
Bonds Beyond Time

Raha was excitedly waiting for Aina; she wanted to share her joy with her best friend and tell her how close she was to her dreams. Both wanted to become lawyers and had applied for a scholarship. Aina, not taking it seriously, used to say, "I don't deserve a scholarship; my parents can afford this expenditure, and it would be unfair to other deserving students." So, Raha alone applied for the scholarship. They had always decided to study together.

Walking in the ground out of excitement, Raha saw Aina coming from the gate. However, her expression changed in seconds when she noticed Aina's swollen and red eyes. Concerned, Raha rushed toward Aina and held her arms, asking, 'What happened, Aina?' Tears rolled in her eyes again. Aina hugged Raha and began to weep badly. Raha made her sit on a bench, holding her hand and looking at her, waiting for her to speak. Aina closed her eyes with torment and revealed, 'I am getting married this week.'

Shocked, Raha exclaimed, 'What?' She couldn't trust her ears. Aina explained, 'Raha, they will marry me to him. He is doing it for revenge. He will make my life hell, Raha—my dreams.' She said in a teary voice.

Concerned, Raha asked seriously, 'When is the marriage?' Aina, puzzled by the question, replied, 'Next Monday.' Raha reassured her, 'Nothing will happen; I will not let it happen. Now, please calm down.'

"Oh, I forgot. What about your scholarship? Today, the merit list was going to be issued," Aina asked, wiping her tears. Raha looked at her for a second and then, changing the direction of her eyes, said, 'Nothing yet, bro. The date has been extended.' She didn't look in her eyes because they always used to read each other's eyes. 'Let's go for the lecture; we are already late.'

Aina reached home. The perception of home was actually very different for Aina. The word "home" is often a sentiment of peace, comfort, possession, but for her, it was nothing more than a torture cell. She went to her room directly because she had no more emotional capacity to see anyone right now.

Hardly a few minutes were spent when Mrs. Durrani walked in, saying, 'Get ready, girl; we are going to buy your wedding dress. Please, at least, pay some attention to all preparations. I alone cannot do it all.' She was talking very normally. 'Oh, please stop it. I am not going to marry anyone, and I really mean it. I would prefer to die rather than doing something that would benefit you,' Aina shouted.

'Oh, I see. I was right. I know very well you are speaking someone else's language. That creepy girl Raha, she is behind all this, na?'

'If you don't want to marry, don't. I will not say a single word to you. I hope you will enjoy watching your friend become the food for my dogs,' Mrs. Durrani threatened with an evil smile on her face. Aina looked at her in disbelief—how can anyone be so cruel?

'Darling, I am waiting for you in the car. I know you will surely come.' Mrs. Durrani left with an evil smile on her face. Tears rolled down Aina's face, 'I can't lose you, Raha. I can die for you a hundred times. Love, this is nothing.' She wiped her tears and went down.