

Current Target: FairygodBaltoa

Main Class: Mechanic

Subclasses: Unknown

Guild affiliation: None

One of the users on the dark web currently in possession of illegal account cards, and will soon face repercussions via yours truly. Poor fool doesn't know how much I hate mechanics.

At the moment though FairygodBaltoa could infinitely spawn machinations all the way here to the next town if he wanted to. Not to mention the infinite health bar.

Rotors, drones, mines, all manner of machinations could be spawned from the mechanic class and some had a damn helicopter attachment.

FairygodBaltoa also fired a hail of Rocket Punches and grenades. From the sky view, it looked like the world was on fire.

But of course, Chau charged through it all slashing his robots, hopping over his mines, and hopping on his rockets like they were koopa shells.

FairygodBaltoa panicked and activated his copter and flew faster than the game's design intended.

"Hey do me a favor, make MORE rockets!" Chau said he continued to jump and dodge the hail of Rocket Punch skills.

Funfact: The Mechanic Skill Rocket Punch was originally intended to be fired twice before cooldown. That was the one nerf they got right.

"YOU actually typed that out!?" FairygodBaltoa said with a cringe, he began typing on his keyboard, noticed his camera was pure white. Then there were sounds clinging and bruising.

FairygodBaltoa's mechanic was face first deep in snow as Chau's assassin stabbed him mercilessly. FairygodBaltoa rolled as quickly as he could as he was assaulted with a Shining Cut by Chau.

"What's the matter can't you teleport too?" Chau mocked sinisterly.

FairygodBaltoa grunted but knew to take the words to heart. A window popped up showing lines of command prompts.

"Where the hell is it!?" FairygodBaltoa's player typed frantically, as Chau continued to slash him relentlessly with his dagger. This didn't bother him since Chau couldn't kill him, but he was confused as to why he was still attacking him.

What did frustrate the hacker was that no matter how many times he tried there was no command remotely for teleporting, only busted speed.

"Can't find it can you?" Chau asked as he soared down with an Eagle Stamp on the mechanic, plunging him deeper into the snow.

FairygodBaltoa launched multiple mines from the crater indiscriminately.

"I'll clear things up for you." Chau said appearing behind FairygodBaltoa. He was startled, and launch more Rocket Punches and grenades. Chau teleported between each of them calmly.

"The access on that card does have admin rights, you can hi-jack your cooldowns and set speed and strength to 999 and over, and of course you can't die thanks to the infinite health bar. Also, you don't have to run out of mana. Not like a Mechanic could though." Chau said bitterly.

It didn't seem FairygodBaltoa was listening as he fired some more rockets to no avail.

"But regular mods can't go around teleporting around the game world, no one thought we'd ever need it since we're the eye in the sky anyway. Mine, however, has Alpha access, if your card was made proper it would be registered in our system and I could just ban you and be done with it. But alas we had to get creative." Chau stopped teleporting letting the projectile hit him, there was no need to play around anymore.

The mechanic, however, took the opportunity to fire everything, waiting for the area to erupt in a mushroom cloud to stop.

Listen, kid.

FairygodBaltoa activated his copter attachment and started to fly.

"It's over." Chau said. Before the hacker knew it his screen was dark and Dead appeared over his character.

The hacker's fingers trembled over his keyboard too shocked no longer sure of what to do.

"HOW DID YOU KILL ME!?" the hacker screamed to no avail, once you were dead in Glory no one could hear your audio. The hacker immediately attempted to revive himself, but when he typed into the command prompt, only error would return.

"What!?" the Mechanic player's attempts were only met with ERROR over and over again. He couldn't even adjust his stats anymore. Then they noticed that it had been 2 minutes, but his character still hadn't revived.

When they looked at their screen again, they almost screamed again, because Chau was staring down at them from above. Suddenly a notification rang, as Chau pointed down. The hacker hesitated before opening his messages, noting the name Hanya Jo.

"Are you ready to talk now?" he said.

The hacker immediately hovered his mouse over the x button and kept his finger close to the power switch of the hard drive.

Thinking more, another notification rang in.

"I won't ask again. If you don't talk now, no leniency. Every account you have will be locked, banned, and erased. Don't think we can't find you IRL too, if you try to ditch the account card now, then we'll have to track down your ass." Chau's sentences appeared on the screen one by one.

The hacker hesitated as he struggled to decide what to do. They fell to a slump and let their head sink into the keyboard.

"I understand..." he muttered. The hacker started typing.

"I know I have to give this account card back, but the thing is..." FairygodBaltoa responded.

"What?" Chau said.

"I don't have a car." the hacker replied.

"...Kid, how old are you?" Chau asked.

"16." the young mechanic said.

"Of course you are... what's your name?" Chau asked.

"Tan Ko." Ko said.

"Someone's gonna come to you, pick an internet cafe or something for a meet-up, and don't even think about trying to run.

"Ok I'll send the street address." Ko relented.

"Now I gotta ask. Why did you buy a black market account card?" Chau asked.

Ko bit the inside of his lip, but continued to type.

"I wanted friends." he said.

"Oh. It's like that." Chau said with a frown.

"I was going to start fresh on the 11th server and get recognized setting dungeon records, finally get accepted into a guild. I wanted to rise up like Ye Qiu." Ko said.

Ye Qiu. At this point in time, you'd be a fool not know that Ye Qiu after retiring was Lord Grim of server 10 and the comeback king of Unspecialized.

His team was currently participating in the Challenger League, but that is another story.(Authors note: wink wink)

I myself haven't finished The King's Avatar yet, but I've finished the Challenger League arc, and while the English Translation on Webnovel leaves much to be desired it's been still a good read. As such I don't have every single thing memorized and I'll try my best to stick with the source material.

Hase0creators' thoughts