
Gummy bondings

"She walks through the front door of her house. As she stepped in, an unprecedented and eerie silence welcomed her. Confusion and a hint of worry crept in when she checked the rooms, finding them empty. 'Mom, Dad, where are you?' She called for them. Her steps were now moving promptly to the back garden, but as she entered, a thick blanket of darkness greeted her. 'Where can they go?' she murmured in a tensed tone."

"She was about to turn, her heart pounding with anticipation, but her steps jammed as the whole garden flooded with lights. She looked around; the whole garden was beautifully decorated with balloons and fairy lights. 'Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Raha,' they were singing with a beautiful smile on their faces. Mr. and Mrs. Hashim stepped forward and hugged her, but she was still in the depth of shock, staring at the person standing in front of her. Everybody was smiling at her shocked condition." "'Buddy,' she murmured in a lost tone. He smiled beautifully and hugged her, coming forward. 'Come back to the world, madam,' he said while slightly slapping her head. 'When did you come back? You were in Pakistan? You didn't tell me. O myyy god!! I cannot believe it; you are standing in front of me.' Coming back to her senses, she hurled a storm of questions toward him. 'Hold your breath, man, and please calm down. And, madam, please cut the cake first; then you can interrogate me as much as you want,' he said, smiling."

"Zaviyar had been very close to Raha's family. His father was like a brother to Mr. Hashim. Their families were like a tight-knit unit, and there was a very deep friendship between Raha and Zaviyar. 'That's not fair, bro. You didn't even tell me that you are coming,' she complained."

"'So I see, my little chatterbox is very angry with me. Uncle!! I was thinking that we should give away all the chocolates to anyone because I am sure that our angry bird will not even look at them.' Listening to this, she hurriedly moved to a side and now placing her hands on her waist; she was looking at him just like a fighter pilot."

"'Are you for real? You brought my favorite chocolate and now you are talking about depriving me from them. No big Broo no, you cannot do this injustice with Barrister Raha Hashim.' She said while standing on the couch. Everybody began to laugh madly at her actions. Holding back his laughter, he said, 'oo so Barrister Raha Hashim, we will enjoy your entertainment later; now come down and cut the cake.' 'You are indirectly calling me an over-actor,' she told him. 'oo I thought I was directly calling you an actor.' Their sweet fight spread a peaceful smile on everyone's face."

"She was sitting on the couch of her terrace, looking at the sky, holding a warm cup of coffee. The hot steam of coffee was burning her hand badly, but she was so lost in the bitterness of life that she couldn't even feel this pain. Whatever her condition was, she never complained about her fate, but sometimes these forlorn and sad evenings arise, a dire wish in her heart to have someone in her life who can take all these wounds on his heart."

"Suddenly, his face reflected in front of her, and his caring words began to echo in her mind. 'Why am I thinking about him? He was just a stranger. Aina Durani, why don't you understand your happiness was never to stay.' She took a deep breath and looked at her burned hand, putting coffee on the table."

"Durani House. Shahmeer Sikandar was sitting at the breakfast table, all dressed up in a black three-piece suit with finely set hair and an expensive watch. He was obviously a mouthpiece of elegance and class. 'Don't you think you need to delay your marriage? It is not a suitable time. Our business is in the middle of chaos,' Meer Sikandar said while looking at him."

"'Yes, I was also thinking. Tell Mr. Durrani to delay the marriage for a month. I want to wind up all this filth firstly.' He said while sipping juice. 'Anyway, I am getting late, goodbye.' He got up, picked up his keys, and got seated in his car. His car left the house. He picked up his phone from the dashboard and dialed a number with a mischievous grin."

"She was looking at her hand with an expression of pain on her face and tears in her eyes. The rattling sound of her phone broke the momentum of her thoughts. She looked at her screen; the name of Shahmeer Sikandar was glimmering on her screen. The feeling of hatred and wrath engulfed her. He was the last person she wanted to talk to right now, but then she also knew that she could not ignore him. She answered the call with a hatred expression on her face."