
Thorns, Fangs And Ice

I was once a human that died, but reincranted as monster. Honestly I'm annoyed. Annoyed at my self. I died a stupid death and my life was boring.... You know what? Screw this shit! I will live a life the way i want to! I'm monster? So what! I will live as the monster if i need to! I don't care if i eat a human or not! I will do what ever i want to!

Andrzejsaw · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 14 – New body. New Hunt.

Walking with my body was bit weird. It kind of felt like I was bit drunk at first, but the feeling!

My body felt light!

I tried running a bit and found out I was fast!

Not only that, but the distance I manage to travel did no ended up exhausting me as much it would before I evolved.

However, I did ended up tripping and falling multiple times. I'm not used to my body moving so fast and agile.

It will probably take a day or two or maybe bit more to finally understand my body, but once I do that, I will be able to run as fast to my heart desire.

No wonder dogs like running around.

Anyway, I manage to find the that rooster sleeping with a bunch of those chickens monsters.

I thought at first about killing them in the sleep, but instead I woke them up with my howl.

I woke all of them up and began fighting them.

 I slashed. I bit. I crushed.

I slaughtered them all.

This was…. Easy!

This things attacks before could easily kill me if I were to get hit. But now? I let them hit me and the damage they did to me was very little.

True. I was set on fire, but I was able to just roll around and put out the fire in the instance, or detach my leaves that were on fire from my mane.

That fire attack that I feared wasn't a threat to me any longer since its fire power was nowhere strong enough to damage the current me.

However, my attacks? They easily destroyed them.

I had some trouble dealing damage to the bastards, especially that rooster, but now? There was no resistance when I was crushing and cutting them.

I wasn't even going all out either.

The difference is clear.

Honestly, I can definitely say I could have easily killed now that grey wolf.

But now I'm wondering, can I kill a human now?

Humans gave me a lot of experience points. If I were to stay here and hunt humans left and right, would I be able to evolve again?

Yes. This is maybe….


I decided to hit my self against a rock.

(Damn! Calm down you greedy idiot!)

(Killing humans isn't that easy.)

(I saw some tough looking guys going to the deeper parts of the forest.)

(So there is a good chance these guys are some higher ranking adventures.)

(That guy I took down a weakling and I still struggled with him. He even took my left eye.)

(What if I were to encounter a high ranking adventurer or a freaking hero?!)

(Nope! Fuck this.)

(I cannot hunt every single human I find or this will obviously make mess that will attack attention.)

(On top of that, I don't know what is mortality rate of this place.)

(Adventures go and fight monsters to the death, so it obviously means that some adventures die while fighting monsters, right?)

(However, the parts of the forest I've been in had weak monsters and this part of the forest has much stronger monster to the point I struggle a lot.)

(However, humans were able to easily kill the monsters here. Even an weaklings who sucked more than me in combat were able to beat monsters.)

(So would a mortality rate be high in the first place in here?)

(No. I don't think so.)

(If anything, if I were to kill a lot of humans, I will only create an extremely dangerous and difficult situation for myself.)

(It's better if I avoid humans altogether.)

(However, there will be time when somebody would saw me and I would have no choice but to kill them.)

(But obviously that would alert people. Things are complicated.)

(However, to make things more annoying, sooner or later I will be discover and my exitance will be known to the people. There could be something like an invisibility skill that would allow them to spot me without me spotting them or a detection ability that would reveal my location to them.)

(Skills are still something unknown to me and I don't know how many and different skills exits, so it's a good idea there are this type of skills out there.)

(Anyway, I confirmed my current strength to some extent, so I should try and head to the deeper parts of the forest now.)

(It should be safe since it's a night time and I have yet to find some safe spots I can use when I would like to rest.)

Under to cover of the night, I began heading towards the deeper parts of the forest.

I don't know how far I should travel, since I still don't know a many things about this forest and this world itself.

However, I want to travel into parts of the forest that are not too hard and not too easy for me.

Something that fits my current level.

There are two reason for that.

The first reason is obviously to hunt and grow, but the other reason why I want to leave to the more dangerous area is to avoid humans.

