
Through the ages: Visitor of the apocalypse

In a world of death and life. where humanity hangs on a thread. a visitor came, would he save the remnants of humanity? and lead them back into a new peak? or, would he guide the new dominant race of this new order. who knows, but I know its a story worth writing. Arc 1 Not the worst apocalypse. Follow as Daniel Explores this new apocalyptic world. limiting himself to that of a 1st tier Astral psion. with a body strong enough to decimate 21 century armies barehanded.

MA_Writecrft · Romance
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Chapter 3 From cities to the sticks. Act 2 to 3

Act 2 Power to the city.

60 days apocalypse date. 3 days after meeting the Girls.

Pov Reyka Bellwood

It's been a few days since we met mister Daniel, and his one bad liar. At first I thought he was lying about being a science head, or being a special soldier, granted he has the size. but I've never heard of special soldiers used as scientists. there, only used in the elite special forces or high ranked officers in the army or the special services. Never a scientist.

But both doubts were crushed as I saw him, both destroying a horde of 20 faster ones alone, only using that ridiculous ax. And then started to collect samples with such practice as if he'd done it for decades. I know, I've worked with a lot of forensic guys and I can count on one hand, the people that moves like him.

The only weird thing is, that he does a ritual everytime we clear a horde. and it's burning the bodies after he prayed for them. He said it's to prevent the disease from becoming stronger, and we learned what he meant. As he killed one and left it in front on the road and shot once.

He hid as we watched a small horde come in, looked around for prey and moved along, but before they did, they ate the corpse of the undead and then left. This made me queasy and the other girls lost their breakfast.

He explained that this bioweapon feeds on biomass, and the virus mutates and turns their host more dangerous and effective, the more biomass they consume. But for some reason they only eat human biomass. He theorized the makers of this bioweapon did this on purpose to control the virus and to not make a gray goo scenario.

I just nodded along as he explained like any other egghead I know. So yes he wasn't lying about the science head thing. And after I tested him a little to see if he was actually as high ranked as he claimed, I asked him about a secret plan that I only heard rumors about. The other girls didn't know anything about this so they didn't need to act surprised as I asked.

Hey Daniel. Yeah? He was using a sewing machine, sewing a hooded robe. He said we need to have proper gear, which is a robe like the one little Sam was wearing, he said it's a special kind of fabric he was inventing, cut, bullet and impact resistant.

I was doubtful when he said that but after shooting and trying to cut a sample of the fabric I believed him. It's just odd he's making a robe rather than a jacket, sweater or something smaller. I asked him about this but he laughed and told me he only knows how to make robes out of the material.

Do you know about Project Steel Phoenix? Oh? You heard about that? Well it's one of the phoenix projects, I don't know the details except for one of the sites. but it's essentially a seed project, where a sustainable population, is placed into an isolated area, to survive any kind of apocalyptic event. Like the continental unification 60+ years ago and the zombie apocalypse happening now.

Huh. . . me and the girls were speechless. Wait, you didn't know? Well hopefully high command would let this pass, when they put their crap together. He said musingly as he continued sewing. I know, I should stop now, because this is very much above my paygrade, and very dangerous but I'm curious. Sir? Yes? What site are you talking about? Oh Colonia Amazonia, it's a base in the amazons, it's hidden pretty well, under a camouflage dome. I was actually planning to go there after a few decades. If I don't figure out a cure or if no one establishes order by then.

I was now convinced why I felt he was lying when he told me his rank. . . He's actually higher ranked! Knowing something like this is something only the high command should know! Or atleast there direct subordinates! Which means. . . I need a drink. .

0 0 0 0 0

Pov Daniel Cetus.

Daniel? Yeah? What are we doing here? Oh, well, If I don't check on this now, the city will run out of electricity any day. . . well some parts are already in blackout.

I'm planning on staying for atleast a month so it's good to check on it. Alright as long as you know what you're doing. Don't worry I met someone who worked here. He even gave me this. The giant flashed an ID inside his leather jacket.

A giant of a man and an attractive young Japanese woman were walking towards a high thick walled compound. Behind it was a large hydroelectric dam. Knock knock!

