
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantaisie
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142 Chs


Raymond knew nothing about what had happened in front of the stone house. After leaving Miss Octavia's sight, he rushed towards the gate to leave. Along the way, Raymond was so excited that he wanted to cheer!

Various activated creatures could be seen everywhere, especially fruit-bearing activated creatures. The vigorous vitality emanating from them seduced Raymond like delicious food.

Grass with muddy roots swayed as if dancing, playing with leaves that used petioles as weapons on the lawn.

Unknown wild fruits rolled on the lawn, their little hands and feet hard to spot if not looked at carefully.

Without startling these playful activated creatures, Raymond deliberately chose to return to the edge of the area where the Fairy World and the middle zone overlapped. But when Raymond approached the thin mist covering the middle zone, the soaring vitality radiating from the native Fairy World made him feel excitement and fear.

The highly concentrated radiation energy seemed more majestic and terrifying at the edge. Through the thin mist, Raymond could vaguely see that in the Fairy World, there were many extremely huge figures shuttling through the dense jungle.

Although he couldn't record the appearance of these native inhabitants of the Fairy World through the chip's vision, Raymond could clearly see the existence of protective energy fields from these huge figures.

"Only wizards at Level 1 and above can have a substantial protective energy field," Raymond felt the weakness of his own strength in the face of these huge figures. "Pure energy, it seems I can only re-enter after advancement to see if I can gain more..."

After sighing for ten minutes, Raymond returned to where he had entered this world. By finding the residual energy fluctuations left behind, Raymond quickly reopened the gate by chanting spells.

After tentatively putting his hands and feet through the gate and feeling no obstruction, Raymond couldn't help but laugh when the gate disappeared before his eyes.

But with the disappearance of the palm-sized gate, the chip's abrupt alarm also echoed in his ears. "Alert! Alert! Unknown subtle substances detected. Initiate foreign body screening?"

Startled, Raymond quickly activated the monitoring chip. Red dots flashed in his eyes, and a 3D model of himself immediately appeared in his vision.

There were thousands of unknown subtle substances all over his body that the naked eye could not observe. But under the chip's continuous monitoring, these tiny unknown substances were unavoidable.

Each like a single-celled organism, stuck to Raymond's body surface. Under the chip's inspection, Raymond learned that these things would emit energy fluctuations at fixed intervals and fixed frequencies.

Raymond narrowed his eyes. After having the chip remove all these subtle substances from his body surface, he turned to look in the direction of Miss Octavia's stone house. But Raymond was utterly confused.

"Weak energy without any offensive ability, what exactly does Miss Octavia want to do?" Raymond frowned in puzzlement and opened the gate again tentatively.

A moment later, he found helplessly that these subtle single-celled substances were everywhere around the gate. As soon as he tried to enter the gate, he would be instantly contaminated by these substances.

Raymond's face became solemn. After several attempts, he found that these strange subtle substances were unavoidable when passing through the gate.

But since leaving here would not be a problem, Raymond took out the seed-like thing Miss Octavia had given him again. Red dots flashed in his eyes as he silently commanded the chip, "Analyze everything in it!"

"Task established, start analysis ..."

The chip's mechanical voice echoed in Raymond's ears. A large amount of data refreshed in Raymond's vision. Minutes later, the chip came to a vague conclusion. "Contains part of ultrasonic audio data and high-intensity radiation energy. It will produce an extremely high protective energy field when activated."

Raymond gasped. When he looked at the thing condensed by Miss Octavia again, his eyes became scorching. But when Raymond tried to have the chip extract and copy the data in it, he got a frustrating result.

Although the chip could analyze the data contained in it and even calculate the results after activation, Raymond's own limited strength prevented the chip from completely copying such information beyond his ability.

Facing the results given by the chip, the extremely angry Raymond had no choice. He could only roar angrily in his heart. "No more delays! Go back and rush to become an official wizard immediately!"

But anger did not solve the problem. Raymond quickly calmed down and climbed up a slightly higher mound beside him.

With the help of the magic "Wizard's Eye," Raymond quickly understood the triangular stable space.

Like an inverted triangle, Raymond's position was the top of the triangle. The triangular area expanding in front of him belonged to the stable area expanded by the space artifact.

And although the thin mists in the distance were still quite far away, the chaotic energy emanating from within seemed as obvious as a boundary line.

Then Raymond turned his gaze to the activated creatures laughing and playing on the lawn beside the mound. There was a trace of struggle and hesitation in Raymond's eyes.

Frowning, Raymond stood on the mound and thought. But thinking of losing these opportunities due to his limited strength, Raymond's eyes quickly became determined.

He first let the chip take over the vision of the magic "Wizard's Eye." Then Raymond commanded the chip, "Check all the activated creatures around, especially those that produce tubers and fruits. Mark their exact locations!"

Although Raymond did not know wide-range detection magic, with the chip's powerful comparative analysis assistance, an imprecise distribution map of activated creatures was quickly formed.

Thanks to the gradual improvement of the plant database in the chip, plants that formed underground tubers and fruits were marked on the map.

Raymond narrowed his eyes and carefully checked the distribution map provided by the chip. He quickly jumped off the mound. At his feet, there were more than a dozen such plants in the grass...