
Tangled beginnings

Aina was waking through the hallway. She noticed a presence in the drawing room but at this time she just wanted to go to her room. She was very tired . It was really an exhausting day at college.

"Aina!", it was Mrs Durani calling her.

"Y..yes Mom".

"See girl ,you already spoiled everything last night, but still your fate is giving you one last chance. Shahmeer want to clear all those misunderstandings, he wants to go out with you for dinner . You have 10 minutes, go get ready. He is waiting for you. "

"But ..but mom i don't want to go with him please mom."Aina beseeched her with tears in her eyes.

"Shut up !!Aina, I don't want to listen a single fucking word from your mouth now and keep one thing in your mind ,if you mess things up this time ,I will make sure you live in hell."Mrs .Durani grabbed her arm and shouted furiously.

"Simply do what he wants , got it."

After saying this , Mrs .Durani didn't stay there for a second.

Aina felt herself at the extreme of vulnerability. She remembered her mother badly.

"Why maa ?!Why? you left me in this cruel world. maa,

this is not a good place. I want to come to you please!"

Then like everytime she herself killed her feeble cries and walked to her room with deadly steps to get all dressed for her destruction.

She got ready in 10 minutes hardly and came out in garage.

Shahmeer POV:

"Where the hell is she . Do I have to wait for this madam seriously … ughhh… ( he frowned )

Don't worry you are gonna pay for this as well

Wait till I break your freaking ego."

He said with an evil smirk .

He came to reality with the door closing .

"Hii",Aina said in feeble voice.

He didn't replied .

There was complete silence in the car. Aina was looking out of window.Their car had now entered in a much deserted place.

Aina was frightened and her senses told her something bad was gonna happen.

"Where are we going?

" there are no restaurants this way. See! stop! Stop the car right now please! I am sorry for last night. I beg you pleaseeeee… stop the car!!!"Aina shouted helplessly.

"Lower your fucking voice!

" Stop creating this drama ! ( he said sarcastically) like you dont know why you are here ?

stop acting",Shahmeer groaned.

"What do you mean? "Aina asked him confused

"We are getting married in a week and your mother has sent you with me so that we can spend our pleasant time together, darling",changing his tone Shahmeer touched her hair.

"Nooo !you can not do this to me you can notttttttt she shouted please !leave me",

Aina pleaded.

"You should have thought about this before creating all that drama", he shouted and turned his car into his farmhouse, a mouthpiece of elegancy and class.

The car stopped suddenly.He got out and opened her door.

"Come out",he ordered.

"No! please ! Pleaseee! don't do this."she said sobbing

"Hey listen ! I have never had any interest in you.You are not my type he said sarcastically

and you are of no use to me .

You know what i want to break your fucking ego. i want to teach you a lesson that nobody can reject "Shahmeer Sikandar".

He roared with unimaginable expressions and suddenly began to laugh like a maniac.

"And you know what?

You will only please me now and forever, your life will start from me and end there as well".

Aina got out of the car terrified.

"No !never !I am perfect .I don't have to please anyone and I will live only for myself".she shouted with unprecedented bravery.

Aina remembered her conversation with Raha

Shahmeer was shocked to some extent. He knew Aina from a long time and he knew that she was not speaking herself.

"Ooooo my little birdie!

he said sweetly ,

You also have a tounge but why does it seem like it is someone else speaking in you . I would be very delighted to meet your new teacher darling".

At the same time, Shahmeer's manager rushed toward him

"Sir ,i have to talk to you right now",manager said respectfully.

"What the hell is wrong !! Don't you see i am busy",he yelled.

"Sir, I am really sorry. I would have never disturbed you but it is very important. Police has raided our club and news has been circulating on whole media. You know very well that lawyer has already been in search of our weakness. I doubt that he must be behind all of this. He will must take advantage of our situation",manager informed Shahmeer about the whole situation.

"Shitt !!!!

how the heck can this happen?

Where the hell is our legal team!!

I want them all in my office in next 15 minutes.

Or prepare your graves beforehand!

The manager shivered seeing his changing expressions .

The colour and expression of his face were clearly telling about his inner feelings.

"Ok sir, they will be here",

manager left.

"And youu "

He turned to Aina ,

" you are quite lucky, but don't you grieve my darling .

You will be with me every fucking night from now on and I will make your life hell .

how sad all your paths will lead you to me even those that you will choose to get rid of me".

He said cupping her face .

Aina was looking at him with clear hatred and disgust in her eyes.

"Driver!Driver! Take her her home safely".

If she gets even a single scratch on the way back

Than today my kiddos are going to have a grand feast .

( kiddos: Shahmeers pet dogs )

Aina sat in the car and the whole way she was thinking about her life.

Tears flowed from her eyes .

There were million of questions in her head. She was looking at the path with empty eyes.Only one question influenced all other.

Why ?why? Whattt… meee everytime?a muffled cry left her lips .

She prayed with great intensity ," please not this time, I can not take it anymore. My patience is over". She said with extreme exhaustion.