Daniel knocked on the glass of the checkpoint office. Making a Z to spring alive inside it wearing a security guard uniform. Growling at the pair. ThuK! The woman piked the undead through the talking slits. 

The gate was close, in front of the pair. So what now? Climb in? No need. I reached in for the ID and looked around for the scanner, and saw a metal box near the glass with a swiper.

Crikkk. . . The gate opened downwards, it took a minute before it fully opened. Ladies first? I said while doing a mock courtesy towards Makki. Pft. . . she stifled a laugh. Oh what a gentleman~ Ha ha ha. We laughed at the joke, as I entered first.

The gate closed behind us, as we passed a certain point. It's good that the sensors and door still work. It means this place is still running its operations. Makki nodded as she focused on looking around.

I sent a psionic pulse, scanning the area for undead life and regular life. Which told me that there were dogs here, but they were far away and probably eating a corpse, I think they wouldn't be a problem for now.

But those undead slowly surrounding us were a problem, there's too many for me to kill by hand while protecting Makki so I made a decision.

Daniel, I see one we need to. Ahh! She was whispering until she yelped in surprise as she was carried by the giant. As he rushed towards an office building with major tubing and a large cooling towers on its roof.

They stopped in front of the front door. Alright shoot as many as you can. Huh? Then the young woman looked back and saw a horde in the 50s and increasing. Ahh!? She screamed, and then immediately and frantically started shooting. Bang!

They're far away enough. I thought as I used Anderson's company key to open the door, and my psionic to scan the building. it was very partially empty of the undead but not the living. They steered, in surprise as I opened the door.

I pulled in the excited and scared Makki, tossing her inside and locking the door behind me and after a minute. Thump! thump! The sounds of the undead trying to break the glass walls echoed inside.

I heard deep breaths from her. I picked her up and then walked towards the sofa. And then as she sat I gave her a water bottle, she drank from it furiously. Hah. . hah. I'm alright, fuck that was. . . sorry Daniel, that was extreme. . I . I need a minute. Sure take your time Makki. I patted her head, this made her even more red. And about to protest but she stopped herself.

Alright you watched long enough, are you the only one here? I turned around and saw an older fatter man in his 40s holding an assault rifle. Yeah I am. Who are you? And how did you open the doors!

He yelled the last part while aiming his gun at me. Fortunately I was already a few paces away from Makki. I'm Daniel Cetus, an associate of Anderson Stark. he gave me his keys and asked me to get a few things from his office, and to check if the powerplant is still functioning normally.

Oh, you're a friend of Old mister Stark. He lowered his gun. Alright then, I'll lead you to the operations room, and the old man's office. I'm Homer Baker by the way. And that's my wife Marge and my kids. I saw a woman that looks to be in her 30s came out with two kids that look to be in primary school.

0 0 0 0 0 

Why did you stay here Homer? You know the entire place is filled with the undead. We were walking together. I left Makki with Homer's wife and kids; I know, but at first I thought the army would be here by now. And we only needed to hold up here. because the movies always said the power plants are important places the army would go to incase of disaster but. . . No one came? Yeah. . . when everything started, like everyone else, I went home. and took my family. But I think I'm the only one who came back.

So how's the reactor? I don't know, I'm just one of the safety inspectors. I saw its readings, and the plant is losing output but that's as much as I understood. From what I know of Anderson's memories, he made this place. His engineering connected the hydro plant and this old nuclear plant making it into a hydro nuclear fusion plant. 

Can't believe a war hero would ask this as his prize. Well it's a good retirement job I suppose. Where here, go in I'll wait here. I cleared most of the building But I haven't checked this and the higher floors yet. So be careful. I'm gonna start locking doors in the hallway.

He did, and he had a ring filled with keys and cards. And I saw him walking down the hallway checking on doors with his foot while his gun was aimed in front.

He seems good enough, probably a vet, based on how he was holding his gun. I shouldn't worry about him so I didn't and opened the door to the office.

 0 0 0 0 0

Pov Makki Moulage

Sigh. . . That was hard. So how long have you been here Mrs.Baker? You can call me Makki Ma'am. I said as I sat up and saw Marge, knitting in front of me, as her kids sat on the high platform looking down at us, while pretending to play a board game.

