
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantaisie
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142 Chs


On the vast grassland, a strange team was moving slowly.

More than a dozen burly Naga warriors and dozens of Muglfish men, and in the middle of the team was Naga elder Hayley.

Raymond, sitting in the soft sedan chair carried by four Muglfish men, squinted at the twin Naga girls walking in front.

They both had fair skin, tender skin that could be pinched out of water, though not yet mature, only half the height of the Naga warriors, but standard lolis.

Especially according to the customs of the Naga tribe, underage Naga girls could only wear plain clothes, wear light pink chest shells, and have to braid their long hair.

"Siss, siss, siss..."

Kai, whose skin was slightly darker, was still struggling to learn the wizard's language, but the Naga tribe's inborn throat muscles made the sound she produced unable to meet the requirements.

But this tender crooning turned her pronunciation full of charm, seriously provoking Raymond's nerves.

Somewhat flushed, Raymond, who had been half lying in the soft sedan chair, soon sat up, using his robe to conceal the embarrassment of his lower body's reaction, and then coughed lightly, shouted at Kai, and continued to correct her pronunciation.

By comparison, Kai, the Naga with slightly darker skin, had better learning ability. After three days, she could already use her throat muscles to control and form sound waves that humans could hear, barely mastering a few syllables.

But her sister Manda was still unable to fully control her throat muscles to form sound waves that normal people could hear.

Although this was the first time Raymond had been a teacher, he was tireless in teaching the two adorable little Nagas in front of him.

The reason Raymond was so patient was that the rules of the underworld stipulated that tutors had the power to physically punish disciples, as in the regulations of the Wizards Academy.

So after each teaching session, various forms of corporal punishment would pop into Raymond's mind to implement when the two little Nagas made mistakes...

Such malicious pleasure was also because Raymond was too bored. Now, apart from teaching the two little Nagas, he had no joy.

The list of supplies from the Naga tribe in his pocket, Raymond dared not take out again, because whenever he took it out to look at it, it would incur the anger of Naga elder Hayley.

The Naga warriors were quite hostile to Raymond. Batley, the Naga warrior in charge of the two little Nagas' safety, did not express anger at Raymond but looked at Raymond strangely.

The remaining Muglfish were the pets bred by the Naga tribe. They could only understand the Naga's instructions and did not even have a racial language.

Therefore, Raymond had no one to chat with on this journey. During the teaching of language to the two Naga girls, not only would Naga elder Hayley pay attention to him, but the Naga warrior with the strength of a great knight would also appear by their side.

So after Raymond thought of "punishing" the two of them, he could not execute it now. He could only simulate the future scene privately when teaching them languages to comfort himself.

But with Raymond's observation over this period, these Nagas had a pure nature. Because they had fled to the underworld, the Nagas showed that every member of the tribe was precious and cherished. This harmonious atmosphere made Raymond extremely envious.

However, he made appropriate corrections to his responsibilities, believing that keeping everything under his control was the most correct.

So after deep thought, Raymond's chip tailored an educational plan for the two little Nagas based on their current learning ability.

But the purpose of this plan was not to allow them to master the wizards' language as soon as possible and quickly communicate with the intelligent creatures of the underworld.

The teaching plan specified by Raymond's chip was actually to disassemble the coherent language as much as possible to ensure that they could not use these words within one year. Only after one year could they form complete sentences with the learned language and use it fluently.

Therefore, Raymond's daily teaching for these two exquisite little Nagas was very strict and serious, but their inborn vocal instincts still could not smoothly simulate the pronunciation of Gutoris.

Deliberately choosing this language that only wizards could master, Raymond thought it over carefully. Apart from the dark part of his mind, Gutoris was difficult to grasp but one of the common languages in the underworld.

But what made Raymond both laugh and cry was that because of his serious attitude toward teaching, these Nagas gradually changed their impression of him!

Especially those Naga warriors under Batley's leadership, their hostility towards Raymond gradually diminished over time. Although they remained silent when facing Raymond, this positive change could be felt.

The only one who showed no disguise towards Raymond was Naga elder Hayley in the team.

Remembering all this, Raymond cursed inwardly, but he had no choice. Naga elder Hayley, whose strength far exceeded his, was not someone he could deal with.

The journey was very calm, but when Raymond appeared at the meeting place agreed with Rebecca with the Naga escort team, accidents still occurred.

Although the action to develop new resource collection sites was approved by the high-level wizards of the Academy, as time went by, the races allied with the Wizards Academy also sent people here.

So when Raymond brought these Nagas to the entrance of the wasteland, what greeted them were tens of thousands of gnome warriors!

Densely packed, the gnomes unfolded their formations on the wasteland like locusts. With their green skin, they covered the wasteland with a green carpet. Although these gnomes were poorly equipped, the standard crossbows still made their combat power not to be underestimated.

The appearance of Nagas and Muglfish on the hill immediately made these gnome warriors take an offensive stance, and a big battle was about to break out...