
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantaisie
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142 Chs


In the ancient castle where Raymond was staying temporarily, the roar of the black-maned bear could be heard from time to time.

In the past few days, the maids in this castle have not been able to sleep well.

Since Raymond brought this black-maned bear back, everyone in the whole castle has become uneasy.

Facing a black-maned bear that was once five meters high still requires a lot of courage.

The black-maned bear brought back by Raymond from the Colosseum was lying on the grass. Raymond was giving it medicine.

Only Raymond could approach the black-maned bear, whose body was covered with countless wounds.

With a "chi la" sound, accompanied by the roar of the black-maned bear, a wisp of white smoke rose from its hind leg. The intense pain caused the black-maned bear to slam its bear paw heavily on the grass, smashing a large pit.

"Keep your voice down!" Raymond, whose eardrums were exploded by the roar of the black-maned bear, finally got angry with a frown: "Such a big body, squealing like killing pigs with such a little wound!"

Angry, Raymond slapped the wound on the bear's leg. A blood arrow spurted out immediately from the fleshy wound, spraying Raymond's head and face with fresh blood.

Raymond, who jumped up in embarrassment, made the black-maned bear utter a cheerful howl. But its deafening bear roar still made people feel dizzy.

Shaking his head helplessly, Raymond had a headache for this black-maned bear, who was only one and a half years old.

The physical mutation that occurred in the Colosseum allowed this black-maned bear, who at most had the mental ability of a six or seven-year-old child, to trigger the hidden abilities in its bloodline by devouring many fierce beasts based on instinct, causing its body to mutate and suddenly gain strength beyond that of a level 3 wizard apprentice.

Through the timely feedback and translation of the chip, although Raymond successfully reached an agreement with the black-maned bear, this fragile cooperative relationship made Raymond feel embarrassed.

Since taking it to the castle, the main gate of the castle, two walls, a tower and two rooms on the side of the castle were unintentionally destroyed by the black-maned bear.

Unable to determine its purpose, Raymond was really afraid that one day he would be crushed to death by the collapsed castle in his sleep.

Fortunately, when leaving the Colosseum, the size of the black-maned bear recovered to its original appearance. Standing up, it was only a little over two meters tall. Otherwise, such a huge black-maned bear could only be left to run into the city by itself.

For Raymond, this trip to the Colosseum was very rewarding. Dean Bahmer of Heihe Valley was seriously injured due to forcibly performing magic and would not trouble Raymond again for a short time.

The acting lord of Open Port, Hayden, whom was difficult to figure out, became more respectful to Raymond after taming the black-maned bear, because this powerful black-maned bear could not be killed unless Hayden was willing to pay an extremely heavy price.

Lying on the grass in the castle, the wounds on the black-maned bear began to scar. The deep external injuries that could see the bones recovered like this in just three days. As expected of a powerful beast.

The black-maned bear brought back to the castle has now become Raymond's powerful reliance. Under his questioning, the black-maned bear vaguely described its mutation.

Because before entering the Colosseum, the black-maned bear was injected with some drugs. These ordinary stimulants triggered the awakening of the ancient bloodline of the black-maned bear.

After hiding and devouring the hearts and flesh of other fierce beasts in a short time, it gained such great power. And in the abilities it comprehended, there was also a way to control the size of its body.

Covered in blood stains, Raymond felt very uncomfortable. Leaving the lazy and shameless black-maned bear there, Raymond quickly returned to his room.

After changing clothes again, Raymond returned to the black-maned bear. A few trembling chefs followed Raymond, put down a large tray of barbecue on the ground, and immediately turned around and ran away.

The smell of barbecue in the air brightened the eyes of the black-maned bear. Raymond let it pounce on the food tray to eat.

"How does such food taste?"

"Roar, roar roar, roar..." With a mouth full of black and gray, the black-maned bear vaguely expressed its satisfaction.

"Do you have confidence to destroy the army in the city?"

The eyes of the black-maned bear became gloomy and it stopped talking, holding the exquisite barbecue and continuing to chew vigorously.

"Do you want to return to your North Forest in the future and have such food every day? Should we fulfill our agreement?"

After hesitating for a moment, the black-maned bear finally uttered a low roar: "As long as you keep your promise, I will abide by the agreement!"

Narrowing his eyes, Raymond said nothing more and stood quietly waiting for the black-maned bear to finish eating.

Under the probing of the chip, the current data of the black-maned bear's body was slightly lower than that in the Colosseum, but still incomparable to humans.

"Black brown bear: Strength 16.7, Agility 13.4, Endurance 16.1. Physical condition: Healthy!"

After viewing the current data of the black-maned bear, Raymond compared all the data he had collected on humans with that of the black-maned bear. According to the judgment of the chip, this black-maned bear could kill hundreds of ordinary soldiers without damage.

As the backbone of human society, knights, the black-maned bear could probably kill dozens of knights without damage.

Because there were no knight-level humans in the whole Open Port, Raymond could not judge to what extent the black-maned bear could face the knights, but it should not be defeated when facing the knights.

Anyway, now eating and using are all supplied by the lord's mansion, so after finding the food the black-maned bear likes, Raymond has such a powerful bodyguard.

For Raymond, the pressure from Heihe Valley College was temporarily relieved. According to Dean Bahmer of Heihe Valley, boarding a ship to other continents would be at least a year away.

The toxin entangled in Raymond's body, Raymond did not dare to let Dean Bahmer of Heihe Valley examine it, so this life-and-death issue could only be temporarily set aside. Fortunately, this toxin was very stable in the body and would not slowly erode Raymond's body over time.

The chip did not have a clear conclusion about this toxin, and could only speculate that it was a latent virus that would burst out all at once when the time came, causing irreparable damage to the body.

After tidying up the current problems that needed to be dealt with, Raymond saw that the black-maned bear had finished dinner and was licking its bear paws to clean up food residues.

Unable to bear the smell of the black-maned bear's body, Raymond left the grass and finally told the black-maned bear: "Rest early. There's something to do tonight. You need to stay alert."