I was once a human that died, but reincranted as monster. Honestly I'm annoyed. Annoyed at my self. I died a stupid death and my life was boring.... You know what? Screw this shit! I will live a life the way i want to! I'm monster? So what! I will live as the monster if i need to! I don't care if i eat a human or not! I will do what ever i want to!
(Why everything is so cramped?)
(Em…I think I evolved, but why is my face against the freaking wall???)
(Damn! I can tell that my body became different, but did I also became much bigger!?)
(Wait! I think something is sticking out my head…. And it's buried in the ground?!)
(What is it?!)
(Right! Before I passed out, I chose that weird evolution thing. It was emitting very weird and unknow feeling.)
(I chose it because I though it maybe was some sort of very special evolution or something?)
(If I remember correctly…. It was called deerwolf?)
(Deer and wolf.)
(So right now I'm something like a hybrid between two?)
(I guess the things sticking out of my heads are the deer antlers?)
(Anyway, where the heck is exist?! I can tell that my body become much bigger.)
(But how much bigger I had become? This place could easily fit the previous me without problem.)
(Fuck me. Where is the exit.)
(There! Its near my…legs?)
(Huh…. The shape of my legs changed a lot.)
(Anyway, this will destroy the hide out, but I have no choice to do that if I want to leave this place.)
The monster began kicking the tree roots, but it didn't took long for the tree roots to get destroyed.
(I already broke it? I guess the tree roots must have been already damaged or something.)
(Okay. Now I need to try to get out from here.)
(My antlers are stuck, so I got to pull out little bit of strength.)
(1, 2 and 3!)
(1, 2 and 3!)
(1, 2 and 3!)
After trying a bit, a plant monster was finally able to break free and threw itself out of the hole, ending up rolling afterwords before then falling on its back.
(Fuck me!)
(This a second time I had a discomfort waking up position after evolving.)
(Huh…. Wow…. My hands…. They look nothing alike.)
(No wait! My entire body shape is different!)
(I'm no longer a freaking ball!)
(Wow. It seems I have to walk on all fours now? This will take some time getting used to.)
(Anyway, a small river should be nearby.)
(I want to see how I look like right now to maybe understand things or two about me.)
(On top of that, it's a night time already? How long I was unconsciousness for? I don't think a sun was setting or anything when I arrived to my hiding spot.)
(Well, no use asking myself that, since I don't have any means of checking it anyway.)
(Anyway, since its already late, I probably won't encounter any humans and the river isn't that far away. So, I think I can take it easy.)
I've began walking towards the river that was located near my hideout.
Walking…. It was bit problematic at first.
I could tell that my body changed, but…. Wow… I changed a lot…. It feels nothing like my previous body at all.
Even when I evolved from walking root to the plant animal, I could still sense some similarities, but now there is nothing like that.
Well, walking on all fours didn't seem too hard, but it requires some time getting used to it, since before I only walked on 2 legs before.
Anyway, I managed to arrive to the river quiet safely. On top of that, there was a full moon and I could quite well see my reflection in the water.
The creature appearance was as fallows.
It was no longer a ball shaped creature.
Instead, its body shape resembles that of four legged creature like a wolf, but its appearance wasn't that of a wolf.
The legs a of the creatures appears that of a wolf, but its feets were different.
The creature possess fingers like a wolf, but they were not wolf looking ones.
Each of the monster finger were combined of the wolf claw and deer hooves.
The shape of the creature changed into that of a wolf and now instead of leaves coverings its entire body, a dark green hair was covering its body. Not only that but the creature possess a main made out of dark leaves.
The creature also possess a wolf like tail that was made out of vines and leaves.
Now for the last part: The head.
The creature head resembles that of a wolf, but it was bit longer and not only that, the top half of the monster head some sort of wooden shell covering its surface.
The creature also possess a pair of deer antlers sticking out from its head.
(Wow… I really look like the mix between the two?)
(That is pretty interesting look I have right now. If I was still a game designer, I would definitely make that kind of monster model.)