We have been here since the start. Homey thought it was the safest place, he was right but. But there's no rescue? No, that's what we've been waiting for, but when we saw you, being carried by your friend rushing towards the door, being chased by those monsters. Homey was. . hesitant.

I bet you folks were surprised when Daniel opened the door weren't you. Ha ha ha. Marge laughed lightly at that. Yes, Homer was really surprised but I didn't know Mister Stark had such a big friend, he looked young too.

But I want to ask how it is out there? Other survivors? The government? Sigh. . . Look Marge, do you want the truth or. . . yes, please, the truth. She said stopping her weaving, and drinking from the paper cup of coffee. I joined her.

0 0 0 0 0

Pov Daniel Cetus.

The office was large, a fake stuffed bear in one corner, a bunch of shelves that seemed to be hiding some things. A carpeted floor, with a hidden hollow spot and . . . yeah this looks very much an english gentleman's home study and office. The fireplace was turned off tho.

I went to the desk, and found a few buttons. I pressed one, and one part of the shelves parted ways showing a large screen which shows parts of the building. Huh a monitoring system.

I then pressed another, making another part of the shelves open showing a safe. Before I checked that I looked into the desk, and found memos, some paperwork and keys.

I walked over toward the safe. Alright the password is . . . I opened the metal door. It had what I needed, Blue prints, journals and other things I didn't know would be here. I ignored the gold jewelry and took the bars. And all of the lighter personal stuff of Anderson's. They would be useful later but the most important thing is the steel cased hard drive and an old briefcase big laptop. 

I layed down the journals, and blue prints on the table, while storing the laptop and hard drive into my bag. I closed my eyes, and sent a pulse. Homer was still looking through the hallway. So I can do this. With complete focus on my energy I scanned through the material memorizing them and storing them in my mindscape.

Homer entered as I was reading through the last journal, which wasnt an engineering note but a personal journal of Anderson. It was decades long. You found what you're looking for? Yes. is the hallway clear? Yeah it is, ready to fix the plant? I nodded as we left the office.

0 0 0 0 0

Pov Homer Baker

Inside a room of gauges, pipes, monitors and other things to measure, understand and remotely control the powerplant. stood two men, one older with fading hair, fattened by office work and the other toweringly tall in the peak of his youth. 

The towering youth, tapped away on the keyboards, checking on graphs, and the physical gauges on the wall. in front of the control point, he was using. 

You found the problem boy? I think so. It's just a systems drain, as some of South New Tokyo's infrastructure is damaged. The plant still supplies those regions with power, it's draining the reserves of this powerplant without it actually producing any power.

Wait. . . the power-plant's on shut down? Yeah, Stark told me he shut it down and placed it on emergency mode when everyone evacuated. Kinda why I'm here, we can use the hydroelectric generators, and start producing energy again. but the fusion plants are a no go. We need more people if we want to operate those generators.

Hmm. . . Okay I understand, anything I can help with? Do you know where the manual region circuit breakers are? Yes. . . but it's outside the main building, which is where we are right now. You mean. . Yeah it's on the other side of the parking lot.

The boy grew quiet as I told him that. I watched him go through more of the system, I barely understood what he was doing, with all those numbers and graphs. I only got the safety inspector job because my dad worked with Old Stark back in his day. 

Damn, I should have paid more attention to the seminars and training courses. . . or just took a desk job in the army, sigh. but no, I wanted to give the kids and Marge a better life than the one I had. 

Should I risk it? The kid looks like one of those special-soldiers I fought with, but from how young he is, he's probably just a recruit, fresh out of the bio-therapy program. He can probably play overwatch, as I go to one of the outbuildings where those circuit breakers are. 

Alright, I've done as much as I can from here. I temporarily turned off some of the power being sent to the city, but we need to manually turn off those power nodes before we can start turning on the hydroelectric engines. and start charging the powerplant batteries.

