
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantaisie
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142 Chs

Closed Meditation

After returning to his room from the trading tower, Raymon set the room to "do not disturb" mode. Overjoyed, Raymon then asked the chip, "Is it possible to improve the spells I have mastered?"

"Task established, start analyzing..."

With the chip's mechanical feedback, the chip that was quickly analyzing data also brought up the two spells that Raymon had mastered at present, forming an intuitive spell model in Raymon's vision.

Each spell was like a blueprint for a precision mechanical device. Many parts that could be improved were quickly marked in conspicuous red by the chip.

The spell model composed of many subtle energy channels exposed many rough and redundant parts in Raymon's vision, but the chip only marked the parts that could be improved. It did not come up with a specific plan to improve the spell model.

"Task cannot be established, lacking reference data..."

The feedback that the chip could not establish the task soon reached Raymon's ears. Raymon shook his head with a wry smile.

Raymon's pupils flickered with red dots. He looked carefully at the two spells he had mastered at present. In the model that made up the spell, the places that could be modified were numerous.

But lacking the necessary reference materials, Raymon did not dare to let the chip make arbitrary changes. Without an accurate assessment standard, the consequences of arbitrary modification were unimaginable.

Raymon saw a memory sphere about modifying the spell model in the trading tower just now. The owner claimed to specialize in researching improved spells. In the introduction of the memory sphere he provided, he solemnly issued a warning.

Randomly modifying the spell model may cause the original spell model to collapse. It would cause extra magic consumption when casting spells. If the caster did not have enough magic power to cast the collapsed spell, the caster himself would be sucked dry by this collapsed spell, causing instant death.

With a wry smile, Raymon knew he now had a way to improve spells, but the chip lacking spell improvement data was not ready to play its role yet.

"My strength is still too low, unable to even enter the lower three floors of the trading tower." With a sigh, Raymon put the matter aside for the time being. He picked up the two flower pots he bought with magic stones and walked over to the table.

The lush green meditation grass was bursting with vitality under the simulated sunlight in the room, growing vigorously. And from the root of this one plant of meditation grass, two or three new buds had already sprouted.

Meditation grass, an extremely common plant in the surface world, is a perennial herbaceous plant that can only grow up to 10 centimeters at most. It does not reproduce by seeds but expands slowly by new buds sprouting from the roots.

Eliminating distracting thoughts and calming his mind, Raymon let the chip turn on the visual magnification function. He held a sharp small knife in his hand and began separating the new buds from the original plant.

Removing the buds from the tiny stems of the original plant little by little required completing the task without damaging the original plant. So it took Raymon half an hour to remove two intact buds from the root of this meditation grass.

With the bean-sized buds removed, the next step became simple. Raymon planted one bud each in two temperature-controlled flower pots. Then, according to the suitable temperature determined by the chip, he provided a suitable growing environment for the two meditation grass buds.

Watering, fertilizing, Raymon also deliberately buried the prepared fresh bloody meat under one meditation grass bud.

As a control sample, Raymon kept the chip's suitable temperature for the plant in addition to following Old Edgar's cultivation method in other respects.

Cultivating meditation grass took time, so Raymon's life became dull again.

Day after day of meditation slowly increased Raymon's stats. After the chip recorded all 45 symbols in the Wizard's Book, Raymon found through the chip's daily data records that his mental power and magic power had increased rapidly this month.

For this abnormal increase in stats, Raymon's chip could not give a reasonable explanation either. Raymon could only attribute it to the effects after reaching the third-level apprentice.

But while this effect made Raymon happy, it also made Raymon understand the gap between second-level apprentices and third-level apprentices.

According to Raymon's chip records, Raymon's meditation effect tripled after smoothly advancing to the third-level apprentice.

In just one month of meditation, his spirit grew by leaps and bounds. His magic power also increased in roughly the same proportion synchronously.

"Raymon: Strength 1.8, Agility 1.4, Constitution 1.8, Spirit 7.1, Mana 21.4. Gene: Improving. Physical condition: Healthy."

The data monitored by the chip left the 3D human model that appeared in Raymon's vision somewhat confused.

The basic stats of strength and agility increased by 0.1, while constitution increased by 0.2.

But Raymon's spirit had increased by 1.4 this month, and mana had increased by 10.2!

Facing such a high increase in stats, Raymon's face darkened.

Because a wizard's lifespan only undergoes a fundamental improvement after advancing to a first-level wizard, reaching at least two hundred years old at the minimum.

Improving one's strength through meditation was like rowing against the current. Wizards with high potential had higher meditation efficiency, meaning they had more time than the average potential Raymon to impact becoming a first-level wizard.

Before coming to the underground world, Raymon already knew the risks of impacting becoming a first-level wizard.

On the west coast, he already understood the difficulty of this barrier.

The Dean of the Black River Valley Academy, Barmu, and Hilom of the Tori family were both failures in impacting becoming first-level wizards.

After failing once, Dean Barmu gave up continuing the effort to impact and just wanted to keep the lifespan he could have now and continue living.

Hilom of the Tori family failed to impact becoming a first-level wizard twice. Due to some unknown factor, she became like a ghost.

Thinking of these things, Raymon frowned and wandered in his room.

At present, Raymon did not feel signs of his stats reaching the limit, but he did not know how long it would take to meet Old Edgar's requirements...