

Dutch n. the sadness, depression, or pain one feels about a love unanswered or love that is gone.

"Place it down, you're going to tire yourself."

"I can handle this, it's not too much work."

Jaehyun took the dirty plates from Daeun and shook his head, "I don't want to risk it."

Baffled with the unusual view before her, Eunae weaved her brows together as she quietly scrolled down her contacts. Jaehyun had always been protective towards Daeun, but it was too bizarre to see him become way overprotective overnight.

"Babe, it's fine, I'll do the dishes."

Shrugging, Eunae continued to scroll down her contacts before sending a text message. She had to move the family dinner since Daeun did not seem to have any plans on leaving any time soon. It would be too much work to push through with the simple gathering when Jaehyun would most likely cancel it if he were too preoccupied with his mistress. She would just be wasting her time on nothing.

Swiftly glancing on how he gently caressed her back, Eunae could not help but wonder if they somehow fucked way too much last evening that Daeun could barely wash the dishes. He even followed her to the kitchen and acted as if he was going to carry her in his arms.

"I don't want you to tire yourself, it's not good for the baby," was the words that struck her immobile.

Her phone immediately crashed to the floor, gaining their attention. In a blink, tears brimmed her eyes as her throat painfully throbbed with the mere act of taking a breath.

"Oh, hi, didn't know you're there," Daeun acknowledged her presence with a chirp.

However, Eunae brushed off her greeting, focusing her eyes solely on Jaehyun, who looked shocked before returning with his stoic face, seemingly recovering.

"She's pregnant?" Eunae asked with a shaky voice, striding towards Jaehyun with urgency. "Are you the father?"

"Who do you think has been fucking her every night?" Jaehyun roared as he shot her down with a slithering gaze—one that she barely noticed as everything just seem to whirl around.

"Babe, stop it!"

"No, I won't let this manipulative bitch disrespect you like this!"

And just then, a loud 'pack' echoed, finding her palm harshly meeting Jaehyun's cheek. Her lips trembling uncontrollably, and her lungs seemingly knocked that was she helplessly out of breath. She looked at him, whose face was snapped to the side, remaining the way it was when she slapped him. Her unwavering gaze studied as to how his eyes glimmered with disbelief, then into a seemingly demonic glare before completely disappearing into a soft gentle look as he finally averted his gaze to stare back at her.

Eunae knew those eyes.

They belonged to the once comrade who stood by her when no one would; those were of his best friend's—to the Jaehyun whom she knew from before—to the man whom she had always loved.

"How could you even do this to me!" She yelled hoarsely, "Have I not suffered enough?"

Eunae hit his chest tirelessly as the tears finally poured out from her eyes. Her voice turning terribly hoarse that every word she spoke painfully scrapped her throat unbearably. "Tell me, why! Why would even do this to me!"

After two whole years of keeping it to herself, she had finally allowed him to see how broken she had been; how beaten up and close to giving up she was, that nothing ever seemed to matter any longer. This was the very first time she had ever cried in front of him once again. The very first time she allowed him to break through her mask and witness she had been nothing but a pitiful fool for even staying with him.


Continuously hitting his chest as her sobs began to silence her words, her body shook relentlessly as the pain pressed in waves. She could barely feel the throbbing of her hands as the unending piercing glass shards that tore her heart apart could not just compare. It felt horrible. It was almost as if she was literally dying from within.

Eunae could not take it—she could not take how he could he even do this to her.

It pained her more knowing how his mistress would get to live one of her dreams of having a child—having a head start to have a family of their own, while she had been nothing but someone to warm up his bed and be disposed like a filthy trash after. There were times when Jaehyun would still fuck her from time to time, but he had been very careful not to knock her up—one thing she had always thought he also did for Daeun, but turned out that it was not the case.

The thought of Jaehyun deliberately getting Daeun pregnant drew nails that gored her skin. It was a slap in the face that he wanted to start a family with her—something Eunae could never possibly have with him, even to beg of him in her dreams.

Eunae knew she could no longer take it—she had to run away. She really had to flee from the pain; she had to leave the place of a hell hole as soon as she could. And making up her mind, she finally did.