The tall boy stood up. Alright Uncle Baker, lead the way. He was smiling at me, and this made me laugh. Ha ha ha you have guts boy, let's go. But first, help me with the last floor up, and the roof. Remember this boy, never go to enemy territory without recon. I said this as I pulled out a telescope I found in one of the offices.

0 0 0 0 0

Pov Daniel Cetus.

GrrrA! The sound of metal on bone, A crunch shattering of bones and then soft, quelching flesh splattering the walls. That was the fate of a walker-undead that met my steel.

Ehh. . . Boy, weren't you taught in physical therapy how to control your strength? I turned around and Mr.Baker casually putting down 3 of the further Walker type undead. pssuk, pssuk, pssuk. . . I'm not sure how, but Mr.Baker made a silencer out of pipes, rubber, sponges and a lot of duct tape he calls it the "south east special".

They did, but I was never that good with control, that was why I was never placed in direct combat. Shuck! The sound of splatter came. as the coin I tossed dugged, into the skull of another walker.

I was a damn good marksman tho, so I got placed at a sharpshooter auxiliary company. Ha! Homer gave a short laugh at that as we continued. So, did you know any of them Uncle? Sigh. . . some by name, but others just by their face, most of those I actually knew left with me when old man Stark told us to leave early, these guys were probably the last ones here that stayed with old man Stark. . . how is he by the way? Still a grumpy ass but actually a real softy inside?

I acted, my face a grave seriousness to it as I shook my head. Huh, that explains why he sent a young one here, was he with anyone else? I'm not sure, but he told me that he had a group with him and they had a camp at the mountain exit.

You mean the old hightop junction? Yeah that's the one, I'm actually planning to go there once I fix this place and get my ride built.

Alright, I understand why old Stark wants you to come here, but why? Why did you come? Why didn't you just finish working on your "ride" and leave.

From what you told me of how bad it's gotten in the city I would have left the first chance I got. . . Oh. . . Is there a chance of a meltdown?

About a thousand kilometers range radiation effect and everything around here in a 30 kilometer would turn to rubble. . . I looked at Mr.Baker and laughed. He looked so damn scared. Ha ha ha sorry no I just wanted to agh! 

Mr.Baker punched my side. Brat! learn to respect your elders. Sorry, but seriously that's what Stark told me, he was worried the nuclear reactor wasn't turned off properly so he asked me to check on it. And because I was worried he was telling the truth, I came here to check.

And? Yes, based on the readings they turned off the reactor, I didn't see any kind of built up but I still need to check on the nuclear materials, there might still be some that wasn't stored or in use before everything went to shit.

Nuclear material? Don't worry about that kid, we only use enough nuclear material for a day's worth of fission, it's a safety measure installed before my time.

While he talked, I could see he was focused on listening for any other sounds apart from our footsteps and his voice.

And even before we were dismissed early. Earl hasn't loaded the material for transport, so my guess is the glow sticks are still in the cryo chamber. . . And from what I remember they have more than a century of lifetime in there before they become radioactively deadly.

What if the glow sticks were outside? Well, I don't know, even in the transport trolley they heat up fast, but we get them to the reactor pools before anything happens so I'm not sure.

Hmm. . . I wasn't really worried, I already sent psionic scans through the building and I saw the glow sticks Mr.Baker kept talking about where highly Enriched Uranium rods, that was glow stick sized and very much secured with alot of lead inside a very advanced looking nitrogen freezer.

And like what Mr.Baker Guessed none of them was moved, there were some depleted uranium rods in the reactor pools. but from what I see, the plant already did an automatic radiation scrub of the area and sealed off those pools. After draining them.

Reading Mr.Baker was awfully easy. He's pretty honest and straightforward even in his thoughts so sometimes I hear echoes as his, a blank mind. . . People who don't actively think but have a complex subconscious thought pattern that decides their actions, commonly most of these people I've met are simple minded, but a few. . . Well they were either highly trained sleeper agents or very cunning masters of intrigue that have made multiple personas to hide themselves.

I've met more than a dozen of the former but only 3 of the latter would Mr.Baker be number 4? I looked at the stained clothes he was wearing, the old stench of beer, and his overweight body. . . Yeah no, might just be overthinking it.

0 0 0 0 0 

Hours after clearing the main building.

