
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantaisie
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142 Chs

Chapter 108: Sorting 1

Raymond's room was sealed again. He was ready to digest the rewards for being promoted to a third-level apprentice first.

Holding a small bottle, the potion reward for Raymond's promotion to third-level apprentice, Raymond narrowed his eyes and observed carefully.

Low-level mind-calming potion, made by first-level wizards, can slightly increase the spiritual power of apprentice-level wizards.

Removing the stopper of the test tube, Raymond, with the improved "Wizard's Hand," had red dots flashing in his eyes. A large amount of data was displayed in his sight through the chip.

Through inquiries with Alifa, the broker in the Trading Tower, Raymond understood some information about this low-level mind-calming potion with its stimulating aroma.

It was only effective for apprentices below level three, and each person could only take three doses. Further doses would have no effect. Even the Trading Tower of the Wizard Academy only had a small amount for sale at a price of 1,000 magic stones per standard portion.

The powerful chip turned the liquid in the bottle into data and mysterious molecular formulas displayed in Raymond's sight through his improved "Wizard's Hand."

But because the chip's data collection on the various materials used in potions was still at an elementary level, lacking sufficient data support, the chip could not fully determine the materials used in such finished potions.

However, from this potion, the chip still found a component of a plant familiar to Raymond through analysis of molecular formulas. This was also a good start for the chip's analysis of potions.

Since this potion was a fully matured product, after the chip completed the collection of solid-state data, Raymond poured the liquid directly down his throat.

A strange smell like dead fish quickly arose from Raymond's nose, and the stinging irritation in his throat made Raymond frown involuntarily.

Withdraw distracting thoughts. As a hot flow passed through his throat into his body, the chip, which kept monitoring his body, became busy. A waterfall-like stream of data appeared in Raymond's sight.

Raymond, who had already called up a 3D model of his body in his sight, saw the potion entering his stomach begin to decompose and diffuse rapidly. Under the chip's identification, it turned into countless tiny red particles that diffused throughout his body through his stomach wall.

"Unknown liquid detected entering the body. Spiritual power shows abnormal changes. Should dispersion be performed?" As these red particles diffused throughout his body, the monotonous chip faithfully fed back the situation it probed.

"Do not disperse but closely record the changes in data on the growth of spiritual power." After instructing the chip, the spiritual power data next to the 3D human model in Raymond's sight began to rise slowly.


As his spiritual power changed rapidly, Raymond's mana value also began to rise rapidly at three times the rate.


After half an hour, the fluctuating spiritual power value finally stagnated, eventually stopping increasing at 9.1 without any further change.

And on the 3D human model in Raymond's sight, he could no longer see the red particles that had represented the potion. It seemed that the potency had entered his body entirely, successfully increasing Raymond's spiritual power after being absorbed by his body.

"Raymond: Strength 1.9, Agility 1.4, Constitution 2.0, Spirit 9.1, Mana 27.6. Genes: Improving. Physical condition: Healthy."

"Just one small bottle of low-level mind-calming potion increased my spiritual power by 1.5. If I take two more bottles, my spiritual power will reach over 12." Carefully putting the empty potion bottle back in his waist pouch, Raymond felt very emotional.

One small bottle of potion was equivalent to the effect of Raymond's arduous meditation for three months!

And this was just the effect of a low-level mind-calming potion. Thinking of the two standard portions of intermediate mind-calming potion that could be obtained when challenging official wizards and the supplies Louise had promised for promotion, Raymond was overjoyed.

"Just one month's time. Patience, patience..." Comforting himself, Raymond then took out the other things he had obtained from the Academy Resource Supply Center.

Two memory spheres containing the knowledge that third-level apprentices should master and techniques useful for wood-affinity apprentices. Channeling a wisp of spiritual power into them, the data inside soon entered the chip.

Because any such information would contain a large amount of useless parts, Raymond had the chip sort it out first. After verifying that there were no errors or conflicts, it would systematically transmit the information to Raymond's memory area for permanent storage.

Next was a free spell that could be learned after being promoted to a third-level apprentice, something Rebecca had not told Raymond about before.

But after Raymond looked through the ten spells available for learning, he frowned in great disappointment.

They were all first-level spells and seemed to be unmodified standard spell models.

What annoyed Raymond the most was that none of these spells were offensive. There were not even any defensive ones. They were all auxiliary.

Low-level Vine Trap, a weak Create Water spell, spells that formed something like a gentle breeze—these basic spells sold in the Trading Tower were all the lowest priced.

Therefore, after hesitating for a while, Raymond decisively gave up the idea of finding the corresponding tutor to learn them.

Learning these spells required finding the corresponding tutors. Not to mention the strange tempers of these wizards, even with the free learning documents issued by the academy, if they ran into the tutors' closed-door research, who knew how many trips it would take to learn them.

It was only a matter of two or three hundred magic stones. Raymond decided to leave the time for meditation. Mastering such low-level spells was just a matter of spending some magic stones for Raymond.

But soon a prompt from the chip appeared in Raymond's ears as it checked this data. "Some data corrections completed. Transmit to memory area?"

"Start transmitting!" As a large amount of useful information was transmitted into Raymond's memory area, Raymond started browsing this knowledge.

But as Raymond checked the benefits provided by the Wizard Academy, he soon became pleasantly surprised.

Because for Raymond, who lacked wizard knowledge, this knowledge systematically organized by the academy was extremely useful!

Techniques for casting spells, introductions to element affinity and future talent selection, names of most wood-attribute spells possessed by the academy, and detailed explanations of these spells...