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fanfic Bs bud hahaha
you all do know it was Mearle who brought the zeds to the camp in the Tv show and cause he was not left behind in the city the MC would not have to worry about a surprise attack that's my thought
:) to answer ya he is around 7 to 8 feet and yeah the grammar does get better slowly hope you like it
i have not dropped just dont have the muse to do any evertime i think of somthing my mind wonders to other things
if you look on youtube or anywhere you can generaly find them they are based off the total war games tho so check there unit designes
yeah no luke sorry
i have not stopped i just have not found the inspiration for some reason i am thinking on this mostly but finding the muse for it just does not come and i wont do forced chapters cause they seems Bland rather then from the heart
too TRUE hahahah
YEP hahaha
i am getting to that currently i am working on a Harry potter stargate with some other worlds thrown in i am working on makeing the first chapter 15k to 30k words long thats why i not updated total war system to all sorry i know ya looking for TWS but this harry one got in my head and its been rakeing my mind