
Avenging echoes

He was sitting in his office, completely lost in his files, messy hair, and the fatigue on his face clearly telling about his draining routine. But this was nothing compared to his passion to expose Shahmeer Sikandar. He had a firm determination to stop all the hands that were decaying our roots, our hope for a bright future, our young generation. It would not be wrong to say that Shahmeer Sikandar was the supporting hand of all these sources, and he had decided to cut it off. He had been investigating the case of drug suppliers whose main target was college and university students, and all the ways of this investigation led to Shahmeer Sikandar. After the consistent hard work of 4 years, he was eventually in the final phase of this case, and he was all ready to hold Shahmeer Sikandar accountable for his deeds.

Meanwhile, he was working; the door banged, and Shahmeer Sikandar was standing in front of him like a stiff cliff with red eyes and swollen veins. Anybody would have feared him in this condition, but the personality standing in front of him was Zaviyar Wajdaan. He had fire in his heart that would burn everything, but at the same time, extreme calmness on his face, and that was his trait that never let him loose.

Shahmeer Sikandar kicked the table, and his action brought frown lines to Zaviyar's forehead, but this was only for a few seconds. 'Take a chill pill, bro. Actually, you know what the problem is? I really don't get bags of money by selling my modesty. I am a simple person working day and night to earn money, so if you break my table, it will really disturb my budget, brother.' Shahmeer looked at him with a weird look; he was talking to him like they were childhood buddies, but he soon handled his expression and addressed him, 'Hey, you lawyer, I am warning you for the last time. Don't come in my way. I will set fire to your whole life. I promise you will not find any place where you can hide from Shahmeer Sikandar.'

Zaviyar began to laugh, 'And who wants to hide from you, Mr. Sikandar?' But soon he masked his face with ruthlessness and seriousness, 'It is time that you have to face me. I can see a thirsty dog dying for water in front of me right now, but I promise myself I will take water so far away from your range, and you will die under the burden of your sins.' Shahmeer Sikandar was getting mad in rage; he grabbed Zaviyar's collar and shouted, 'You rascal.' Zaviyar looked at him with cold eyes and freed his collar from his hands in a single tug. Nobody could say that he was the very same guy a few minutes ago. 'Ahannn, don't you dare; I can also get angry, and you know well when I get angry, I don't give a second chance to the opponent to get angry again.'

Zaviyar sat down on his chair in a very relaxing manner, 'Anyway, leave it, Mr. Sikandar. Have a seat, please! Tea or coffee?'

Shahmeer Sikandar was staring at him with fire in his eyes. 'Oh, I got it; you will take tea. But tea with biscuits or without biscuits?' Zaviyar asked in a very thoughtful manner. Shahmeer Sikandar doubted his mental health, and Shahmeer, as well, was so mentally exhausted that he couldn't talk to him anymore. He was leaving the room, 'Goodbye, Mr. Shahmeer, have a safe journey. See you soon in court,' Zaviyar shouted behind him.

Zaviyar set his head against the chair; his expression changed in no time. There was great agony and grief in his eyes. He took the mobile phone from his pocket, opened a picture, and held it in front of his eyes. Suddenly, a tear rolled in his eyes. Instead of weakening him, these tears always made his resolution more and more firm. 'Zoobi, I will take your revenge. I will.'