
Heartbreak & Threats

"Hi," he said sarcastically.

"Hi," she replied in a very low voice.

"My little birdie, why do you miss me so much? Stop thinking about me," he tried to irritate her. "Why did you call me?" she said with clear hatred in her voice.

Her harsh tone changed his expression in no time. "To tell you about your worth. Actually, I was thinking about your words that day. What were you saying, 'I am perfect, I will live for myself, I will not marry you,' and all that rubbish. So, did you find any shelter where you can hide from Shahmeer Sikandar?" His words were breaking her. She looked at the sky and tried to hold back her tears. "Why are you repeating all this?" she said in a teary voice. He began to laugh; her pain was a source of satisfaction for him.

"That's perfect now. Never ever dare to raise your damn voice in front of me again, and also don't try to gain my sympathy by your tears," he said harshly.

"I still remember that day when you rejected me. I swear, Aina darling, you will be the one begging me for my closeness, and you will not find anything but torture in my intimacy." His words brought a bitter smile to her lips, and tears she was trying to hold back began to flow. This was her fate. As usual, she was going to walk on the broken pieces of her dreams that would bleed her out, but she was so used to this pain.

"You will not be at peace either, Shahmeer Sikandar," she almost shouted.

"Shut up, I am giving you one more month. Fix your attitude and get yourself ready for me; otherwise, I will deal with you in my way, and then you will not even be able to speak." He hung up the call and smashed the phone on the dashboard.

"Her fucking ego," he murmured with disgrace.

On the other side, she began to sob badly. She put her head in her lap and placed her shaking hands in front of her mouth to stifle her feeble cries. Her breath was disturbed. She tried to get up, but due to her condition, she lost her balance and fell on the floor with great intensity. After some time, she got up, and with her wobbling steps, she finally managed to reach her room and took out her inhaler from the drawer and inhaled deeply.

"My heart will burst now. I just want to disappear from here. I cannot take it anymore; I can't," she cried helplessly.