
thoughts and things throughout my day and life

This really isn't anything cool or entertaining well it might entertain you, but anyway this is just gonna be me writing down thoughts that appear to me throughout my days in school or at home P.S pic is just random pic from google images of brook from one pice

Yasser_Samir_8538 · Urban
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15 Chs

Baby Yasser in Syria

So this is a story of me back in Syria when I was lets say 2 years old.

My aunt is taking care of me cause parents are busy or something like that. My mom comes in the house or opens the door or something. All I know is the door is open and no one is paying attention to a baby Yasser.

You know what happens? Baby Yasser goes out on an adventure walking outside in nothing but a diaper. I walk outside with my fucking swagger walk looking at all the bad bitches and winking at them cause baby Yasser had all the hoes. Not like right now with teenage Yasser who has no female friends anymore.

So I'm walking and I reach a barber and he knows me and my dad. So he calls home and they come running to get me cause baby Yasser was cute AF. Honestly surprised I didn't get kidnapped cause baby Yasser... well he's baby Yasser.

*Meanwhile at home* *in Arabic duh*" AHHHHHH WHERE THE FUCK IS YASSER, MY BABY" *screams and searching intensifies* Then *ring* *ring* *clink* "hello" "hi I got Yasser here in my barber shop" "really wait we're coming right over" "uhm sure but how the fuck does he get more bitches than me he's a fucking baby" "ah thats my son getting all the ladies swooning""anyway come get your baby" *clink*

Then baby Yasser was retrieved. But he will always be confused on why there was an old man looking at him funny like all the other ladies.

Yasser just ignored him and went home.

P.s that part about ladies swooning is 100% true nothing fabricated at all.

<3 Your big sexy author Yasser, Stay Sexy Peace

Huh that author must have a lot of stories like that.

you know with all the ladies swooning over him like that and him being super cute and handsome.

well anyways I will double upload either today or tommorrow if I get the chance I am very tired and I got a lot of work to do

Stay Sexy Peace

Yasser_Samir_8538creators' thoughts