
Chapter 3

Seven months have passed since Hayate reincarnated in this world. He mostly spent his time training his Quirk, focusing on improving his reaction speed. After researching and performing several tests to ensure he wouldn't commit suicide, he began injecting electricity from his Quirk into his brain. This increased his processing speed and allowed him to move at speeds up to Mach 3 while still processing information.

Unconsciously, this helped him control the form and amount of electricity he used. Now, he could create several electrical constructs at the same time, from swords to shields, adapting to various possible situations. He could manipulate them freely without needing to pay much attention. However, even with Thunder Speed, as he had called his high-speed mode while using several constructs at the same time, he could only reach Mach 2.

In addition to training his Quirk, Hayate has also interacted with Robert, the family's butler. They often meet during mealtime, as his parents are absent due to their jobs. Robert is a kind and helpful man and has been a great support for Hayate during his training.

While thinking about his relationship with Robert, he recalled a conversation they had once.


"Robert, what do you think about heroes and villains?" Hayate asked, taking a bite of his food.

Robert sighed and cleared his throat before responding. "Well, young master, in my youth, the profession of hero wasn't something one chose for fame or money, but out of necessity. It was a dark time when villains were becoming more powerful, and people needed someone they could trust and depend on to protect them."

Hayate listened attentively while continuing to eat.

"Heroes were people who stood up to do what was right, no matter the risk to their own lives. The reward was the smile on the faces of those they saved," Robert continued. "But nowadays, many become heroes for selfish reasons, to earn money or fame. Not all heroes are like that, of course, but the profession has changed a lot since then."

Hayate nodded in agreement as he continued eating. "And what about villains?" he asked.

Robert sighed before responding. "Villains have always been there, but before All Might, they were freer to commit crimes. All Might and other heroes like him put an end to many of them and reduced the crime rate in the country."

Hayate thought about it for a moment before speaking again. "So, do you think today's heroes are less brave than before?"

"Not necessarily less brave, young master, but less altruistic. But there are still some heroes who fight for what's right, regardless of fame or money," Robert replied with a smile.

[End of Memory]

Hayate feels grateful to have someone like Robert in this life. His relationship with his parents hasn't improved much due to their lack of interaction, and if it weren't for Robert, he would probably feel quite lonely. He's always present at his meals and happily answers any questions. Something tells me he has a sad past, but I haven't wanted to delve into it. Despite being just a butler, I've noticed that both my mother and father have a lot of respect for him, so he's probably someone with an interesting story.

"Also, there's Momo!" After that somewhat embarrassing interaction, they started talking quite frequently through messages, becoming close friends despite not being able to see each other in person very often. It turns out they were quite close as children, but due to an argument their mothers had, they drifted apart and hadn't spoken for years until they ran into each other on the street that day. It was quite convenient considering they didn't have memories of many things, but it wasn't uncommon for people to not have memories of when they were children.

So their relationship developed quite smoothly, and they were preparing and looking forward to the start of classes at U.A., obviously without our families knowing, except for Robert, who found out the same day.

Today was the day of the Entrance Exam for the U.A., and despite being quite powerful compared to several of the original students, I couldn't help but be a little nervous. Unlike Momo, who got in through the Recommendation Letter, I remained determined to take the Test like most students. I wanted to compare myself to others and see if my confidence in my abilities was well-founded.

My parents were working, so Robert had come to bring me to U.A. for the exam, but he was running a little late due to the congestion on the streets, as today was the day of most enrollment tests throughout Japan.

As I walked towards the entrance, I saw a young man of medium height and slender build with green hair standing in the middle of the entrance. It was Izuku Midoriya, and if he was here, it meant that so far everything was the same. We'll see what happens later.

I saw him exhale and try to take a step before going toward the ground. I knew his Waifu and the first friend would save him, but I couldn't help but show off!


Before Uraraka Ochako could save him, I appeared next to him and took him by the shoulder, sparks fluttering around me. "Are you okay?" I looked at their faces and could see that they were both surprised. Smiling, I continued, "If you're okay, I think I'll continue on my way. I don't want to be late for the exam!"

Izuku quickly reacted and began to speak. "Th-thank you both for helping me. My name is Izuku Midoriya!" I could see how despite being nervous, he gathered the courage to speak.

"Mine is Uraraka Ochako, nice to meet you!"

Thinking about where I was and what awaited me, I couldn't help but get excited about the future that awaited me at My Hero Academy!

"My name is Hayate Yagami!"

These chapters probably feel rushed, but I don't want to waste too much time. I prefer to start the plot and put my things in later

AgniFaradelcreators' thoughts