
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantaisie
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142 Chs

The Colosseum

After a simple introduction, the arrogant Dean Bahmer followed Orin to the stands.

Several young men in white robes followed Dean Bahmer. They had no badges, indicating that they had not yet reached the level of possessing a wizard badge.

The unpleasant meeting ended in this strange atmosphere. Raymond remained silent in response to Dean Bahmer's greetings. Only Hayden was still smiling and led Raymond to the other stands.

After sitting down, Hayden introduced the people around them, including merchants, nobles, and some officials from Port Kaidon.

His brother Seth and Seth's sister Whelan Tolly also came to pay their respects to Raymond.

Unlike the shy and introverted Seth, his sister Whelan Tolly was a very beautiful girl, tall, charming, and her protruding chest startled Raymond.

According to Hayden's introduction, Whelan Tolly, who was said to be the most beautiful pearl on the west coast, was actually not even sixteen years old, but she had developed a curvy figure and exuded charm.

Although far from Port Kaidon, there were still servants to serve the noble guests, offering wine, water and refreshments.

Hayden, who accompanied Raymond, excitedly introduced today's beast fight.

This long-standing beast fight activity involved capturing some irritable and thick-skinned beasts from the wild and letting them slaughter each other in the colosseum.

The colosseum was built hundreds of years ago. Originally slaves or death row inmates were used for slaughter, but it was too bloody and cruel, so the current mode was adopted more than a hundred years ago.

Originally meant to demonstrate power, this activity had become entertainment for the nobles over time. It could also be used to mediate disputes between nobles if there were unpleasantness.

So live human slaughter that was not explicitly prohibited could also occasionally be seen here. This activity, full of the beauty of power and blood, was especially loved by noble ladies.

The excited audience soon burst into deafening cheers at the sight of the first beast appearing in the colosseum, especially the noble ladies, whose shrill screams made Raymond feel the appeal of this beast fight.

There were already dozens of spectators in the circular stands, excitement and excitement on everyone's faces, especially the women screaming in high pitch. If Raymond hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that such noble ladies on the surface would have such hobbies.

The two beasts of the same kind that had just entered the arena were over three meters long and resembled leopards, but the fangs over a foot long in their mouths glittered coldly in the sunlight.

Whether they were given some drugs, as soon as these two beasts appeared, they frantically fought. Their beautiful fur was soon covered in bright red blood.

Jumping, dodging, running fast.

At some point, a transparent film several meters high had risen on the barrier stone walls of the circular colosseum, faintly emitting radiation.

According to the chip's detection, these transparent films were emitted from more than a dozen brown boxes the size of palms embedded in the stone walls.

Raymond soon saw that the beast about to fail in the colosseum tried to jump over the stone wall to escape in desperation, but was immediately bounced off by this film.

In just a few minutes, the slaughter in the circular colosseum was about to end, and red filaments flickered in Raymond's pupils as his chip worked nervously.

"Unnamed beast status: Strength 1.3, Agility 2.3, Stamina 1.6. Physical condition: Bloodthirsty."

After viewing the data, Raymond frowned. The physical data of these beasts surprised him. In their initial fight, their swift speed was shocking. It seemed that this beast belonged to the highly agile type.

Because they were speedy beasts, their slaughter time was a bit long. Although each attack seemed very light, the winner was eventually decided.

A beast with spots on its forehead ended the first round by tearing its opponent's throat open.

The beast's eyes had been red since it appeared in the colosseum. After winning, it continued to frantically tear and bite its opponent until it pulled its heart out and ate it. Then the beast crawled on the ground, making low moans and licking its wounds with its tongue.

The spectators in the stands maintained their excited cheers. Raymond glanced sideways at the noble ladies with flushed cheeks and a look of orgasm.

The bloody ground in the colosseum was full of beast claw prints. As he wondered when the next round would start, a familiar roar came.

Through the three the familiar roar came out. Looking at the more than three-meter-high grille gate on the wall of the circular colosseum being quickly pulled up, accompanied by a roar of beasts, a fierce beast familiar to Raymond ran into the colosseum.

Jet-black mane, less than two meters in height, heavy footsteps of sturdy limbs made the ground tremble.

Seeing the beast pounce on its opponent as soon as it appeared, Raymond was stunned because this beast turned out to be the black-maned bear with a complete language translation recorded in his chip.

With red eyes like losing its mind, the black-maned bear rushed into the arena, relying on its thick skin and sturdy body. It chased the lightly injured beast from the previous round in the colosseum, but the beast whose one leg was slightly injured in the previous fight was no longer so agile, so it could only wrestle with the black-maned bear in less than a minute.

The roar of beasts echoed in the ears, watching the two entangled beasts, fur flying and bloody, the gushing blood soaked them completely. The black-maned bear's mane, as hard as steel needles, was quickly covered in the opponent's flesh and blood.

It was basically a one-sided slaughter. The beast that had just won was quickly killed by the black-maned bear, and its huge heart became the spoils of the black-maned bear.

Chewing on the huge heart, the human-sized black-maned bear roared at all the people in the stands.

The despairing and shrill roar excited the people in the stands even more. The noble ladies covered their mouths pretending to be afraid, but their excited eyes showed that they were in extreme excitement.

After roaring, the red-eyed black-maned bear immediately began to frantically tear and devour the motionless corpse of its opponent, eating a large amount of its flesh and blood.

But as it ate, under Raymond's careful observation, this black-maned bear actually gave him the illusion that its body was gradually becoming larger.

Soon the third beast fight continued.

Then the fourth, the fifth...

But as the people in the stands descended into madness, Raymond frowned and squinted...