On a large square roof, appears a garden forest. but it is as far from being natural, as you would imagine a Forest of trees, shrubs and ferns, would be.

As every tree was a collection of different woods, grown larger than imperial bonsais, and each was a flowering fruit tree, as stingless bees flew from flower to flower.

They grew from large pots of carved stone that tapers into benches. Much like those seen in public parks. There were berry bushes in bloom and blooming flower patches at the bonsais lower trunk, just above there roots.

Hey! Yeah Makki? I was sitting underneath a large imperial class bonsai, my hair swayed with the wind as my heart kept pace to the steady buzzing of distant bees.

Are we taking them in? She asked, as she was looking toward the Baker family. They were roasting our lunch on one of the bonsai plots where soft grass grew. Marge was stewing on an open bonfire. Mixing salad lunch boxes and canned fish while Homer cababed fruit slices and frozen meats.

No, I already told Uncle Baker about the camp at the mountain exit. I think he just wants to help me before he moves his family there. Cool, cool. . . Uncle Baker? She looked at me with mock disbelief in her eyes.

Aren't you like an old man in his 60s? Ha ha ha! That made me laugh as she thought I was that young. No, I'm older! Ha! But I see your point. I turned serious as I spoke to her, making her pout turn neutral.

But I'll ask you this. Would you tell every stranger we meet that you are a CIA agent? Ah! She looked like realization crept into her head. No, you're right, so youre gonna act like a young special-soldier, until they get suspicious and then you're gonna start telling the truth? Like what you did with us.

I nodded at her as she sighed, in exhaustion. . . and here I am thinking I can put behind me all this secret agent stuff and live more. . . honest. I kissed her forehead as I gave her a soft smile, in response she hugged me, pressing her head on my chest.

You know how many guys I could have gone straight with if I was actually honest with them? . . . no, it's more like 2 actually. The rest are just guys trying to get under my skirt. With a small pout She parted as I spoke.

Keep your skills sharp and continue with your training with the other girls. . . I'll feel less worried about you girls if I know I'm worrying about badass CIA agents, rather than drunken girls I saved in an underground grocery market. . . plus we . . I, need every skill available if we want to put things back better than before everything went to shit.

I laughed a little as I ended my little speech. as I pressed her head on mine, my eyes focused on hers, my voice soft and sincere. Sigh, fine. I'll keep doing my routines, so I don't lose my "Edge" but I want you to teach us how to fight! 

Sure. I said casually. Thanks oldman! I felt her jump up, as I was already starting to stand. But she still planted a kiss on my cheek. Hey love birds! Time to eat! Mr.Baker yelled at us, as Makki was already walking towards the family as I shook from my acted daze.

0 0 0 0 0

Are we clear little ones? Clear as a day sir! But it's cloudy? Yes sir! Huh. . . There's a lot of them, mister. Daddy! Please don't go with the big brother! I was teaching the little one's how to use the scope and they seem to know how, they probably do family bird watching or something.

Come on kids, we need to help him. He already told us he'll help us get out of here after we help. Besides, don't you guys want to see other kids again! But. . . I saw as Homer, scuffled their head while giving them a foolish smile.

I took this time and looked with a binocular I found. They were right there were a lot of them outside, probably some extras that went through the open main gate but I have no Idea on the other ones.

There were maybe more than a hundred and a few dozen of those faster ones in clusters and one really big one. . . whistle! Mr. Baker whistled next to me. Seeing what I'm seeing uncle? Yeah I am. . . atleast this makes me believe, more on that bioweapon theory, you kept telling us through lunch. . . and here I thought you were a crackpot.

Really? We have supersoldiers, and gene therapy that can extend someone's life for decades. and we're still at war with maybe less than half the world. And you still doubted bioweapons that turns people to zombies?

I looked at him and saw him giving me a shrug. With a dismissive sound. Kid, I was a grunt in the army, only saw your million dollar asses in the more dangerous zones and that was me inside a forts giving support fire. . . with a thousand other pips, while your older brothers rushed in inside their steelclads. . . . but yeah, zombies just doesn't sound real you know?

