
This Paradise Is Fake

In a land, far away from what we can comprehend, far from common senses, beliefs, different cultures and rituals take places, events unfold side-by-side. Discovering and burying myth, knowledge and all there is to learn. Darkness roams and fortune fly in the air. Some people really got to do everything to survive, some are too good to even care. Come join me, let us read this journal of fantasy together until time itself ends.

Rezisuren · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Day 4: Good Tuesday

From a kingdom far away, rule by the Lust goddess Nakatita. It is said that this kingdom is full of corruption and satisfaction, the people who live here is either a prostitute or at the very least, a slut. Pride, loyalty and future is nothing but a dream, a dream that was trashed by the goddess long ago. In the war between human and gods, Nak had tricked the hero into eternal happiness of the flesh and suck out his life with her devious body. The goddess however has a dream no one would expected, a simple dream of having a happy family with a husband that "she" would give her loyalty and genuine love to.

One sunny morning, the birds start chipping. People opening their condoms and sex toy shops, others wake up from a night of hard rough sex. The queen stand by the window, looking around her kingdom with a bright smile... BAM!

"Huh?! What in the?"

a white circle appear in the middle of the queen bedroom, it took her a moment to realize that was no ordinary magic, but someone's magic that she recognize very clearly. She bursted out a laugh predicting the person slowly appearing.

"Oh my.. Laso! Have you come to visit me?.. Oh?"

Laso and Dante come out of the circle, upon seeing Nakatita Dante immediately freak out.


Laso let out a sigh and look at Nakatita.

"Hey Nak, long time no see. I'll explain everything but i need your help"

Nak giggle then answer

"Oh, you don't need to explain. I know everything, new heros eh? What a headache but i don't mind them that much. After all the last one was pretty horny.. Hahahaha. But i'm surprise even weaken you and Dante survived. 2 warriros did tried to kill me last night too.. but well."

She then point to the bed, on it was 2 skeletons.

"They couldn't resist me at all, ah how rude of me. You must be tired, well only because you was a good friend to me Laso, i will help you with all i can"

Laso happily reply

"Heh, thanks Nak."

Dante, still confused and somewhat annoyed being left out of the conversation.

"EH?? So you two are good friends???"

Nak then nod to Dante, just as they were talking peacefully. 3 guards kick down the door and come inside, one of them shouted


Nak look at her guards then laugh at Laso

"Oh boy, Laso you're gonna have to handle this. Dante, come to me. I wanna see how strong Laso is currently."

Suddenly, Dante was pulled to Nak at light speed. Unable to move at all. The guards once again shouted


All 3 guards then attack Laso at high speed, one of them being able to use magic, 2 of them used sword and dagger. Attacking while buying time for the mage to cast his spell.

" Wind Task: Air Distortion!"

Air Distortion is a highly dangerous spell to use in combat, it distort the air around the enemy, making them hard to breathe therefor giving the caster a high advantage. At high mastery it can even destroy the air inside the enemy. But too bad, Laso is a dude with a computer for a head. Meanwhile the other 2 rotate around him and attack from all direction, but Laso is able to dodge them with ease, he then laugh and cast a spell.

"Judgement Task: Total Annihilation 1%"

A bright light spark on his finger and in a blank, all the guards were knocked out. Laso stand there and laugh. Nak, surprised by his power but ask with a skeptical tone.

"Laso, i thought you lose your power? How do you still have Judgement task?"

Laso then remember he hasn't inform Dante anything about the ritual.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you guys. Nak, lead the way to the living room. I have a lot to confess."

A chill went down Dante spine as he never seen Laso this cheerful

"What gotten into this guy.."

Nak happily agree.

"Alright, follow me. Don't mind about my guards, they can take care of themselves."

------------------------- Laso POV a few hours earlier-----------------------

Ahh god, everything is so blurry. Did the ritual work? Ah, it did. This is exactly my temple, the throne room to be exact but i'm not the ruler here anymore. Oh the high white pillars, the glass window that make arts. I wish i could call this place home, but i better stand up and face her now.

"Mortal, speak your intention."

Tsk, i can't see her at all. Where is she? This is urgent, Dante is buying me time i better get back quickly. Oh so the place have guardians now, i truly prefer if it didn't have any.

"I want to see the God Of Judgement."

They just started laughing, only if i still have my power i would send them straight to where those useless filths belong. But i need to keep my calm if i wanna save myself and Dante.

"What's so funny? I'm here to see her."

"Well sorry computer head, you're not allow."

I'm gonna fucking lose it all if they keep talking like this, this is wasting my time. I'll have to take a risk then, if i get kill by the guards then that's that.


I done it, i fucking said it. The guards are looking at me with disgusted as expected... shit they're actually pulling out trident, i'm gonna get behead here?

----------------------------3rd person view---------------------------------

Before Laso realized it, he was already pin down to the ground by 1 guard and 2 tridents near his neck. One of them spit on Laso and look at him in disgusted

"You insect, you dare call our queen by her name and with such tone?! I WILL BEHEAD YOU IN THIS VERY MOMENT"

But then a gentle voice ordered them to stop

"Enough. I know him. Please forgive his manners and let me talk with him."

The guards show a shock expressions, but they follow her orders and let go of Laso. Returning to their original position. A woman walk forward and showing herself. She wear a simple white dress, she was probably sleeping before Laso came in here. Her hair was long and smooth, it was a light blue. She had a pitch black eye that stand out among the others, she had no pupils. It was like a black hole. It was overall a beautiful woman any man would want to be with. She then look down at Laso and ask him.

"Laso, what are you doing here?" Laso got straight to the point

"Ok, apology for disturbing your deep sleep but i have a problem, me and my friend is in MAD danger and i need my power back NOW!"

Ramui then give out a hand signal to the guards, they then exit the room without a word.

"What are you doing?? Just give me my power and end this!"

But in a just a blink, Ramui was in front of Laso, she then lean in and whisper.

"How about you stay?"

Laso back away in confusion then insist

"Hey, i don't know what you're doing but all you need to know is that me and my buddy is in danger and i need my power back even if its temporary."

Ramui look at him, snap her finger. At that moment, Laso was human again, he was back to his original form. A guy with short white hair, bright purple eyes. She then grab his arm and pull him close, they could feel each other warmth. She run her hand through his soft hair, hugging him close and whisper to Laso

"I know it's been 5 years since... i took you down, but you must understand it was for a better. People were suffering for nothing, and please do not think that i hate you dear. I love you, i still love you with all my heart. Deep down i always think about you every night, i cry to sleep knowing the reason you're not with me is because of me. I always have been watching you from afar. Stay with me, you'll get everything you want. Power, love, friends."

At this moment, Laso have felt something he haven't in a while. It was love and comfort but he know what he had to do.

"Ramui.. i, i'm sorry. I REALLY need to help my friend, as much as i want to stay here i need to come back."

It was heart wrecking for him to deny such an offer but Ramui give him a warm smile and offer him

"I understand, how about this. I'll give you your power.. under my management! Hehe, by that i mean you need to sign a servant contract with me but don't worry. You'll be my favorite!"

Laso immediately agree without a second thought after realizing how much time he have spend here. After he sign a contract, he look up. Ramui quickly lean in, give him a kiss and he was teleported back. She giggle and think to herself

"It's a good thing he changed"