
Thor God Of Thunder

A guy named Jake is reincarnated as Thor Odinson in the MCU. Join in the journey as he tackles the variables thrown to him. Don't give this fan-fic any reviews please. Upload Detail : ERROR...ERROR...ERROR...

luminous1_vanqu10 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 17

Chapter 17

As Thor's search for Wanda and Pietro Maximoff proved fruitless, he felt frustrated.

'That was a waste of time.' Thor thought to himself.

'Nothing to worry about I will just make Heimdall find the twins. I should have done that at the beginning, but no I wanted to find them myself...'.

Despite his best efforts, the elusive siblings seemed to have vanished without a trace.

'Maybe they are at some refugee camp, their parents were dead from a missile maybe there was a war? I don't remember it correctly...'

Thor made the decision to depart from Sokovia.

Thor called Heimdall.

And the Bifrost teleported him back to Asgard.

As he emerged upon the golden spires of Asgard, Thor felt a sense of relief washed over him.

"Asgardian magic really makes me comfortable." Thor said out loud.

But even as he returned to the Asgard realm he saw the destroyer standing right in front of the Bifrost.

"Return to the Vault and protect the treasures and Weapons." Thor commanded using his spiritual connection with the destroyer.

The destroyer after receiving the order walked towards the vault inside the palace.

He ordered two guards to accompany the destroyer till it reached the Vault.

Looking at the departing guards and the destroyer.

Thor remained at the Bifrost till they reached a distance.

He turned towards Heimdall and said to him to find a brother sister pair. Wanda Maximoff and Pietro Maximoff.

Thor gave the order to find them.

He then used his hammer to fly towards the palace.

Frigga was standing waiting for him at the Throne room.

"Mother! Why are you here?" Thor asked but he had a guess for the reason for her to be here.

"Thor I heard that you took the Destroyer and went to Midgard, can you explain why?" Frigga asked her son.

'I knew it' Thor said in his mind.

"I had to retrieve Loki's Scepter from Midgard it was too risky to leave it in there." Thor replied to his mother.

"And why did you bring the destroyer with you I know you are more than capable of handling some mere mortals." Frigga questioned.

"I feel like this is an interrogation. And for you to know I have my reasons for using the destroyer." He said while looking straight at his mother.

She might be his mother but he is the King of Asgard and he didn't enjoy being interrogated in his throne room.

Thor walked past Frigga and sat on the Throne.

He looked at her and said "Mother I have my reasons. And as the King of Asgard I did it for my subjects."

'I should work on my come back lines' he noted.

His mother left without saying anything.

At the same time at Earth.

Fury, Hawkeye and Romanoff could be seen standing in front of a glass window observing two individuals receiving medical care.

Fury let out a sigh as he walked towards his office while Hawkeye and Black widow followed behind him.

Fury stepped into his office, Agent Maria Hill Hawkeye and Romanoff followed closely behind, their expressions reflecting a mix of concerns.

Fury settled into his chair behind the desk, his gaze fixed on the trio standing before him.

"Agent Hill, report," Fury commanded.

Agent Maria Hill stepped forward, her posture rigid as she delivered her assessment of the situation.

"As the doctors have reported Captain America has a broken arm and several broken ribs,"

She continued "As for Tony Stark, he has suffered third-degree burns on the upper left part of his body. Both are still unconscious and undergoing treatment."

Fury's brow furrowed in concern as he absorbed the grim news. The injuries sustained by his two top operatives were severe, and he knew they would need time to recover.

But even as he processed the information, his thoughts turned to the possibility of Thor's involvement in the incident.

"Motherf#cker .I had my doubts that he would strike us, but at this level!" He cursed.

Fury had concluded that the attack was orchestrated by Thor when he saw the light beam that teleported the metal giant out of the White House lawn.

And the worst thing is they have no counter measures to take.

Thor took the Tesseract and Loki's Scepter from them. So the project to create weapons from the power energy harvested from the Tesseract was thrown to the ground.

Fury looked towards the confused trio and said.

"I have reason to believe that Thor may be responsible for what happened," he declared, his tone somber. "The energy signature of the light ray that took the Destroyer away matches something we witnessed firsthand when Thor departed Earth with Loki."

Hawkeye and Romanoff exchanged worried glances.

Fury turned towards Agent Maria Hill and said. " I want you to inform every available scientists on shield to find a way to deal or disrupt the functioning of that light beam , so that the next time he brings his ass to earth we have a welcome gift ready for him.

The whole country was in a critical period because of Thor's stunt with the metal giant.

Videos were posted on the internet and speculations started to rise that the United States of America has made an enemy from an alien civilization and is preparing for a war.

The civilians are on unrest as the news channels broadcast the stat of Washington DC after the battle.

The UN has asked for an explanation from Fury.

The only reason that he didn't launch a nuke is because of the President stuck in the White House.

"Motherf#cker pray to god that I won't catch you cause if I do I will fu#king gut you like a fish." He said.

Hey guys I hope everybody enjoyed the chapter....😁