
thoughts and things throughout my day and life

This really isn't anything cool or entertaining well it might entertain you, but anyway this is just gonna be me writing down thoughts that appear to me throughout my days in school or at home P.S pic is just random pic from google images of brook from one pice

Yasser_Samir_8538 · Urbain
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15 Chs

Would I date myself

So it's midnight right now right. I was going on my phone and all of a sudden I was asked if I would even date myself.

My answer depends cause I am not gay. But if I was a straight female and was asked to date my male self. My answer would probably be... Yes, yes I would.

Here is why. I would share the same interests, and that makes connecting a whole lot easier. I think I have an amazing sense of humor. I love sex jokes and fart jokes. Who wouldn't love that. But no in all honesty I do have a pretty nice sense of humor and me and my female counterpart would always be having fun. Another reason I love to cuddle so sleep would actually be really good.

This is probably the top reason, my libido. I am a teenager (14) went through puberty very early in my life (around 7-9 years old when it started) so my hormones are all over the place. But I know how to control myself, so that means I am a pretty cool dude. I have been through it (puberty) so I can wait till she's ready. I am pretty considerate... (totally not because I couldn't be bothered to ask)

*ahem* I would make a pretty good partner and cuddle buddy. My body is big (not really fat just big) and warm. So again amazing cuddle buddy for all the single ladies out there.

<3 Big sexy author Yasser Stay Sexy

P.s very tired it's midnight and I got school soo yeah fun.

PP.s gonna double upload sometime later wrote it in authors note bye bye

I forgot about my old chapter. I wrote the title and had it ready to write but as soon as I was about to start my dad came home. Then he gave me back my phone. But the man asked for my password so we argued for like 10 minutes about my privacy and all that. But then I said fuck it and unlocked my phone letting him go through it. Didn't give him my password but whatever. Like dude for real. Anyway was on my phone forgot I was writing on my laptop and didn't write my chapter woohoo me.

anyway gonna double upload some time later maybe tommorrow again it's midnight. 12:30 as of now.

Well Stay Sexy Peace

Yasser_Samir_8538creators' thoughts