
Whispers of Love & Justice

"Why don't you just leave, Zaviyar?" said Mrs. Hashim. In the TV lounge, Mrs. Hashim sat beside Zaviyar, holding his hand, while Mr. Hashim sat on a single sofa, rubbing his forehead with clear stress reflecting from his face. "Anny, how can you even say such a thing to me?" he looked at her surprised. "At least I didn't expect this from you. How can you forget her?" Talking about zoobi , clear torment casted from his words and teary voice. "Because I am a mother, Zavii. Yes, I didn't give birth to you, but I always loved you as my son. Yes, I am weak. Your love is making me weak. I cannot lose you, son." She began to cry badly. "Aanyyy, please don't do this. You are my strength, but your tears are making me weak, and he can't do anything to me. Don't worry." He hugged her and tried to console her. "No, Zavii, he is very cruel. Please go back. This place is not for you. This system is completely rotted by these people. Justice, law, government, everyone worships power." She tried to convince him, but it was surely a useless attempt. His passion, dedication, and fire in his eyes told that he would burn everything. He looked at her helplessly, feeling her tears falling on his heart. Obviously, she was one of the few people for whom the heartless Zaviyar Wajdan really had a heart.

He was telling Mr. Hashim about his case against Shahmeer Sikandar, but at the same time, Mrs. Hashim walked in, and exactly the same thing he had been avoiding happened. He didn't want to make her sad or tensed. "Oohoo dear wife, don't worry. Our son is very brave. He will handle everything. Trust him. Zaviyar, am I right?" He tried to normalize the situation. Zaviyar looked at him with immense respect and love in his eyes and a smiling face. That man was his ideal. He was the one from whom he learned to look in the eyes of the whole world fiercely like a lion and challenge them against their rotted standard of the so-called society. "Yes, of course, Champ!! And Anny, please stop crying. Your tears are making Champ restless, but he cannot say it in front of me." He said in a mischievous tone. Mrs. Hashim began to laugh and slightly slapped him on his shoulder. "Have some shame. We are your parents." "Yes, and a very romantic couple as well." He said while winking his eyes toward Mr. Hashim. The hall was filled with cute laughter.

Raha came out of her room and saw everybody laughing together. "My god, just look at these people who used to call out my name every time. Raha, come sit with us. Raha this, Raha that, and now they don't even remember that any girl named Raha also lives in this house under the very same shelter." Everybody smiled at her Oscar-winning performance. "Ooo double trouble, why do you speak so much, man?" He tried to irritate her. She looked at them for a while, then she rushed toward the sofa, pushing Zaviyar to a side, making space, she sat between Mrs. Hashim and Zaviyar. "That's perfect now." Mrs. Hashim looked at her with love in her eyes. "My children." "Mum, I was thinking we should marry, buddy," she said excitedly. "Dad, am I right?" She now looked at Mr. Hashim. "You are a hundred percent right. That's one of my biggest desires. Zavi, what do you think about this?" Suddenly, a scared face reflected in front of him. Remembering those eyes, his heart skipped a beat. An abrupt smile hit her lips. "Bro, your silence is forcing me to think something. Oh my god, is there someone?" Aina shouted excitedly. Her sharp scream brought him back to senses. "Ufff Rahaa, there is nothing like this, and please get your speaker oiled." He got up to go to his room. He was tired and wanted some rest, but it was quite hard to sleep now. The string of his thoughts was going toward her again and again. He didn't know why, but his heart was beating on a different rhythm today.