
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantaisie
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142 Chs

Setup 2

Here is my translation of Chapter 139 in casual American English:

The laboratory filled with chaotic energy fluctuations, Edgar the Wizard's face was extremely ugly. He paced back and forth in front of Raymond, and his eyes quickly became angry.

"You took the Dream Water from the Newman family in Darkwing City?" Edgar the Wizard frowned, suddenly stopped, and stared into Raymond's eyes. "Why?"

"This kind of thing that can be compared to the potion for promotion was exchanged for promising to consider joining the Newman family of Darkwing City in the future," Raymond did not evade his deal with Louisa Newman. "Louisa said the effect of this potion was stronger than the promotion potion from the Wizard Academy, so I..."

"No need to say more!" Waving his hand to interrupt Raymond's account, Edgar the Wizard wandered around the room again, muttering the name "Dream Water" over and over. But eventually, Edgar the Wizard's face sank completely, and he angrily asked for the reason.

Naturally taking out the benefits given by the Resource Management Office, Raymond narrowed his eyes with a smile and hurriedly explained, "Because I went to the Resource Management Office of the Academy before, but Mr. Harry gave me the potion for promotion. I was a little afraid to use it, so..."

Without finishing his words, Raymond showed all the potions in the box to Edgar the Wizard.

Edgar the Wizard snatched the box over and found the problem as soon as he grabbed a potion at random.

After checking all the potions one by one, Edgar the Wizard saw the layer of black ash in his hand, jumped up angrily, and shouted, "Did you not tell that bastard Harry that you, Raymond, are my personal disciple?!"

"I said so when I went to get the academy's promotion benefits. It seems that there was a woman named..." Raymond showed a thoughtful expression and paused deliberately. "Named Beatrice. She seemed to be more disrespectful to you..."

When he said this, seeing Edgar the Wizard's blood-red eyes, Raymond wisely closed his mouth.

Edgar the Wizard's laboratory fell silent. The powerful energy fluctuations emanating from him covered every corner of the room. Even the dwarf bamboo in the corner of the laboratory became as ordinary as a blade of grass.

But as time slowly passed, Edgar the Wizard's face finally calmed down. He turned and walked to the cabinet in the deepest part of the laboratory, rummaging in several boxes and putting some small things into his waist bag.

Then Edgar the Wizard walked straight to the door. When he passed Raymond's chair, he said calmly, "Come with me."

Raymond hurriedly stood up. Before he could take a step, he heard Edgar the Wizard's order again. "Bring all the potions you got from Wizard Harry, including the wooden box."

Raymond narrowed his eyes and quickly organized the box containing the potions according to Edgar the Wizard's instructions. He rushed out of the laboratory and caught up with Edgar the Wizard's pace. But in Raymond's eyes, red dots flickered. He activated the scanning function of the chip.

The attempt to collect Edgar the Wizard's data failed quickly because Edgar the Wizard walking in front showed no energy leakage. But the powerful energy stance on the surface of his body shocked Raymond greatly.

The energy stance surrounding Edgar the Wizard's body made his robe spotless. Even the mist that had been lingering in the Red Swamp for many years could not touch his body surface.

Edgar the Wizard's inward energy force field made Raymond sigh with admiration and secretly alarmed.

Walking slowly on the gravel road of the Wizard Academy, after a while, Edgar the Wizard walking in front seemed to be muttering to himself, and it seemed that he was introducing Raymond. "The little girl Beatrice is the little princess of the Axton family in Darkwing City. Her family has dominated Darkwing City for hundreds of years..."

"Humph, her grandfather still has some ability, but she... needs to be disciplined properly..."

The fragmented statements left Raymond somewhat confused. He followed closely behind Edgar the Wizard and listened.

"Harry? That old bastard Harry dares to despise the great mentor Edgar?!" Suddenly enraged, Edgar the Wizard cursed in a low voice. "Have the stinking drains of that year been forgotten...?"

Inexplicable words came out of Edgar the Wizard's mouth casually, but from the side, Raymond saw Edgar the Wizard's icy eyes were a little sharp, and his expression was as stiff as ice.

Not good at responding, Raymond followed in his footsteps. But after more than ten minutes, Raymond saw the building of the Resource Management Office of the Wizard Academy.

But before the two of them could continue, the crisp clatter of hooves suddenly sounded from behind Raymond. Raymond's dull mind did not react for a while, and then he heard the greeting of Skeleton Horse Hoss, "Hey, Edgar!"

Like the wind, Skeleton Horse Hoss with phosphorescent bones passed by Raymond's side and stood side by side with Edgar the Wizard.

"Little horse, are you still looking for your mate...?" Edgar the Wizard stopped, reached out and stroked Skeleton Horse Hoss's skull, and sighed, "So many years have passed, and you still haven't given up."

Standing beside Edgar the Wizard, Skeleton Horse Hoss scraped the gravel ground with his right forehoof. The dazzling red light in the empty skull flickered rapidly. Soon a low voice echoed, "Old Edgar, don't always be so cruel. My owner is gone, and I can't find my mate anymore..."

An embarrassed expression appeared on Edgar the Wizard's face. He stopped stroking Skeleton Horse Hoss's skull and withdrew his hand, sighing, "Alas, go back and rest. In the nightmare world, they will live well..."

Nodding, the red light in the huge white skull became soft. Turning to face Raymond, Skeleton Horse Hoss tilted his head and looked at Raymond, then walked heavily to the side of the gravel road and disappeared into the mist.

"Poor little thing. In the past, the mighty Lord Hoss could scare Harry and the others half to death with just one loud roar," Edgar the Wizard shook his head, showing a nostalgic expression. He muttered, "But Hoss, who has become an undead creature, has fallen to this point. It seems that when proud, one cannot go too far..."