
Togabito’s Second Chance

After death a man finds himself, in a place he would have never thought. When a god doesn’t allow him to pick certain wishes and with holds more pressing information. Watch as he moves into a world from his past life, one he thought to be fantasy. Finding his way and where he fits in to all of this. A man who never knew anything but violence, love was never kind but that never stopped him. In this world even in this situation watch as he tries to change his life, find love, and fight to enjoy this new life. The Mc is strong as hell, doesn’t mean he will one shot everyone. This has drama in it, love and fighting. In the beginning there will be a lot of slice of life. You know world building if you want all cannon this is not for you. The Mc will have 2 girls but I’ll try and handle it as best I can, so if you have ideas for girls lmk. Tags: romance, action, sliceoflife, action, drama, tragedy, 2girlsmax Please enjoy, I own nothing everything belong to bleach and there respective creatures.

Sinner1 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 8

(Mc Pov)

Waking up, i stretch while leaning up, looking at the ever present moon in the sky, standing i look behind me at the snake body that was still there.

'So you still refuse to eat them? I don't need it either. I have time before i need to grow stronger.' Thinking i squeezed my hand on my blade a little.

"Please don't be difficult, it won't be forever but i don't need the attention, so just for now.' Rubbing the hilt as i walked over to the hollows body, trying to talk to my sword. Which after some reluctance, turned back in to its original form.

'Thank you, this thing really was weak. Strength really means that much to these hollows. I'm not surprised, having the capacity to think does not make one smart or wise.' Thinking while i rubbed my hand on its cracked mask, feeling its spiritual pressure for a second as i shook my head.

'Kieru.' Pointing my middle finger I tried something, as a ball of black appeared at the tip of my finger. Smoke rolling off it as it expanded a little. Then a thin line of flame shot out faster then the eye could follow. A small hole appeared in the hollows chest as I turned around.

Only for a force to blow outward, the air looked as if it was melting. Seeing the pillar had melted into a cylinder like Crater, the body completely gone as a mass of flames ripped the sky apart. Through out las noches, even the whole of hueco Mundo and even reaching outside this realm felt it. A heat that felt like it scorched the skin, like flames that ate you from the inside. All of you in your entirety.

"What the hell, is happening?! Lady Harribel?!" Mila rose said, while the two walked the never ending sand, looking up as the tops of a few mountains were just melted away.

"I do not know, but we should move. Back to the base, it is not safe for anyone right now." Harribel said, lying as she looked at Mila rose who barely could stand, knowing this heavy feeling.

Unconsciously she wanted to grip her chest but held her shaking hand.

'Breathe, just breathe. Just what in the world, is that man doing.' Harribel remembered his words, getting her breathing together as she watched Mila rose fall. Feeling the heat that followed as she rushed over.

"Mila! Mila rose, she's out cold." Harribel talked to herself, feeling the heat as well as her. She picked her body up as the flame only lasted a few seconds. Making sure mila's body was ok and dashed away.

"Firing that off is quite dangerous, even for the user huh?" Thinking as I dropped my hand next to me, smoking and cracked skin could be seen on my arm. Squeezing my hand a little the skin cracked off as I placed my sword to it.

'I am a togabito, of course it works like this. Especially for how strong I am." Watching as the arm I cut off, burned away. Then bone and muscles, along with skin grew. While the glove I used as always wrapped itself around my arm.

"Can't stay here anymore, I have other matters I need to deal with before running into them. Actually thinking about it now, don't hollows rip through to the living world and the soul society? I could use that method." Talking as I turned back, seeing a space like door open far out in the middle of the sand, Concealing my spiritual pressure, while I flash stepped away.

"Captain, we have found nothing. All except for this." A white haird man bowed, going to one knee as he and another stood on the pillar I was once at.

"It would seem, whatever this being is. It has control over it's reiryoku. It doesn't matter for now, it will show itself again. When it does, I expect you to find it." A sweet yet, ominous voice came from the person in front of the man. The man shook a little as he looked up, seeing the woman's dead eyes look at him.

Her long black hair, falling around her face as her dead eyes actually, had a look of want in them, watching her turn back and look at the sky and pillars that had been melted down. Seeing a strange smile of some kind crescent the woman's usually blank face.

"Yes, Captain Unohana." The man shook as little as he looked at the ground again, knowing the meaning if his squad failed to do so.

'It has been so long, since anything has caught my interest. Maybe I could feel something again, rather then this endless cycle that repeats itself when I draw my sword. Maybe I'll be able to feel that feeling once again, whatever you are, you can not hide from me.' Unohana thought, looking around and then at the smoke from where my arm had been. Pulling her sword and swinging it at speed as the pillars side was cut off.

Only being a few inches from where her Lieutenant was kneeling, stopping only when she saw a cut on the mans cheek, the man did not complain as they disappeared. Following the rumbling sound of the pillar as it fell, kicking up a wave of sand as it washed over other pillars around it.

'That look, I like it. I always wanted to see your true personality. Unohana, the first kenpachi. For now you'll have to deal with that itch.' Thinking as I sat on top of a massive pillar. When she had looked around, I felt her look in my direction. Yet it did not stir my heart with excitement or fear but anticipation.

Looking up to the never ending moon I let my spiritual pressure out, only enough to that of a strong hollow. Looking to the south, where I saw dust kicking up as a being rushed to where I had been at.

"Lucky her, she was slower to get here. I don't want to have to lock swords with a captain, not yet at least. Seeing the figure and blonde hair, I leaned on my blade as I raised my spiritual pressure and focused it out as I looked on at the world around me. Before stopping and letting it sink back into my body.

'This time, you won't have to lose anyone. Not as long as I'm alive, Harribel.' Cracking a small smile, I leaned forward and closed my eye again, waiting to see what was to come of this never ending night.

'So it isn't days, good.' Looking at my arm, as I opened my eyes again after about 30 or so minutes, tilting my head back as I spoke.

"What is it, Harribel." Looking back a little, I saw as Harribel walked closer, each step echoing. Her face serious as she held her arm blade out to the side.