
Target 1

Chau's Hanya moved about the snowy field at a careful pace. Above the character was a guild tag that said Glory Staff along with his username. Chau scanned the open forest environment seeing no players in sight.

"It's not surprising there's no players here, server 6 doesn't have that much of a new player turnout, but..." Chau used the double jump skill to get on a tree branch.

Everywhere he looked there were just snow and trees, nothing.

"(Where are the monsters?)" Chau thought. No goblins, wolves, or even a damn ogre. Chau brought up a chat screen on his computer and started a call.

The phone symbol went green and another voice rang out from the speaker.

"Yo, what's it looks like over there?" the voice said.

"It's dead. I mean really dead. You couldn't grind to level 2 in here. I think we're in the right place, what's the heading on the suspect?" Chau asked double jumping again to a taller tree.

"There are only 2 people in that area, you and the suspect if he's not out in the open then he's in the snow frost dungeon. Perfect place to test out the card. I feel like your eye in the sky right now." the voice clambered.

"(Moron.)" Chau thought with a smirk.

The guy I'm talking to is my work buddy, I mean my other work buddy besides Hanya Jo here. He can be such a dweeb, but he's been working for the same time I have so he makes a perfect co-pilot. Too bad his taste in classes suck...

Yuan Guan

Main Class: Mechanic

Sub-Classes: Summoner

History: A fellow coder, beta-tester, and trouble-shooter. Doesn't do the dirty work Chau does but has a great standing in the company. Works closely with Chau on normal jobs, but gets involved in other business when need be.

Guild Affiliation: None, but has a work account under the guildtag GloryStaff.

My best friend at work, but he just had to be a damn mechanic!

"Keep me posted on which exit he takes out the dungeon, I'm gonna keep looking just in case." Chau said as he returned to the ground in search of the target.

"Will do." On his own screen Chau had multiple windows displaying codes and maps.

Chau moved across the snow area at top speed, still catching no monsters in sight. Soon enough he encountered one of the dungeon entrances and scoped places to hide.

"(I think this dungeon only had 3 entrances.)" Chau thought as he moved towards another gate and repeated this action. He quietly crept through the bushes eyeing the entrance for signs of life, but nothing spawned.


Chau jumped from tree to tree to the last entrance and from high above glimpsed a shimmer.

"Chau!" Guan called.

"I know, I'll get him before he goes back in. Be ready to handle your end." Chau commanded he glided down to the target.

The suspect was geared up in equipment fit for an engineer. That was when Chau knew this player was the bane of his existence. A MotherF#$%$n Mechanic.

Of course, it's a damn Mechanic!

The class he hated most out of all the Classes in Glory, one he had submitted complaints about during his time working for the Glory Company. For years.

The Mechanic had not yet noticed him and seemed to be checking his notifications. Chau floated above him and launched the assassin skill shining cut. Two slashes landed at either side of the Mechanic startling him and starting arming himself with multiple mechanisms and traps.

Too bad Chau was already behind him, Chau attacked him with multiple stabs from his dagger and unleashed a spin slash. Then he tossed him away from his traps. The little machines deployed walked in the traps chasing after Chau and set them off.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" the Mechanic screamed struggling to get back up. Chau stared down at him from his character's POV almost smugly.

"Listen up. That exchange should've killed you but it didn't so I already know. That account is illegal and breaks god knows how many terms of service. Surrender the account card at the company address, IN PERSON, and maybe we can talk about leniency." Chau said pointing at the Admin tag above his head.

The Mechanic started to sweat and grit his teeth.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! BESIDES WHAT'S A MOD DOING BULLYING A REGULAR PLAYER!" The Mechanic retorted, clearly better at acting than he thought possible. But Chau could see through it.

"Shameless, you said all of that with a straight face. You nuked this area of monsters to the point it's a dead zone. It's one thing when there are no players, but if you take out all the monsters someone will notice." Chau said glowering at the hacker.

It was then the Mechanic felt his heart lighten. This dumbass mod had reminded him of the power this character possesses.

"YOU MEAN LIKE THIS!" the mechanic on his actual keyboard mashed the keys and the area shimmered. He cackled madly and waited to see Chau fade away.

Chau stared blankly, debating to stab him again, but waited so that he'd finally notice he was unharmed.

The Mechanic's player rapidly tapped away on his keyboard attempting to erase Chau, respawning monsters and auto-killing them in his efforts.

"You done? If you keep that up, it might jack the server." Chau said with a hint of annoyance.

The Mechanic grit his teeth harder and started to panic.

"Think homey, THINK! Even if this was a regular mod account Mods can't ban, 1-hit, or lock each other. Anymore. So let's just have a chat. We can do this the easy way. Don't make this hard." Chau warned taking a step closer to the mechanic.

For a moment the player went silent, taking note that he may not be in the worst possible situation.

"GO TO HELL! Why would I!? I can't kick you, but you can't kick me! JACKASS!" The Mechanic began spawning machinations one after another with no limit. Mines were deployed without cooldown and numbered limit.

"Yo Chau, I'm ready, just give the signal." Guan said.

"Hard way it is." Chau said as he pointed his knife at the hacker.