I know. alright, want to blitz through or just sneak around them? Around them? You want to use the others to lure them? Maybe, they can stay on the roof and use one of the megaphones. But. . . You're not sure if they can climb? Yeah, I never saw them do that, even the faster ones can only jump higher but that's it.

There was a quiet between us. But then, Marge came between us, she had Makki behind her. Homie please. I know why we need to do this. But atleast let us help!

Homer sighed at this. . . and then gave Marge a hug and a smile. Alright Marggie. Me and Makki gave them space. Ekk. . . it's always weird seeing older folks go lovey dovey. . . don't worry, I'll keep them safe. I might not be as good as you but I know how to shoot these.

She pulled out two golden pistols, which was something she found while looking through a certain white powdered pick up. . . the drugs weren't even that useful, just some hallucinogens, Opioids, Rohypnol and other dirty stuff that I need to purify for them to have any actual use. . . other than recreation of course.

 It felt weird when the girls Initially stopped me as I started gathering them. . . I needed to remind them of my ability in medicine before they calmed down. They even tried to burn some of it. . almost burning some of the actually useful antibiotics and Antivirals.

Alright. But don't over do it, if you ever feel in danger, drag them into Anderson's office. It has reinforced doors. The password is Mellina. Okay I'll do my best. . please don't die! She yelled at me as I felt her punch my stomach.

You ready kid? I turned around and saw Homer wearing a radioactive suit without the helmet, replacing it with a hardhat with a flashlight. Yeah, I'm let's go uncle.

He nodded as I started running towards the side and then took a dive of faith. Landing feet first on top of a water tower. And then started throwing coins.

0 0 0 0 0

Pov Homer Baker.

Hah! Hah! I was breathing hard as I felt my legs start to shake. Daniel was behind me. Alright you guys can stop, we're here. He was speaking to a radio. The other side was his family and Daniel's girlfriend.

There was blood all over his rad suit. . . thankfully none of it was mine. Daniel was different; he only had blood on that big ass ax and boots. . . I knew they were all monsters, I even fought with them. but damn it feels different this close up. Someone this big should never move that fast and pretty.

I was poking my guts now. As Daniel started looking over a manual control panel still covered by a small metal door, Daniel just forced it open, breaking the small lock . . . with his bare hand.

Alright this is what we need, just rest up uncle. I got this. I gave him a thumbs up as I forced myself to lean on a wall. For light has been given to the world by go I would take the gift as humanity has fallen.

The hell? I thought as I saw Daniel switching off all the switches, and then connecting a phone on a universal port on the panel. Making some of the lights on the switches to light up again.

What did you do? Oh just connected the system here into the system in the main building. Now we can control the power distribution in the main building. . . but for now everything is turned off except inside the main building it'll turn on again when the batteries underground gets full.

How long? Maybe a day or so? Not sure, the batteries are old and very modified so I'm not sure of its capacity. Anderson made a lot of the systems here imprecise when it comes to minimum and maximum data.

Yeah that makes sense. The old man was very secretive about how things work with the machines, atleast he was nice enough to teach us how to use them, and that was what most of us wanted to know.

He gave me a nod. As he pulled a book from his side bag. . . no, maybe more than a few days or a few hours? The hydro generators can be put to max output or stay as is but. . 

You need more people for max output? Yes, but it could also break the turbines. Huh? The turbines seemed to have been made to only accept a certain amount of pressure so it can't take max output for more than an hour. . . and it would start getting damaged in the first 10 minutes.

A few days then? Yeah if we can't activate the fusion generators it'll take a few days. Well that's fine. . . how about solar arrays? What solar array? There were talks with the regional mayor telling us of a solar program he wanted to add. . . it's unfinished but I know oldman Anderson watched over the project with his eye candies.

Hmm. . . maybe, but not today, it's enough to power some of the city for now. Thuk! He closed the panel with a soft thump of metal. Let's get you and your family out of here. 

I was covered in sweat and blood but I still smiled as I heard him tell me that. Finally I can get my family safe, I always wanted to leave but I know the moment I left the compound I won't be able to keep myself and my family safe. Alone. Ha ha ha! I owe you a beer!