
Toneri in DC

After his tragic encounter with Otsutsuki urashiki and being trapped in the void known as the dragon king palace. In his moment of despair he is rescued by his ancestor, Hamura otsutsuki, the brother of Hagoromo Otsutsuki bringing him a glimmer of hope and possibly a chance at a new beginning…

Fredozy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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64 Chs

Chapter 17: The Battle Continues

On a peaceful beach, people were enjoying a sunny day. Families played in the sand, children laughed, and couples strolled along the shore. A little girl, building a sandcastle, noticed something moving closer in the water. She tugged on her father's arm. "Daddy, look!"

He glanced up, then smiled dismissively. "It's nothing, sweetie. Just the waves."

But the girl remained unconvinced, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Moments later, the surface of the water exploded upwards, creating a massive wave that rushed towards the shore. The sudden explosion caused chaos as people screamed and ran for safety.

Following the wave was a thunderous roar as Typhan erupted from the water, its massive form towering over the beach. Its serpentine appendages hissed loudly, adding to the terror of the moment. Typhan had greeted the surface world with all its monstrous fury.

Toneri was hot on its trail, cutting through the water with unparalleled speed. As he broke through the surface, he quickly assessed the situation, ready to engage Typhan before it could wreak more havoc, knowing the battle was far from over.

As typhan broke through the surface, causing chaos with a thunderous roar that echoed through the nearby city. The terrifying sound sent shivers down the spines of everyone within earshot. On the beach, panic ensued as parents desperately tried to gather their children and flee from the impending danger.

People screamed for their loved ones, their voices filled with desperation as the wave had separated many from their families.

The monstrous Typhan, with a snarl, noticed the fleeing humans. Its eight serpentine legs lifted it higher, each appendage hissing menacingly as it moved towards the terrified mortals.

Just as Typhan was about to strike, Toneri still mid-air. Channeling a high amount of lightning chakra into his leg, he descended with a powerful drop kick, calling out, "Raiton: Raimei Geri(Lightning style: Thunder kick) His kick connected with Typhan's head, accompanied by a thunderous clap, causing Typhan to roar in pain as the lightning electrocuted its body, making it stumble backwards.

Toneri landed gracefully on the water surface before floating back up, assessing the effectiveness of his attack. "It seems lightning chakra works much better," he muttered to himself. As he turned, he noticed a news helicopter hovering nearby.

Inside the helicopter, reporters were broadcasting live, their voices filled with urgency. "This is incredible! A monstrous creature has emerged from the ocean, causing massive disturbance. But what's this? There's a man fighting it, seemingly holding it back. Could he be part of the Justice League?"

Another reporter chimed in, "It's unclear at the moment, but he displays extraordinary abilities. We've never seen anything like this before. Is he a new member of the League or some kind of independent hero?"

Toneri's enhanced senses easily picked up their conversation. Humans and their recklessness—they will be the death of themselves. I wonder why they haven't gone extinct. He turned his attention back to Typhan, who had recovered and was now roaring at him. His Byakugan activated, Toneri prepared for the next assault.

Meanwhile, the Justice League emerged from the water. Wonder Woman carried Black Canary, while Superman brought Batman to safety. Martian Manhunter, hovering nearby, communicated telepathically with the team, coordinating their next move to help the civilians. They quickly regrouped on the beach, ready to assist in the battle.

With a united front, the Justice League prepared to confront Typhan. Batman quickly formulated a strategy calling out to Toneri. "Toneri, keep using your lightning attacks. Black Canary and I will focus on its appendages. Superman, Wonder Woman and Manhunter try and slow it down."

Martian Manhunter, using his telepathy, added, "I will attempt to weaken its mental defenses."

Toneri looked at Batman for a moment wondering why he was ordering him around. He looked back at the beast infront of him, 'how annoying.' He thought.

Toneri nodded, his eyes locked on the roaring Typhan. "Understood."

