
Thor God Of Thunder

A guy named Jake is reincarnated as Thor Odinson in the MCU. Join in the journey as he tackles the variables thrown to him. Don't give this fan-fic any reviews please. Upload Detail : ERROR...ERROR...ERROR...

luminous1_vanqu10 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 16

Hey guys author here, how about some reviews for the story it will be helpful....

Chapter 16

"Let's see how the destroyer will deal with the Avengers heavy hitters and Hawkeye." Thor said while looking at the line up.

As Captain America, Ironman, and Hawkeye stood before the Destroyer in the White House garden, tension hung in the air.

The Trio braced themselves for battle.

"Hey captain I'm not getting any life signals from the scans it looks like an self aware robot or someone is controlling it ." Ironman informed captain America.

"It doesn't change the fact that we have to take it down. Before it destroys the white House." Captain America replied.

With a thunderous roar, the Destroyer surged forward, its massive fists swinging with deadly force.

"Shit'' Captain America threw his shield towards the destroyers head but it sawted it away.

Captain America dodged by jumping to the side barely missing a punch from the destroyer.

The missed punch landed on a tree nearby and a hole was created on it.

"Captain just use your shield." Hawkeye said through the com links.

"Hey Cap, give me some space." Tony stark said and Caption America made some distance between the destroyer.

Ironman flew into the sky, his repulsor blasts beamed through the sky as he unleashed a barrage of energy beams against their metallic adversary.

He used his primary attacks and the destroyer was still unharmed.

"Damn what the hell is this made of? Not even a dent on its surface." Ironman complaints.

Hawkeye took a spot on the roof top because he was useful in long distance attacks.

He observed the metal giant throwing broken building parts and energy beams towards Ironman at the sky.

Hawkeye aimed his arrows towards the metal giants legs and intersections. But the attacks were shrugged off by the destroyer.

Hawkeye then took a special type of explosive arrows and shot them towards the destroyer.

It did staggered the metal giant a little but ultimately it got back up.

But unlucky for Hawkeye it was looking straight towards him. Its face plates opened up and a beam of energy blasted towards his position he couldn't dodge it in time.

But before it hit him Ironman came to his rescue and took the hit.

Hawkeye looked in horror as Tony in his partially destroyed suit fell down.

The destroyer walked towards him at a steady pace.

Captain America saw this and rushed towards Ironman.

He threw his shield at the destroyer's head and it looked towards the attacker.

The destroyer moved towards captain Rogers.

Hawkeye swiftly ran towards Tony and dragged him towards the White House building taking him inside.

There were special agents waiting inside.

They took Tony in for medical attention and additional injuries.

Thor watched all this happening from a distance with the Ancient One standing next to him.

"You can relax I'm not gonna kill Captain America or Tony, the other guy doesn't look important though." He said while pointing at Hawkeye.

Thor said to the Ancient One.

"So when will this experiment of yours end?" She asked.

"It's almost done, and I have made up my mind." Thor said to the Ancient One while looking at the destroyer chasing after Captain America.

The destroyer swung its arm towards a cornered Steve Roger.

He tried to block the attack with the shield but it did not serve its purpose as usual. Captain America was thrown by the force of the attack and landed on the streets out of the White House garden.

As the destroyer was charging its energy beam attack Thor commanded it to stop with the spiritual connection he had with the destroyer.

The destroyer stood in the grass field without any movements.

The officials and the agents inside White House observed the metal giant for any other attacks.

"Heimdall take the destroyer back to Asgard." He commanded.

The light of the Bifrost fell from the sky and The Destroyer disappeared from the earth's surface.

Seeing that the destroyer got teleported from earth to Asgard. The Ancient One looked at Thor with a questioning gaze and asked.

"Are you not returning to Asgard?"

"Yes I will be returning soon, but I need a small help. Could you open a portal to the location where the Loki's Scepter is located?" Thor asked.

The Ancient One did not reply to him but opened a portal in front of him.

"Thank you for your services Sorcerer supreme." Saying that Thor entered the portal and the portal and it closed behind him.

It was a dimly lit room or a valt that welcomed him.

He saw the Scepter sitting on a pedestal like structure.

He walked towards the Scepter and took it. Suddenly the alarm went off at the base.

And he heard footsteps approaching towards his direction.

'This might be the Hydra base where they tested and done experiments on the Scepter. I can clean the house so why not.' Thor thought to himself.

He used his hammer to break open the steel door.

His hammer took down Hydra soldiers who were on its path.

Thor got out of the Valt and saw soldiers standing before him with guns drawn out and pointing towards him.

They wasted no time as they opened fire.

The bullets bounced back from Thor's body.

With a swift motion he summoned lightning from his arms and struck at the soldiers standing in front of him.

They stood no chance as the lightning shocked their bodies and left them beyond recovery.

'hmm I'm like Batman won't kill but just cripple them so they could suffer the rest of their life.' Thor thought while laughing outwards.

Thor got out of the Hydra base located in Sokovia.

'I wonder I would stumble into the Maximoff twins this time.' Thor thought to himself.

I hope everybody enjoyed the chapter....😁