
Hello and goodbye

A/N: I'm a dumbass that's all I have to say for deleting last week chapter 😫


I wake up from my 12-hour nap and proceed to change out of my clothes, I was gonna put on regular clothes but I remembered about the pilot suit I haven't used at all since I was being discreet besides they might ask where I got this since this is shielded and armored

'whatever the case I should keep my face hidden at all cost... at least for now anyway'

I swiftly put the suit on and then as for the helmet, it did some biometric scanning of my face and voice before I was able to put it on, once done I exited through the window and headed toward my training area undetected... too bad someone was trying to follow me


POV ???

"Man, there's nothing to do here, I wish something would happen right now"

I was walking around the camp out of boredom usually I'd be at the hill overlooking the camp but that got boring quickly, he wished for the day of adulthood would come quickly because, by this point, life in Eden Prime was black and white

As I walking, I saw someone lurking around quietly like they were trying to avoid being seen because of this anomaly I followed him with interest but he started running


'Great, of all times I leave Jenkins happens to be there'

I honestly didn't want to deal with him while I was wearing this suit so I took off running in the opposite direction, It took a while to lose him though since he was very stubborn. Once I lost him I circled back to my area and began doing my routine


-400 Push-ups

-400 Curl ups

-400 Pull-ups

-4 hours of sprinting


-severely hurt yourself while increasing the amount of pain


-Do 10 times the amount of STR training


-Climb up a mountain 20 times


-Do repeat quick hand movements for 9 hours


-6 hours of sprinting

-Sidesteps for 6 hours

-Practice making your footsteps quieter





The requirements were harsh, to say the least, but it wasn't as torturous as it seemed since the requirements will be increased more lenient as I grow up so I don't have to worry about having to do 1 million push up for 1 strength but stats will have a cap however meaning I have to look for alternatives ways to increase them

A/N: Questions?


POV ???

"We're late, they were expecting us 3 days ago"

"Not my fault, the pilot was too into the drinks besides I doubt there anybody with Biotic, I'm pretty sure there hasn't been downwind in this system"

"There hasn't in this system but there is a child who might here take a look"

"hmm originally from earth, the home was London...parents served 10 years before he came... He went to the doctor's office due to some unexplained pain and was labeled as an anomaly child. Okay, how are we going to find out for certain though?

"best-case scenario he will be able to display some potential, worst case is getting his blood, going back to an authorized lab, analyzing it there, then coming back"


(18 hours later)

Octavio POV

After the long session, I managed to bring my points up more than usual

[Octavio Bowlan]

HP: 57%

Status: Fatigued, Mentally Fatigued

Equipment: Pilot set

Abilities: Regeneration LVL. 3(+3.5/s)

STR: 25

END: 22

DEX: 27

AGI: 21

INT: 27

LCK: 68

BIO: 5

I've raised my points to use biotics, I tried using it, and it worked but...

"Oww my brain, what the hell Oww I think I pulled my brain"

The effect was brain pull or pulled brain? Whatever it was I was stuck rolling on the ground holding my head, after a while, I forced myself up and walked home more carefully than before, took me a while to get there but I did so I immediately went to sleep after I took off my suit and hoped it would go away by the time I woke up


(8 hours later)

POV ???

"We've arrived"

"Let's go find him"


(same time)

Octavio POV

I felt a bit better than before of course my head still hurts but it's not too serious this time around, I put some clothes on and was going to eat something before heading out. But I saw my aunt talking to 2 men outside, I was uninterested so I made myself something and went back to my room

If only I knew how serious the situation was because my aunt comes in and tells me to meet the two men, I had a feeling of why they were here so I wanted to confirm what they wanted I went outside to see them

"Hey buddy, I'm Mr. Redd, this is Mr. Fisk, we're here to examine you for any abnormalities"

They spoke as if I was a kid, which kinda annoyed me

"yeah sure, If you're here for a Biotic then you got the right person, so what happens now

"Well we're supposed to take you and teach you how to use them correctly so I need you to pack up and get ready"

"Can I decline"

"You can but another person will come and they won't be as friendly"

"Fine, how soon"


'Ughh This scenario reminds me of a joke "hey I'm not kidnapping, Im surprise adopting"


Once I got my stuff ready, I left to follow them I had already said my farewells to Jenkins, Donovan, and Lisa so I boarded their ship and left home... Again.

I’m literally a dumbass for deleting the chapter for last week

MeltedChocolatecreators' thoughts