you still guna be a Fucking fan girl and end up like these enemy Ninja or are you guna take this serious Huh make your choice I will leave you here for a few hours TO COME TO TERMS with your choice.


-the door shuts and locks behind ryjin leaving her in there with the prisoners and the torturers-

she breaks down and crawls to the corner and starts crying and sobbing but not a single ninja pays her attention as they keep Torturing and rapeing and such after about 2 hours Ryjin comes back to find a rolled up sakura as he takes her out and back to training ground 7.

Ryjin- so have you come to terms with what it means to be a Female Ninja it's Harsh more Harsher then just worrying about death -he sees her look at him- You need to understand that fangirl Bullshit you have for Sasuke will get you and even him killed he won't be there to save you he has to make sure he can battle his enemy and he can't defend you while you do fuck all so answer me Truthfully do you wish to be a NINJA or not if you say yes I will train you BUT there is no turning back you will see death and will accept it you shall cause death and shall embrace it you shall walk hand in hand with death For death Smiles at us all all 1 can do is Smile back That was said by a person from where I come from so whats your choice.

what is her answer going ta be hummmmm

Nathan_Hindscreators' thoughts