
Togabito’s Second Chance

After death a man finds himself, in a place he would have never thought. When a god doesn’t allow him to pick certain wishes and with holds more pressing information. Watch as he moves into a world from his past life, one he thought to be fantasy. Finding his way and where he fits in to all of this. A man who never knew anything but violence, love was never kind but that never stopped him. In this world even in this situation watch as he tries to change his life, find love, and fight to enjoy this new life. The Mc is strong as hell, doesn’t mean he will one shot everyone. This has drama in it, love and fighting. In the beginning there will be a lot of slice of life. You know world building if you want all cannon this is not for you. The Mc will have 2 girls but I’ll try and handle it as best I can, so if you have ideas for girls lmk. Tags: romance, action, sliceoflife, action, drama, tragedy, 2girlsmax Please enjoy, I own nothing everything belong to bleach and there respective creatures.

Sinner1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

Chapter 7

(Mc pov)

'How did i come here? I remember thinking of meeting her, but everything else is a blur. Any ideas?' Thinking i looked at my sword hilt, sitting by my ear as i asked a question in my mind.

'Of course, the ability must have activated off my desire, good talk.' Thinking i rubbed the hilt, looking out to the sand, watching as harribel's foot steps were blown away.

"Shes long gone from here, i will not chase after her, if we meet again so be it. Hmm whats this mean?" Speaking quietly, i caught a glimpse of my forearm. Turning my head a little as i saw the number 15 had burned itself into my arm.

"Fifteen, whats it supposed to mean? Days? Months? Years? 15 what? I should get better at asking questions i guess. For now i guess i should rest for a while. I have time." Laying back i closed my eye, turning my wrist and flicking it back as a rod materialized an shot out, leaving a long crack on the pillar. From my head to far behind me.

"Ahhhh!" A scream was heard, then a loud thud as a hollow that had turned itself invisible was hit through the forehead of its mask. Walking it screamed in pain as blood flew and fell to the ground.

"I forgot how hungry hollows are, any soul even one's far stronger then themselves, they still seek to devour. Even if that is not the true way to become strong, still most would not listen." Shaking my head i soon drifted off slightly as the moon shined its light down, showing the hollows snake like body laying there.

(Harribel pov)

'How about, Harribel? Fitting don't you think?' Walking through the land of sand and death. I heard yells from those being devoured as i thought back on the strange man I met.

'Get it out of your head already. Harribel why are, damn, I just called myself by it.' Thinking while I didn't understand why I took to the name so much, kicking up sand a little as I did.

'What meaning does a name hold, in a world like this. The weak are eaten, there name forgotten as they become nothing but a lost memory. What need do we have for names in a world like this. This world of hell, only the strong have the right to that and I am not truly strong am I.' Thinking as I remembered the mans words, the crushing weight of his power and the loneliness in his talks to himself.

'It doesn't matter, I just need to put it behind me. I probably will never see that man again. Not in a world like this, this world of forgotten sacrifices.' Dashing forward, i swung my blade. Cutting at the back of a scorpion like hollow who was hiding in the sand. Hearing it yell in pain as i dashed forward and away from this place.

Walking once again as I made it to a mountain, looking around as I moved to a space that was covered in shadows by jagged rock. Stepping forward as my foot hit a step, the taps of my armor echoing out off the walls on either side. They wined down in a spiral fashion, reaching the bottom I heard sounds ahead of me as I stepped in to a small lit area, the light coming from one candle that burned on the wall by the steps.

"Oh it is you, welcome back ma'am." A feminine yet aggressive voice came from in the room, looking over at the circular stone in the corner, it was reminiscent of a table. I saw a large being sitting there. A large lioness, an Adjuchas with a brown skin body. She had white armor on her four legs, thick, dark brown hair on her back that went down her body and formed into her tail. Her mask and mane were a pretty golden color.

"Yes, it is just me, Mila rose." Speaking I walked over near a wall by the light, squatting as I leaned back on the wall, sliding down slowly as I sat.

For what felt like forever, we both didn't say a word. Mila rose licked her fur as she leaned on the table. The light flickered as wind blew from outside, the shadows of us moving with it as I thought to myself.

'There is nothing left in my heart, I stopped feeling pain a long time ago, there is no need for anyone to feel guilty for my death, this hole was opened up by these worlds of hell. I only had pain inside my heart before, but really what's the meaning in that? So I abandoned it all. what do those words mean? Could one truly stop feeling pain? In a world were the weak are eaten by the strong, in the hopes to become stronger, I do not understand? Could I do that? Could I abandon. Mila rose? But that doesn't sound like what he meant. I know my self, I would not sacrifice her for strength or abandon her.' Thinking I looked up to the ceiling and then slowly to Mila rose, watching her stop her licking as she looked over at me.

"I'm sorry my lady, if it is not my place. That look you have, is something wrong?" Mila rose asked in a worried voice, well what she thought was even if her voice was hard to tell.

"It is nothing Mila, I am only thinking." I said, putting my head back down, trying to figure out a answer to my thoughts.

"Ma'am, even if it is only thoughts. I may not look it but I can understand how they weigh on someone. If you wish to talk, that is why I am here. With out you, I would have died long ago but you saved me. So I will offer you my strength and my ear if needed." Mila said, turning her head to the light, looking back at memories of her past, the shadows of them twisted as they danced on the wall.

"Today, I met a strange being. While making my way here, it showed up along my path." Speaking a little, I let out what I had saw earlier.

"A strange being? How so?" Mila rose turned her head asking.

"It was not like the creatures of this world, some how I could feel it. That it was different." I said, not truly understanding myself either.

"A strange being? Different from the others of las noches, so like you?" Mila rose thought, asking as her lady was a strange hollow, not like the rest. Most hollows only devour without a second thought.

"No, just forget I said anything. Listen to me Mila." Cutting off the conversation, my voice becoming serious, seeing her face change.

"Hmm?" Mila made a noise as if asking what was it.

"If we are traveling the sands one day, and we come across this being. You must run, do you hear me?" I said, I knew he did not attack me but that could be just him seeing myself as no threat, I would not risk it with Mila.

"What is wrong ma'am, why? Did you fight this creature?" Mila stood, concern evident in her voice.

"Just do as I say, ok Mila? I'm telling you this, because if I had fought the being. I would not be having this conversation with you." I said, my eyes sharpe as I saw her take a step back, before I looked at the ground again.

'Someone even, the lady couldn't fight? If she can't fight it then what chance do I have. I think she told me out of worry.' Mila rose thought, thinking what kind of creature could have her lady like this.

"I will do as you say, I promise my lady." Mila said, nodding her head at me as she laid down Slowly, trying to get her mind around what I said. Closing her eyes I could tell she was thinking about my words.

"Mila rose." I called out closing my eyes as well.

"Yes what is it, ma'am?" Mila rose turned her head, looking at me lean against the wall, she waited patiently as I didn't speak for a minute or so. Tilting her head as she saw me take a breath.

"My name, you can call me what you want but, it is, Harribel." I said before falling silent again, leaning more into the wall only to freeze as a weird feeling washed over me.

"Yes, lady Harribel." Mila rose said, happy she finally knew her ladies name, not seeing the movements of me as something struck with in me.

'I don't think, it would be, such a bad thing. If I kept this name, Harribel.' Thinking as I slowly drifted off to sleep.