I don't know if I will encounter less human in more dangerous areas or not, but I have no choice anyway, since I killed somebody.

What if they launch an investigation to see what happened to him?

I left the wolf corpse there as well that had similar wound to the boy. What if they realized that it was doing of a same creature?

Too risky to stay there any longer.

Well, traveling was bit easy with my body, but there were still some accident where I ended up falling or something.

But I'm getting used to my body at faster rate than I thought, so I should be soon able to use this body full power to some extent.

However, getting used to this body isn't only my only goal right now. I need to experiment with the magic and understand it to the point where I can do at least some basic stuff with it.

But who know how long it will take to learn how to handle magic?

On top of that, I noticed that different beings have different amount of mana and density while inspecting them with mana detection, my self-included.

The amount of mana possess by beings varies and I don't know how powerful spells I would be able to use in the first place.

Well, either way I need to learn magic at all cost.

I need different means of attacking since currently all of my means of attacking are close range.

I have the leaf attack, but let's be honest, this thing cannot be called a proper attack.

Anyway, I already travel quiet a distance and the monsters that I have been used to are no longer appearing.

The area that was control by the monsters from before was much bigger than expected to the point that areas controlled by plant and ant monsters combined were nothing to them.

However, I have yet to find an edge of this forest or something.

Just how big is this place?

Anyway, peace obviously had to end sooner or later.


The plant monster quickly jumped to the side, dodging the grey wolf attack.


(Grey wolf, huh?)

(I wasn't expecting to encounter another wolf so soon.)

(Well, I did moved quiet far away from the previous monsters grounds, so maybe that is why.)

(Anyway, it's not alone.)

(There are 3 of these bastards.)

(Honestly, I'm bit nervous.)

(Last time I barely managed to won and sustained a lot of injuries.)

(However! This time is different!)

(I will fuking eat every single one of you!)

One of the grey wolfs leaped at the plant monster with its mouth wide open.

(Limb extend on all four!)

The plant monster launched itself at faster speed than a grey wolf and rammed straight into the wolf mouth, putting its head into the wolf mouth and completely destroying it in the process.


(Holy shit!)

(I one shot killed it?! I was only thinking of breaking its jaw with that attack! It wasn't supposed to be one shot kill!)

(Fuck me. That horn hit, head hit and grass helmet are kind of broken combo if I launch myself at full power.)

(Anyway, two more remaining!)

One of the two remaining grey wolfs leaped at the plant monster, but the deerwolf noticed the attack incoming and swiped the wolf with its claw right as it was about bite it, dealing a massive blow to the wolf that ended up touring off the part of the wolf face.


(Fuck me! Even my claws are now able to deal proper damage.)

The plant monster leaped at the wolf monster it just hit, piddling it against the ground before then hitting it over and over withs its claws hooves until the wolf skull got crushed.

The last wolf who just saw the death of both its comrades die began panicking.

It tried running away, but the deerwolf was faster than it and bit right into the wolf neck before the crushing it and killing it.



(What the fuck was THAT?!)

(It wasn't a freaking fight but just a one-sided massacre!)


(I mean I did expected I would not struggle so much unlike before, but that was 3 vs 1 and before one of these wolfs were almost able to kill me!)

(Is this because of my unique skill?!)

(The power up its straight up insane! This really feels like cheating.)


(But… My level didn't increased much.)

(I guess my guess was correct.)

(I guess I really do need way more EXP to level up once now.)

(The EXP difference between my time and as plant animal and plant beast was noticeable, but it was nowhere big like this difference between the plant beast and plant deerwolf.)

(Well, I'm not complaining.)

(True. Having side effect like this is annoying, but it's not that bad, considering how powerful I had grown thanks to this skill.)

(Still, I shouldn't get careless.)

(Not only I can grow stronger, but monsters and humans can do that as well.)

(Sooner or later I will probably run into one that may give me run for my money if not completely one sidedly beat me up.)

(This is not enough! I have to grow stronger and evolve again and again if I want to survive and live my own life!)


(But first, let's eat those wolfs, I'm starving like hell after all this running around.)