
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantaisie
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142 Chs

Ecstatic Edgar

Standing at the castle gate, Raymon saw the gloomy and angry young man rushing out from inside in surprise. "Horbert?"

The figure rushing down with his head down stopped in his tracks, startled by the sound.

"Uh, Raymon..." Horbert's face quickly became embarrassed. He turned his head and saw Raymon. There was still anger in his voice. "Sorry, I have something else to do. I have to go."

Watching Horbert quickly disappear from sight, Raymon couldn't help frowning.

Horbert was affiliated with the wind attribute, and his cousin Martina was even more affiliated with the water attribute. This should not be a place he would appear.

Raymon had some good feelings for this rather impetuous young man. From the first time he boarded the ship to later risking his life to challenge the third-level apprentice Jefrey for his cousin Martina, Raymon could see that he was hot-tempered but very emotional.

But after such a long time without seeing each other, Horbert's performance just now was really unexpected.

Standing at the door pondering for a moment, Raymon's eyes gradually became cold. Then he walked in directly with the pot of meditation grass, shelving his doubts.

Familiar with going to the top floor, Raymon turned on the recording function of the chip when he stepped on the last step. But when Raymon passed through the protective force field that acted as a warning, his chip still did not gain anything.

The warning force field set up by the wizard Edgar at the top of the stairs did not seem to be something Raymon, who had only reached the strength of a third-level apprentice, could understand.

But the moment Raymon stood on the stairs, the expected roar came. "Bastard! Don't you know that this place is also not allowed to enter in the afternoon!"

The tremendous pressure that suddenly erupted from the depths of the corridor also echoed the alarm in Raymon's chip in his ears. Raymon hurriedly raised the pot of meditation grass high. "I am your disciple Raymon. The meditation grass you gave me last time has changed!"

With tremendous momentum and green flashes in his hands, the disheveled and furious Wizard Edgar rushed in front of Raymon.

"What disciple, dare to pretend to be the disciple of the great mentor Edgar! Looking for death!" With red pupils, Edgar was about to cast the spell in his hands with a roar.

With numb scalp, Raymon had to put this pot of meditation grass directly in front of him. "I'm Raymon. This pot of meditation grass was the one you gave me last month!"

The meditation grass that was about to pierce Edgar's nose instantly sobered him up. As his eyes returned to normal, the fluctuations in the spell in his hands disappeared immediately.

"Raymon? This seems to be my meditation grass..." Reaching out to snatch the pot of meditation grass over, Edgar muttered while carefully examining the meditation grass in the pot. "No problem. It's greener and a little taller than before..."

But before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly opened wide. Then Edgar grabbed Raymon's collar and rushed into the room at the end of the corridor, almost carrying him.

Edgar's abnormal behavior startled Raymon. But this sloppy old man had tremendous arm strength. After trying to struggle in vain, Raymon could only smile bitterly and let Edgar drag him into the laboratory.

Roughly pushing Raymon into a chair, Edgar carefully put the meditation grass on the table. Then he immediately leaned in front of Raymon and roared excitedly, "Say it! How did you cultivate it? Why did it grow taller?"

"Taller?" Raymon hurriedly leaned his head back to avoid Edgar's foul mouth full of foam and was at a loss for an answer.

But when Raymon glanced around inadvertently, he quickly found the problem.

There was a long table in Edgar's room specifically for placing meditation grass. But among the dozen or so pots of meditation grass on the table, only the one he had just brought in was conspicuous.

A single meditation grass had two stems growing from the base, with fingernail-sized leaves growing side by side on each stem.

While the meditation grass on the table differed slightly in each pot, the one Raymon brought not only had greener leaves but also much taller stems than the others!

"Speak quickly! How did you do it? Why did the one I gave you continue to grow taller!" Red-faced and excited to the point of being hard to restrain, Edgar continued to roar. He quickly ran back to the table and gestured the height with his dry hands to show Raymon.

Raymon's heart sank, but his face still showed confusion. He immediately spread out his hands and explained, "After being taken back to my room, this pot of meditation grass was watered and fertilized on time every day. Sometimes I would also try to communicate with this meditation grass using the ability to release spiritual power out of spells."

Seeing Edgar's eyes getting bigger and bigger, Raymon quickly said, "Only once! I cut my hand open, so my fresh blood dripped onto the leaves. It seems that after that, the growth of this meditation grass became vigorous!"

"Ha! Hahaha! Hahahaha..." The sudden burst of wild laughter echoing in the room startled Raymon, who almost jumped up.

Suddenly excited, Edgar actually jumped and stomped wildly in his room, making frightening wild laughter.

"I knew it! I knew it was the effect of that bloodthirsty grass!" Edgar suddenly rushed in front of Raymon and roared, "You're not bad. You're very good! As expected of the personal disciple of the great mentor Edgar!"

Trapped in madness, Edgar quickly pulled Raymon over to the side of the meditation grass. He quickly took out a sharp small knife and cut a deep cut in his palm. Then he dripped his fresh blood drop by drop on all the meditation grass plants.

Seeing Edgar's savage behavior, Raymon felt numb from head to toe. Fortunately, the mad wizard did not think of using Raymon's blood to water the plants.

A moment later, all the meditation grass was watered with Edgar's fresh blood. Then the extremely proud Edgar actually described the cultivation formula of the meditation grass!

Five-year-old meditation grass, three-year-old bloodthirsty grass, glowing mushrooms from the underground world, and ten-year-old green dwarf bamboo that only gnome tribes have...