(Anyway, I grew bigger again. I think I'm same size if not bit bigger than that grey wolf I fought back then.)
(No freaking wonder I suddenly didn't had room in that hole and ended up being stuck.)
(Still, what is the deerwolf?)
(Plant deerwolf gave me this extremely weird feeling.)
(It was as the same time and nothing alike like the nonstandard evolution and variant.)
(Is this something like the mix between? But I only saw 1 deerwolf on the list, so can it really be variant?)
(But… I don't think it is variant? But I also don't say it isn't possible?)
(I mean, variant was just different with one world like before "Wild". But that deerwolf is something different, yet similar??? Why do I feel like that?)
(No, maybe I'm just over thinking this?)
(This is very confusing.)
(Anyway, let's check my stats now. I want to see how much changed.)
[Race: Plant Deerwolf]
[Skill List]
[ [Basic – High Mana Sense] LEVEL 8 [Plant Bite] LEVEL 7 [Flesh Taster] LEVEL 8 [Plant Root] LEVEL 4 [Medium Limb Extend] LEVEL 3 [Leaf Attack] LEVEL 8 [Plant Claw] LEVEL 5 [Bite] LEVEL 8 [Surprise Attack] LEVEL 6 [Grass Skeleton] LEVEL 8 [Grass Helmet] LEVEL 1 [Novice - Plant Magic] LEVEL 1 [Head Hit] LEVEL 1 [Horn Hit] LEVEL 1 [Grass Limb] LEVEL 1 [Plant Mane] LEVEL 1 [Fangs And Claws] LEVEL 1 ]
[Unique Skill]
[ [New Evolution] ]
(Wow…. There is a lot.)
(Not only that, lot of skills leveled up a lot.)
[ [New Evolution] ]
(What is this?)
(Unique skill?)
(This is definitely not a normal skill.)
(Not only that, but it doesn't have level? This is new.)
(Anyway, what does it do?)
(Oh…. Holy fuking shit.)
[An ability to pick 2 different paths when evolving, fusing and creating a new race with benefits from two different races. Also, posses' ability to inherit evolution paths that belong to the chosen paths.]
(Wait, wait, wait, wait.)
(Let me get this clear.)
(When I evolve now, I get to choose 2 different options from the evolutions I can take and I would combine them together and create an completely brand new evolution with power of both of the evolution paths combined?!)
(This sounds like a proper cheat skill!)
(If I remember correctly, there was option such as [Plant Wolf] and [Plant Deer].)
(So by any chance that deerwolf is a combination of both this options?)
(But I didn't had this skill before, so how was I able to pick the deerwolf? Was this by any chance a not effect of the skill but instead a condition?)
(But that wouldn't make much sense.)
(True. I killed the wolf, but I only bit of its flesh and killed only 1 wolf.)
(I would understand a bit if I somehow killed a lot of wolves and eat their flesh, as well as deer monsters, but I did not do anything like that.)
(I don't know.)
(However, what if its reversed?)
(What if, the reason I got this skill was because I picked the deerwolf?)
(I don't have any means of confirming any of these theories right now, so I guess I have to set aside the matter on "How the hell I got an Unique Skill".)
(Still, this thing is extremely broken.)
(An ability two chose two different evolution paths and combine them? Isn't this like 2 evolution in price of one?)
(But there got to be a catch. For example, the amount of EXP now required to level up once got increased.)
(Well, even when there is some sort of penalty, the deal is too good to pass.)
(What if the EXP now required got doubled or tripled? The ability to choose 2 options and create a brand new third option is broken as hell and is worth the price.)
(I can kind of guess that the reason why I got so many skills and many of them got huge level up must have been because of being both the plant deer and plant wolf.)
(This is nice! VERY NICE!)
(Anyway, what do we have here….)
[ [Novice - Plant Magic] LEVEL 1 ]
(Magic?! You mean spell and stuff?!)
(Does that mean I can finally cast spells and other stuff?!)
(But how does that work?)
