
Unexpected encounters

Sitting at her study table, she looked out of the glass window at the vast sky engulfed by black clouds. The smooth and gentle wind made lovely flowers dance to the soothing rhythm of leaves rattling. A pack of birds promptly moved toward their homes as the thunder and roar of the clouds conveyed the imminent rain.

She, always mad for rain, couldn't resist going out. She got up promptly and rushed downstairs. Her steps moved toward her small but extremely well-maintained garden. In the midst of the storm of colors, she stood there in a simple and minimal black attire. Stretching her arms toward the sky, she felt every drop of rain on her soul.

In his office, he studied a file with a furrowed expression and a hint of wrath in his eyes. As he turned the pages, the ruthlessness on his face intensified. After a short while, he shouted, bashing the file on the table.

"Who the hell does he think he is to confront Shahmeer Sikandar? No mother has born a son who can rebel against me."

"Sir, he has been recently posted in this area. He has a hardcore record throughout his professional career. He is a man of principle," his manager briefed him.

"Let's see how much this man of courage costs," he said with an abrupt smile.

"Arrange my meeting with him," he ordered.

"Hell with him. I will deal with this matter myself. Tell me his address. Let me show him who I am," he said with a sinister smile.

She felt the drops of rain on her soul, a soothing smile touching her lips. She sensed all the burdens rolling down with the raindrops.

He stood outside his house. The house wasn't too fancy, but there was great elegance in minimalism.

"Let me see how much your principles cost."

He entered the house with a ruthless expression, holding an umbrella. However, his steps jammed as he looked forward. He stood there motionless with still eyes, his heart skipping a beat. The umbrella fell from his hand, and he was drenched in water. Shahmeer Sikandar, who hated these raindrops, felt like he was drowning in the rain. But why? Nobody in this world could even breathe without his permission. Then why were his eyes not obeying his command? Why couldn't he control his heart?

He looked at the girl in front of him, peacefully feeling those raindrops on her soul. However, her glittering nose ring had taken away all the peace from his life. For the first time, he felt himself drowning in someone's eyes. The raindrops glistened through her wet hair. He felt like he couldn't breathe anymore. Her gleaming nose ring was testing his patience badly. He rubbed his chest, but at the same time, she looked up, and their eyes met. "What can be more beautiful?" he asked himself. At this moment, he didn't remember where he was, why he was here, or who he was. The egoistic Shahmeer Sikandar, who used to keep this world under his feet, was nowhere. He stood there with empty hands and helpless desires in his eyes. This is the beauty of love. Love has no tribe, no caste, no logic, no self. Love is something that drowns oceans.

She looked at him with unrecognizable looks. "Who are you?" Her lips were shivering due to excess coldness.

"Me?" he asked in a lost tone. He didn't even remember who he was.

"Obviously, only you are standing in front of me, so I am asking you."

She looked at him with weird looks.

"Ummm, no one. I mean, I am at the wrong address, maybe. I am sorry."

He turned, and his steps moved toward the door. After a few steps, he tilted, "You should go inside; it's really cold here."

He crossed the door and moved toward his car.

"What a weird man he was." She was still looking at the door. Then a cold breeze blew and added to her shiver. She wrapped her shawl around her and moved inside, but her thoughts were still toward him.