With a roar, Typhan's snake-like legs reared their massive heads towards the beach. From their mouths, huge amounts of purple smoke spewed forth, racing towards the League and polluting the water. The surface quickly became littered with dead marine life.

Seeing the urgency of the situation, Aquaman telepathically commanded all life forms in the water around Typhan to leave for miles. Superman used his super breath to try and disperse the poison gas. Tōneri, making two hand seals, called out, "Fūton: Kami Oroshi no jutsu (Wind Style: Godly Winds from the Mountains!)" An enormous gust of wind erupted from his position, clashing with the poison cloud alongside Superman's super breath.

Meanwhile, on the beach, Aqualad worked tirelessly to help civilians evacuate. The military had arrived but could do little against the monstrous threat. Instead, they focused on assisting with the evacuation.

"Keep moving, everyone! Head to the evacuation points set up further inland!" Aqualad shouted, directing people away from the danger zone.

A military officer approached him, "Aqualad, we've set up barricades, but we need more hands to get everyone out safely."

"I'll coordinate with the other heroes. Keep the civilians moving and make sure they stay calm," Aqualad replied, his tone urgent but composed.

As the reporters continued recording, their voices were tense. "We're witnessing a massive battle here, folks. The Justice League is doing everything they can to hold back this monstrous creature. Who is this new hero fighting alongside them? Could he be a new member of the League?" one reporter speculated.

Another reporter chimed in, "People are watching in horror and amazement. This new hero, seems to possess incredible abilities."

Back at the battle, Aquaman swam close to one of the snake heads. Using his incredible agility, he climbed its enormous body and attempted to impale it with his trident. Black Canary, using her Canary Cry, disoriented another snake head,Batman throwing one of his more deadly batarang with deadly precision towards the eye of one of the snake legs causing an explosion, while Wonder Woman struck yet another with her sword. Martian Manhunter, hovering above, sent powerful mental attacks at Typhan, trying to weaken its resolve.

For a moment, the combined efforts of the heroes seemed to hold Typhan in a stalemate. However, the monstrous entity let out a thunderous roar, and a massive energy surge rippled from its body. The force of the blast commanded the winds, sending the heroes flying in all directions.

Amid the chaos, Aqualad continued to help civilians. "Move, move! Don't look back!" he urged, pushing people towards safety.

A young woman, holding a crying child, stumbled and fell. Aqualad quickly moved to her side, helping her up. "It's going to be okay. Just keep moving," he reassured her.

Nearby, a soldier spoke into his radio, "We need more transport at the east barricade! There are too many people here!"

The reporters captured these moments, their cameras broadcasting live. "The situation is dire, but the heroes are doing their best to protect everyone. The military is coordinating the evacuation efforts, and the new hero, continues to impress with his abilities."

People watching the live broadcast were glued to their screens, feeling a mix of fear and amazement at the unfolding events. Comments flooded social media, with many expressing their shock at the devastation and admiration for the heroes' bravery.

As the Justice League oriented themselves, Typhan advanced inland, its monstrous form nearing the beach. Their attacks seemed futile against the invulnerable creature.

Determined to stop its progress, the League launched another coordinated assault.

Superman flew in with incredible speed, delivering a powerful punch to Typhan's head. The creature staggered slightly and roared in pain but quickly retaliated with a magical attack, releasing a cloud of poison gas. Superman, inhaling the gas, felt his strength wane and collapsed to the ground, coughing violently.

Wonder Woman charged with her sword, aiming for Typhan's torso. But one of the creature's massive serpent appendages swatted her away like a fly, sending her crashing into the sand.

Aquaman, attempting to pierce Typhan with his trident, found himself similarly overwhelmed by the creature's strength and magical defenses.

Black Canary tried to disorient Typhan with her Canary Cry, but the monster countered, forcing her to retreat as Batman moved in to assist. He pulled Canary to safety and joined Aqualad in organizing the evacuation of civilians.

Tōneri, observing from a distance, focused on the energy buildup he sensed within Typhan. He knew the creature was preparing a devastating attack.