(I see…. I think I learn basic understanding of magic after I got this skill.)
(Let's try it.)
A magic circle suddenly appeared on the ground and moments later a thin tentacle like root appeared.
(Hm… This bit harder than it though.)
(Even if I do have some basic knowledge, casting and using magic seem bit weird.)
After discovering my new ability to use magic, I began experimenting a bit.
The first I found out was that I only knew basics and I mean like a ground level ones.
However, even if you get basic knowledge, it doesn't mean you can use magic.
The thing I made before seem to be incomplete spell. That root was so useless and fragile that it instantly broke down when I touched it or when it moved slightly.
By the look of things, I cannot use magic right now and all I can do is just random stuff that is completely useless and can't do anything.
By the look of things, I will have to learn how to handle magic, study it as well as do a lot of trail and errors before I can do even a simples spell.
Anyway, moving on.
I got a lot of new skills.
[Grass Helmet].
It's a passive skill that forms a defensive shell over my head that acts as a helmet.
[Head Hit].
Increase the power of my attack that uses head.
[Horn Hit].
[Increase the power of my attack that uses horns.
I think all three of those skills are quiet nice combo and I think they are from my plant deer counterpart.
Well, it's nice.
I can ram into enemies and deal some damage to them and I have some armor on my head. Having more means of attacking is nice.
Anyway, next skill: [Fangs And Claws].
This skill seem to be pretty simple.
Pretty much, it gives an extremely small bonus to my claw and fangs power. However, I'm not complaining, since even the smallest increase in power can help me out in my situation.
[Grass Limb].
This one is quite interesting.
I can sprout a thin tentacle like root from my body that I can control.
It's pretty weak right now, but it's not useless. I can use it to grab small things and lift them.
I can see this thing potential once it levels up and evolves, so I have high hopes for this thing in the future.
[Grass Mane].
This one of the best things I have right now.
This thing has multiple purposes.
The first is mana gathering from the atmosphere. Very weak and it takes way too long to recover even a tiny bit of mana. However, it's a passive effect, so that is good.
The second ability is defense. It seems the mane some durability.
The third is an ability to produce plants. Simple put I can produce leaves. It can also help out growing out the lost leaves from the mane faster.
This skill may seems not good at first glance, but it's perfect.
A mana restoration. Defense and ability to produce leaves.
All 3 abilities are good, even if they are weak.
By the way, the reason why I think the ability to produce plants is good is because the [Leaf Attack].
Whenever I used this ability, I would not only use my mana, but also the leaves that were covering my body.
So having a means of restocking these leaves faster is a good thing.
(And this is pretty much all when it comes to the skills.)
(However, there is also my new body.)
(Skills are one thing, but my body is another.)
(I can have powerful bite power, even without a skills or you could have strong bite power that is stronger than a skill.)
(However, how powerful my bite would be if I have both a strong bite normally and also possess a powerful bite related skill?)
(I can tell that I became WAY stronger. Not just in skills, but also my physical body become something powerful.)
(Not only that, but I have deer and wolf ability combined!)
(I now possess their speed!)
(With it I can now escape most of the dangers I encounter.)
(However, I still have to get used to my body, so I don't think I'm able to run at full speed right now.)
(But, I'm quite worried right now.)
(An ability to become a completely new species by combing two different species may seem nice, but realistic speaking, I will be standing out.)
(I mean, a weird new never before seen monster had appeared. Of course, it will people on guard and if anything, they may see me as unknown treat and dispatch something like extermination squad to deal with me.)
(If somebody spots me and reports about me, then I will be screwed.)
(I honestly want to understand more about my body and try to study magic bit more, but now that humans began entering this forest once again, I need to begin moving again.)
(On top of that, there is also a matter of that young boy I killed.)
(I left most of its corpse behind. I don't know if monsters eat the remains or not, but what if people would discover it and launch an investigation?)
(Either way, I was planning on leaving this part of the forest after evolving.)
(But first, let's hunt something really quick. I want to see how powerful I really had become!)